Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 152: Fireball of Fire-breathing Lizard

"Miss, I heard that a group of saboteurs appeared in the caravan sent by Sir Vallad to Stormland."

"They wanted to destroy the mines of the Storm Territory and kill the elf, but they were finally caught by that Ser Narante!"

Since Narant sent two gifts to her young lady, Lina has not used that trash second son to call Narant any more.

After all, she can occasionally rub this perfume on, and even speak ill of others when she gets the benefit. Lina can't do such a thing.

"Destroyer? Then Baron Andrew is right to hit him!" Stella naturally knew the importance of a territory, especially Narant's Storm Territory.

"Yes, miss, and several saboteurs were captured alive, and they also confessed that they were sent by Baron Quint of the Earl of Dark Iron!!"

"However, that Sir Wallard claimed that he did not know about this matter, and the Count has already arranged it to the noble council!"

"Oh!" Stella nodded after hearing this, and didn't say anything more, these government affairs are at best she's just listening to strange things.

I just didn't expect that Narant was in so much trouble, that he was first assigned to the Land of Doom, and now there is someone from the black iron collar next door who wants to destroy him.

"Miss, let's eat white bread! It's white bread with sugar added!" Lina only remembered the business at this time. She just went to the main castle to get the white bread and heard the news.

"Yeah!" Stella heard white sugar and white bread and didn't refuse. These days, she really likes to eat things made of white sugar, such as white sugar white bread, white sugar egg custard, white sugar milk...

Picking up a fluffy white sugar white bread, seeing Lina staring at the side, Stella smiled and handed it over: "Lina, let's eat together!"

"Thank you, miss!" Lina took it over with full of anticipation, and said, "Miss, you said that this delicious white sugar was also obtained from the elf's mine! That Baron Boris is So lucky!"

"By the way, Miss, I heard from the cook that there is not much white sugar in the castle. It seems that it is no longer available outside. Those nobles are willing to pay two gold coins to buy a can!"

"Two gold coins in a can? If the sugar is scarce, the price is not too expensive! However, that Baron Boris is indeed lucky. If it is really produced by the elf, then there will be at least ten years of income, and I can accumulate an unknown amount of wealth. already."

Next, the two master and servant chatted while enjoying the white bread.


After breakfast, Narant took the little girl Shirley to the stable.

I don't know if it's because of Shirley. Yesterday, Narant miraculously discovered that Little Fireball No. 2 to No. 5 could spew black smoke.

This indicates that a few little guys will soon be able to release fireballs.


When Narant and the others came outside the stable, the female fire-breathing lizard immediately got up and let out a low roar.

The mother fire-breathing lizard has basically recovered from her injuries now, but Narant was relieved that it did not escape with the little fire-breathing lizards.

hoo hoo hoo!

A few small fireballs happily surrounded Narant when they saw Narant, even more cheerful than the mother fire-breathing lizard.

"Shirley, it's up to you to feed the mother fire-breathing lizard today!"

"Okay, my lord!"

In the past, although Shirley would accompany her, she was fed by Narant herself.

After all, the mother fire-breathing lizard is somewhat uncontrollable, and Narant is worried that an accident will occur.

However, there are a few small fire-breathing lizards, and Shirley occasionally participates in feeding them.

It's just that this time is different, and Narant wants to see what effect it will have on letting Shirley feed the mother fire-breathing lizard.

When Shirley took the whale meat piece and handed it to the mother fire-breathing lizard, the mother fire-breathing lizard was not taboo, and immediately opened her mouth slightly and waited for Shirley to put the meat piece into her mouth.

Soon, the more than two kilograms of meat in Shirley's hand was placed in the fang-filled mouth of the mother fire-breathing lizard.

Narant was about to give out other fish and meat to the little fireballs, but at this moment, he suddenly saw the huge body of the mother fire-breathing lizard startled.


After the mother fire-breathing lizard ate the meat that Shirley fed, she let out a low roar, and then her whole head swayed as if she was in a very comfortable state.

"I'll go, this is too strong!"

The next moment, the mother fire-breathing lizard closed her mouth and rubbed her head against Shirley. Her eyes were full of kindness, and her affection was beyond words.

Of course, the reason why the mother fire-breathing lizard reflects so strongly is because it is more intelligent and sensitive than Little Ash and Little Fireball, and can immediately feel the benefits brought by Shirley.

"If I knew that Little Loli had such a song, what should I be worried about!" Narant was naturally happy to see this scene. He was worried all day long ago that the mother fire-breathing lizard would regret running away after being injured. Now With Shirley here, there is no need to worry about it at all.

I believe that with the wisdom of the mother fire-breathing lizard, after knowing that Shirley can improve its strength, she will definitely be reluctant to leave.

"Shirley, you continue to feed it here! I'll take the little fireballs to practice spells outside!"

At the moment, Narant left Shirley alone in the stable, while he came to the grass field with five small fireballs.

"Little Fireball No. 1, breathe fire at that pile of hay!" Narant held a roasted oyster in his hand and ordered Fireball No. 1.

Hearing the words, Fireball No. 1 was already accustomed to the order, and immediately stared at the haystack more than ten meters away.


The next moment, with the roar of the small fireball, the field instantly lit up with a fiery red.


With a cracking sound, a fireball hit a haystack not far away.


The dry haystack was instantly exploded by the fireball machine, and the field was suddenly filled with burning wheat straws.

"Hey! Fireball No. 1, you can actually spit out fireballs!" Narant didn't expect to be surprised today.

Yesterday, Little Fireball No. 1 could only spit out a puff of black smoke, but I didn't expect it to happen today.

Although the fireball is only the size of an ordinary person's fist, as long as it is a spell, its attack power is not weak, and even a title knight would not dare to take one.

"Hoohoo!" Maybe it was a surprise to see Nalan, maybe it was because he could use spells Little Fireball No. 1 was also in excitement at this time, and kept chasing Nalan. Te shook his long tail and screamed, of course, his eyes were always on the grilled oysters.

"Very good, since you successfully cast the spell, the grilled oysters belong to you!"

These days, the murlocs have completely occupied the beach, and the production of oysters has completely stopped.

Nowadays, the grilled oysters of the little ones have been restricted. If they don't show their diligence, Narant will not give them food easily.

When Narant put down the roasted oysters, Fireball No. 1 immediately ate it, while the other small fireballs looked at Narant eagerly.

Narant is also welcome, and will continue to train them one by one.

The progress of the other little fireballs is naturally not as fast as that of Little Fireball No. 1, and they can only spew some black smoke.

After the feeding of the fire-breathing lizards was completed, Narant went directly to the location of the new mill.

And Shirley was arranged by him to return to the castle and asked her to call Vivian and Catherine.

Later, Narant will take the three daughters to John's blacksmith to tailor three thin rapiers, and he saw one at John's blacksmith that day.

This proves that John Blacksmith can also forge such a non-mainstream rapier.


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