"Is it all true?"

Meng Yuke suddenly felt his heartache.

She may have guessed some things before she came out, but she didn't expect that these things were more cruel than she had guessed.

How could that be?

Her best friend, Yu Ling, never comes back. She thinks that Yu Ling has found a good home and doesn't want to get along with herself like a monster, so she doesn't ask, doesn't ask, and bears the thought of her good friend. But she doesn't expect that Yu Ling and her favorite man have a daughter.

Meng Yuke knows that she shouldn't care. After all, she can't do the most basic things for women. She can't make ye Zhiqiu a monk all her life. But why is Yu Ling?


Her best friend slept with her favorite man, and she had a child. Now that the children are so old, she has been kept in the dark.

This kind of feeling is like being stabbed by someone suddenly. It's bloody, but it can't stop the blood. It can only hurt, watch and tear.

Meng Yuke grabs his collar and stares at Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu's whole body collapsed.

"It's not what you think, Yuko. I don't love her. She brazenly climbed into my bed. I was drunk and I didn't know anything. I punished him. So many years of her life is not like death, is to atone for the original behavior

Hearing what ye Zhiqiu said, Meng Yuke cried even more.

"How can you do that? How can you? If Yu Ling likes you, you can tell me, after all, you are so excellent, how can you torture her? How can you do it to your kids? Zhiqiu, that's your blood! No matter who her mother is, her father is you! Do you know how I hope the world can leave you one and a half children, so that your life no longer have regrets. Even if that woman is not me, I will bless you, but why do you lie to me like this? Why treat Yu Ling like this? "

Meng Yuke can't cry.

Shen mange has no sympathy.

She said with a sneer: "don't pretend to be kind. In fact, you already know what ye Zhiqiu did outside for your illness? I don't believe that so many scientists are forced to come here. Can't you see their reluctance? I don't believe it. After data research again and again, what's Nemi looking forward to? You try to keep your innocence, in fact, your heart is more eager than anyone else to succeed in the experiment, because you want the love, you want the man. So you automatically ignored the means Ye Zhiqiu might take out. In fact, to put it bluntly, you are just a white lotus. Why pretend to be like the Virgin Mary? "

Meng Yuke's fake disguise is cleaned up by Shen mange.

She bit her lower lip and wept, just like the lily in the wind and rain, so pathetic that ye Zhiqiu's heart would be broken.

He knelt down on the ground and said painfully, "Shen mange, you let Yuke go. I know you want to catch me. As long as you let her go, I'll go with you."

"No! No

Meng Yuke shook his head abruptly.

"What have you done? They want to catch you? Why are you arrested? Isn't it your daughter-in-law? Is it your own son? Why did you arrest him? "

Meng Yuke suddenly turns back and holds Shen mange's hand.

"Why don't you let him go? All he did was for me. If someone had to come out and confess, you should catch me. I was an unlucky person. Zhiqiu did so many wrong things for me. You should catch me. "


Ye Zhiqiu wants to come over, but Shen mange directly picks up the wine bottle on one side and smashes it with a bang. She presses the glass fragment against Meng Yuke's neck.

"No one's going to move?! Now, don't play any love drama in front of me. I will not listen, nor will I be soft hearted, nor will I act irrationally because of your feelings. Ye Zhiqiu, why don't we make a bet to see who can't stand it first. If I lose too much blood and faint, and haven't yet waited for ye Nanxian, you still have a chance to win. If ye Nanxian comes between us, it's bad luck for you. "

Shen mange's words made Meng Yu cry when he went to kedun.

"No, Miss Shen, I beg you. Please let Zhiqiu go."

"I let him go, did he let me go? Did you let my husband go? Did you let my mother go? Have you let so many scientists go? Did you let ah Zi go? Did you let Yu Ling go? So many lives, you just let me go? Meng Yuke, do you really think this is a fairy tale

Shen mange's words left Meng Yuke speechless.

"Is it only when I die that you can get rid of the resentment? Then I'll die! As long as you don't embarrass Zhiqiu! "

Meng Yuke says, the whole person bumps into the broken glass of Shen mange.

"Yuko! No

Ye Zhiqiu's heart will stop.

Shen mange is so scared that she quickly stops. After all, she doesn't really want Meng Yuke's life.In this gap, Meng Yuke suddenly jumped up, grabbed Shen mange's arm, and yelled to Ye Zhiqiu behind him: "Zhiqiu, go! Let's go

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned.

