The familiar breath enveloped Shen mange in an instant.

Shen mange subconsciously wants to push it away, but he is held by Ye Nanxian directly and tightly in his arms.


Shen mange raised his head slightly, and the corners of his lips brushed the thin lips of Ye Nanxian, which made him shiver.

Ye Nanxian's eyes sank slightly, and his throat rolled. He suddenly clasped the back of Shen mange's head, and his overbearing kiss swept the whole body in an instant.

Shen mange is half pushy and half pushy. They have a boundless spring for a while.

After the passion, Shen mange went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Looking at her back, ye Nanxian felt at ease for the first time in so many days.

Shen mange let people wash her body with hot water, her passion is still there, and her love for ye Nanxian is also there, but it's like a lump in the throat, how can't it happen.

If ye Nanxian has nothing to do with that woman, why is she afraid to know?

Why did that woman die?

Shen mange feels that he can't get through this, but he sighs with Ye Nanxian.

When she comes out, ye Nanxian's eyes are bright.

"When will you meet Haicheng?"

"I'm not going back."

Shen mange shakes her hair.

Ye Nanxian took the initiative to find the hair dryer and came to hold her long hair.

Shen man's song pauses for a moment, and doesn't stop it.

Two people are just like before, one is blowing, the other is leaning against the bed with eyes closed, and they don't know what they are thinking.

Shen mange's hair is very smooth.

Ye Nanxian has always liked her long hair, and now he can walk between her fingers. He thinks it is a very satisfying thing.

"Not angry?"

"It doesn't mean I'm not angry to do it with you. Maybe I'm not angry, I just want to know why. Ye Nanxian, no matter what, don't keep it from me. Although I believe you didn't cheat, can you tell me what happened between you and that woman? "

Shen mange suddenly opened his eyes.

Ye Nanxian's heart was slightly stunned and said in a low voice, "didn't you say that? Ask something, that's why I got together. I just didn't expect her to think that way about me. "

"What's the matter?"

Maybe that's the key.

Ye Nanxian said in a low voice, "it's about the company."

"Still won't say."

Shen mange feels a little disappointed. He is very unhappy. The two people who were still together just now are estranged and strange again because of this matter.

"I also need to tune. You can sleep here if you want."

Shen mange took back his long hair, wrapped in a long nightgown and went to the study.

She didn't drive Ye Nanxian away.

At this point, ye Nanxian does not know whether to be happy or sad.

Shen mange comes to the study, but his mind is blank.

She thought about ye Nanxian's suspected derailment from beginning to end, but there was no clue. Then she thought of Fang Ze.

How can a first-line star suddenly focus on himself?

And do ye Nanxian and Fangze know each other?

With Fang Ze as a man, he was beaten for no reason. Why didn't he say a word?

Unless he knows who beat himself and ye Nanxian.

But with Ye Nanxian's identity and background, if Fang Ze is an ordinary person, it's normal to eat this dumb loss without pursuing it?

Shen mange's brain is running fast, but he can't find a reasonable reason.

To say that Fang Ze fell in love with him at first sight, Shen mange thinks that he is not so narcissistic and unlikely. After all, Fang Ze is very handsome. What kind of woman do you want? Would you like a married woman?

Shen mange thinks this is not clear.

Maybe Fong Ze knew the original woman?

Think of here, Shen mange suddenly a clever.

If this conjecture holds, what is the relationship between Fong Ze and the woman?

He took the initiative to find himself to deal with Ye Nanxian?

Or simply to avenge that woman?

Shen mange's brows are tightly knit together.

She picked up the phone and sent a text message to LAN ling'er.

"Did you sleep?"

"Not yet. Why did ye Nanxian leave?"

LAN ling'er made a playful expression.

Shen mange's face is somewhat feverish. "

this Lanling is a smart guy.

"No, he must be sleeping here tonight."

"Poor me, I'll be out again."

LAN ling'er's words make Shen mange want to laugh.

"Don't be poor. I want to ask you something."

"You said

Shen mange paused for a moment, and then wrote: "remember the woman who cheated with Ye Nanxian? She's dead. I want to ask you if anyone I know can help me find out the woman's identity and information. "LAN ling'er frowned slightly.

"Don't you have LAN Chen under your command?"

"I don't want to use my people."

Shen mange's words make LAN ling'er understand.

She's afraid she doesn't want to disturb Ye Nanxian.

"I still can't get through that?"

"Well, I always think that there is something I don't know about it, and you don't think it's strange that a big man like Fang Ze condescends to come to me?"

"Do you suspect that fonze has something to do with that woman?"

LAN ling'er is sensitive to the meaning of Shen man's words.

