Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 317: 1 is not left!

Puff puff!


Hu qua hu qua!


As the stone bullets flew in the monster group, there was a commotion in the murloc sea monster group.


In the end, this wave of stone bombs took away at least thirty or so murlocs.


This is also because the beach is soft, so the round boulders cannot bounce multiple times. Otherwise, if they were on ordinary muddy ground, the casualties would increase by at least half.


Hu qua hu qua!


The murloc sea monster was finally provoked by the catapult's attack. The next moment, the six or seven hundred murloc sea monsters immediately changed the speed of their slow marching. Start charging quickly.


"Reload five catapults again! Free fire!" Vivian also began to order, and after instructing her, she looked at the five crossbows on the side of the team.


"Carriage crossbow team, pull strings and arrows!"


"Yes, pull strings and arrows!"


Squeak squeak!


Accompanied by the sound of gurgling bowstrings, a few seconds later, the five ballistas were also reloaded under the operation of the guards.


"Target Murloc, launch!"




Whoosh whoosh!


With the humming of the bowstring trembling, five terrifying giant arrows with a length of 1.78 meters shot out, and quickly swept towards the charging murlocs and sea monsters.


Puff puff!


After a few breaths, the five terrifying crossbow bolts drilled into the murlocs and sea monsters at a flat angle.


In an instant, five pieces of the murlocs and sea monsters, who were screaming cheerfully, fell down in five straight lines, as if a piece of meat had met a bamboo skewer and was directly threaded into a skewer.


"Yes, about twenty!" Narant nodded with satisfaction. He sat high and looked far, and clearly estimated the number of murlocs and sea monsters that this round of ballistas took away.


Although it seems that ballistas do not kill as many murlocs as catapults.


But the catapult can only kill the enemy at a long distance. When the enemy is close, the catapult cannot function without enough angle.


Calculated at a distance of 500 meters, the catapult can fire three waves of projectiles at the fastest speed.


However, the ballista can be fired at least six times, and even if the two sides face each other, they can still kill with precision. What's more, they can choose to kill the most valuable target of the other side.


And now, just because the enemies are all murlocs, this can't be reflected for the time being.


dong dong dong!


In Narant's thoughts, the second wave of the catapult had already attacked, and this was also the last wave of stone bullets.


The second wave of attacks ended, and the murlocs and sea monsters once again reduced their staff by forty or fifty people.


In the end, after paying a price of more than 200 murlocs, they finally got close to 100 meters in front of the Narant army.


"Raymond, prepare to shoot!"


As the murlocs approached, Narant also gave a second order.


Following his order, the thirty barbarians at the forefront of the army slammed their long shields into the ground, and then with their hands free, they took out a 1.5-meter spear from behind!


The style of this spear is very common, even though there is a small section of sharp and barbed metal head in the front, and a straight sword-wood barrel in the rear.




When the barbarians took out their spears, Narant gave an order.


Whoosh whoosh!


Following his order, the thirty barbarian guards threw their spears directly.


The spears crossed arcs in the air, and then fell into the group of murlocs and sea monsters.


Puff puff!


There was another shower of blood, and seventeen or eight murlocs were pinned to the beach.


"Not bad!" Narant nodded again with satisfaction.


However, next time he did not let Raymond and the others throw the javelin again.


Although at the current distance of more than 60 meters, Raymond and the others could throw at least two rounds, but Narant was worried that if dozens or hundreds of murlocs died, it was estimated that these guys would run away.


A murloc sea monster came close to the team, and Narant said again: "Raymond, prepare to take over!

"Yes, my lord!" Raymond responded, and then roared at the barbarian, "Everyone, raise your shields, draw your swords, and prepare to take on the enemy!


Clang Clang!


Thirty barbarian guards held long shields in their left hands and drew great swords in their right hands, staring straight ahead, waiting for hundreds of murlocs to attack.


Hu qua hu qua!


At this moment, the murlocs and sea monsters hadn't realized that they were about to face extinction. Seeing that Raymond and the others were right in front of them, they screamed even more vigorously.


Thirty meters... twenty meters... ten meters...


dong dong dong!


Finally, the group of murlocs and sea monsters rushed in front of Raymond and the others like a tide, and slammed into the long shield!




Although there were only 30 barbarian guards, with their terrifying strength and a solid all-iron long shield, Raymond and the others blocked the onslaught of the murlocs and sea monsters.


When the impact force of the murloc sea monster was neutralized, all the barbarian guards raised their long shields and immediately started to recoil at the murloc sea monster.






"Huga hooga!"


Puff puff!


All of a sudden, there were shouts of killing on the beach, and every time Raymond and the other barbarians swung their swords, the corpse of a murloc was separated and blood splattered on the spot.


As for the attack of the murlocs and sea monsters, Raymond and the others directly slapped them with the long shield with their left hand, and they were able to shoot them flying with the monsters and weapons.


Using a fully-armed barbarian to deal with a mere 400 murlocs and sea monsters is really a bit of a bully.


And at this time, there are five ballistas on the flanks, firing crossbow arrows from time to time, harvesting the murloc sea monsters on the edge.


With the passage of time, the murlocs finally realized the horror of the few hundred people in front of them, and started their most familiar routine, which is to run if they can't beat them.


Hu qua hu qua!


The cry of the murlocs became urgent, and a chaotic rout immediately began.


"Guard squad, start the pursuit!"


Seeing that the murloc sea monsters began to rout, and without Narant's orders, Raymond and the others immediately formed a triangular formation and began to chase the fleeing murloc sea monsters.


"Quake, it's your turn! So, none of the murlocs will be left behind!" Seeing this situation, Narant gave an order to Quake beside him lightly.


"Yes, my lord!"




Raymond pulled out his long sword and raised it high, "Storm Cavalry Regiment, charge!"


Clang Clang!




Boom! Boom!


Immediately, the entire Storm Knights galloped out, riding on powerful war horses and rushing directly towards the defeated murlocs and sea bang bang bang!


Puff puff!


Although this is a beach, it is not a good venue for war horses.


However, the murloc sea monsters with short limbs couldn't outrun the high war horses. After only a few breaths, the Stormtroopers rushed into the murloc sea monsters like a raging torrent.


The storm cavalry regiment collided and split, and a wave of charges directly pierced through the team of murlocs and sea monsters, harvesting at least 70 or 80 murlocs and sea monsters.


Hu qua hu qua!


Seeing that the retreat in front was blocked by the Storm Cavalry Regiment, the murlocs immediately scattered in panic and fled to the side.


But Quick and others naturally wouldn't give them a chance. They turned their horses around and started chasing them again.


With the addition of the Storm Cavalry Regiment, this battle also means that it is coming to an end.


Although this battle is completely bullying children for the power Narant now has.


But it is also a good practice how to fight when encountering an enemy army.


In the end, Narant looked at Vinnie and other twenty medics!


"Vinnie, now you go up, everyone finds the corpse of a murloc sea monster for rescue drills!"


"Yes, my lord!"



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