Meng Yuke doesn't have much strength. He knows better. Meng Yuke's physical condition is so desperate to let him go. How can he leave her here alone?

"Let's go!"

Meng Yuke looks at Ye Zhiqiu's deep feeling under his eyes and suddenly wants to cry.

Does this man love her?!

He really loves her!

It's a pity that they are doomed to be unable to combine in this life.

"Zhiqiu, my life is rough, sad, but also happy. Meeting you is the happiest thing in my life. It's God's greatest gift to live with you for so many years. Don't worry about me. I'm a useless person and it's not a pity to die. But you are still young and you still have a great future. You can't bury your life for me. Hurry up! Let's go! "

Meng Yuke cried.

But Shen mange catches Meng Yuke gently.

She sighed and whispered, "do you really think I'm a weak woman? Ye Zhiqiu wants to go? easier said than done! Without you, his life is gray. Even if he lives another 100 years, he is still just a walking corpse. For you, he ruled out the family. For you, he killed his own brother. For you, he had so many lives in his hands that even his own children could not be wanted. Do you think that at this time, he would leave you in order to escape? Meng Yuke, you are indeed the source of all crimes, but as a woman, you are happy, because there is such a man who can fight against the whole world and love you. So you don't lose your life. "

When Shen mange finished, the roar of the helicopter came from the sky.

Ye Zhiqiu threw all his weapons to the ground.

He looked at Meng Yuke, his mood suddenly calmed down.

"Yuke, I only love you in my life. Maybe my love is extreme and persistent, but this is me. I'll just recognize what I've done, but the biggest regret in my life is that I can't cure you in my poor life. I'm sorry, I can't give you a perfect life. I'm incompetent. "

Meng Yuke cried like a tearful man.

"No, you've done your best. I've been with you all my life. Zhiqiu, you can rest assured that no matter what the result, I will bear it with you. If you're in prison, I'll wait for you. If you're sentenced to death, I'll follow you. On the way to the yellow spring, I won't let you walk alone. We'll be together for the rest of our lives. "

When ye Zhiqiu heard Meng Yuke say this, he suddenly laughed. Smile so satisfied, so happy.

Shen mange saw Ye Nanxian's helicopter. Because she lost too much blood, she couldn't stand steadily, but she held on.

She had to wait until ye Nanxian took over the two men before she could fall down.

Shen mange whispered: "Ye Zhiqiu, you have no idea in your whole life that Meng Yuke is not a genetic defect, but a congenital poisoning?"

"It's only recently that I learned about it. That's why I brought you here."

At this point, ye Zhiqiu has nothing to hide.

He looked at Shen mange and said in a low voice, "you have the blood of lanchen, which can detoxify a hundred poisons. That's why I brought you here."

"Why don't you use lanchen's blood directly? Isn't that faster? "

Shen mange has some doubts.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Meng Yuke and said in a low voice: "Lan Chen's blood is too fierce and masculine. Yu Ke's body is too weak to bear. The doctor said that only when he has been contaminated by LAN Chen's blood and neutralized by another blood fusion, can Yu Ke have a try. And you're the right person. "

Shen mange understood this.

"So that's why you lied to me to come here."

"It's not a trick. I did keep your father's body here. That's because many years ago, your father was exposed to a kind of radiation when he was on a mission at the border. This radiation put his life in crisis. But it's also because this radiation is an incentive to develop genetic data that I kept his body. After all, close contact with radiation will bring great danger to my life. As long as your father's body is frozen and dissected when necessary, it is of great value for research and less harm to researchers. "

Hearing what ye Zhiqiu said, Shen mange trembled all over.

She never thought that this was the main reason why Ye Zhiqiu left Huo Zhenfeng's body.

Over the years, even if her father died, ye Zhiqiu was still doing experiments as a mouse. The pain was unbearable to Shen mange.

"I really want to kill you, ye Zhiqiu. You are crazy!"Shen mange's hands are shaking and her whole body is trembling. If it wasn't for Meng Yuke, she might have done something to Ye Zhiqiu.

Just then, the helicopter landed on the island.

When Shen mange saw the familiar figure running towards her quickly, her eyes suddenly became moist.

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