Shen mange nodded and said, "well, I guess so. As for the result, we still need to investigate. I don't want Ye Nanxian to know about it."

The implication is that LAN ling'er naturally understands.

"Do you think ye Nanxian has something to hide from you?"


"Since he wants to keep it from you, I don't think we can find anything. You might as well ask him directly. "

Shen mange's face suddenly collapsed.

"I asked, and he never said it."

LAN ling'er is depressed.

If people like Ye Nanxian can't even pry Shen mange's mouth, it's probably a very serious matter. Maybe they have something to do with Shen mange. Is it really good for them to help Shen mange investigate the truth?

LAN ling'er hesitated for a moment.

"What? Even you're not helping me? "

Shen mange puts it on the screen of his mobile phone and realizes LAN ling'er's mind.

"No, I just think that if ye Nanxian doesn't want you to know, maybe it's really for you. You have to find out a result. Maybe you can't afford it? "

"Whatever the outcome, I have the right to know."

Shen mange's words make LAN ling'er understand immediately.

"Well, I see. I'll ask my friend to help me find out."

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Shen mange looks at Ye Nanxian's room, his eyes shining with complicated light.

The next day, Shen mange took guzheng to fortune building.

She directly asked people to throw away the broken string guzheng, and then took out the guzheng that she spent 100000 yuan to put on it.

The whole team was silent.

Everyone is mixed out in the music circle. Naturally, Shen mange's guzheng is very valuable.

For Shen mange's actions, they were unexpected.

Shen mange directly sat down, took out the staff and adjusted it. He felt that the timbre was very pleasant.

She played it quickly, turning a blind eye to the people around her.

Some of them began to look different.

After Jiang Shan came, he saw Shen man's guzheng at first sight.

"Mr. Shen, this is..."

"Oh, composition, I think the timbre of this guzheng can be better. After this album is broadcast, this guzheng can be regarded as my sponsorship to our team."

Shen mange's words made the river and the mountains suddenly stand still.

He can see the value of the guzheng at a glance. Now Shen mange says that he wants to sponsor the team. He is very excited for a moment.

"Mr. Shen, are you serious?"

"Of course. I'd like to thank Jiangshan for her cultivation and care. "

Shen mange said with a smile.

"Where, where, ling'er can be made. I'm also a person who cherishes talent. "

Jiangshan is very happy.

When other people see that Jiangshan has said so, they dare not say anything.

The storm is over, but Shen mange hears two people in the team whispering when he goes to the bathroom.

"See? Shen mange, who is rich and ambitious, takes a 100, 000 yuan guzheng into the group. Who do you admire? Isn't that money hitting us in the face? "

"What are you talking about? You flatter Jiang Shan in composing music. What are you talking about as a gift? Who knows if Xie Shan can come back in the future? To put it bluntly, it's just a word of mouth. "

Shen mange didn't take it to heart.

In the workplace is like this, she is a new person, how will let people say no, as long as these people are not bullying her in front of her eyes, she turned a blind eye also passed.

Thinking of this, Shen mange opens the partition of the bathroom and comes out to wash his hands as if nothing had happened. On the contrary, he startles the two people who spoke just now.

When they saw that this man was Shen mange, the expressions on their faces were wonderful.

After washing his hands, Shen mange walked by them as if they didn't exist.

Their noses were crooked for a moment.

"Pull what? Isn't there just a few stinky money? "

"Yes, I just have some stinky money. If you have some, I don't mind you fighting with me!"When Shen mange came to the door, he gave a little meal, then turned back and gave a smile. What he said almost took the breath away from the two people.

After that, Shen mange walked away. "

She can play guzheng here for LAN ling'er. As for other people, she really doesn't pay attention to them. If they go too far, Shen mange doesn't mind giving them some color.

After returning to the crew, LAN ling'er quickly grabbed her and said, "how did you go so long? Have you been bullied? "

"You think I'm being bullied?"

Shen mange's rhetorical voice is not big or small, which makes the surrounding air stagnate for a few minutes.

At this time, the outside door was knocked open, and then three or four people came in from the outside, carrying several boxes in.

"Hello, everyone. This is the fresh fruit that President Shen of our family gave you. It just came by air from abroad."

Shen mange is slightly stunned.

Mr. Shen?

Is that her?

When is she going to treat the crew to fresh fruit?

And these fruits are worth a lot at a glance.

The rest of the crew was equally surprised.

Shen mange saw that everyone was staring at him. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so when he didn't know what to say, the person carrying the fruit stepped forward and said respectfully to Shen mange, "Mr. Shen, we've delivered the things. Let's go first."

Then they turned and left.

Now Shen mange was completely confused.

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