Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 398: Sir, I am also a silver knight!

"Hey, wait, why does the speed of absorbing Dou Qi seem to be slowing down?" Originally, Narant was still full of confidence, but the Dou Qi seeds broke through several times, but they still couldn't complete the growth time.

Narant suddenly felt that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was actually slowing down. To be precise, it was the fire attribute vindictive energy nearby that was almost absorbed by him.

And the fire attribute vindictiveness farther away, it is too late to come to fill.

"This pill?" Narant suddenly felt a toothache, but one day he would be worried because he didn't have enough grudge for him to absorb.

"His grandmother's, let me do more for you!" Seeing the small sprout above the Dou Qi seeds and gradually losing the infusion of Dou Qi, Narant was afraid that if it dragged on for a while, the effect of the fruit of this realm would end immediately, and the next one would be ruthless. He took out the few remaining flame spar directly from the space ring.

Now this is a critical juncture, and it is not the time to be stingy with money. Breaking through from the bronze knight to the silver knight is a big realm, and many title knights can be stuck here for a lifetime.

Even if Narant doesn't have to worry about getting stuck, but even if he breaks through on his own in the future, it will be as painful as breaking through the Bronze Elementary Stage.

"Come on!" Thinking of this, Narant directly held one of the flame spar in his palm.

In an instant, Narant felt a large amount of fire attribute grudge coming from his wrist.


However, this flame spar worth ten gold coins only absorbed him for three or five seconds.

"Money is a bastard, if you don't have it, you can earn it again! So is the flame spar! Come again!" Narant took out the second flame spar again, enduring the distress.


"Come again!"


"Come again!"

click... click...


Following a series of clicks in the wilderness, when the eighth and last flame spar in Narant's hand shattered, he was suddenly shocked.

And his whole body burst out with a fiery red light, and his whole body was covered in vigorous fighting spirit.

"Pfft!" The red light lasted for two or three seconds, and after two or three seconds, Narant directly spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Cough cough... Haha it's done!! Sir, I am also a silver knight!"

Raising his hand and wiping it at the corner of his mouth, Narant didn't care about vomiting blood at all, but just laughed wildly up to the sky.

Because the Dou Qi seeds in his body finally finished sprouting.

It was a bud that was only two or three centimeters long.

The buds are crystal clear and the whole body is fiery red, like a glass crystal.

At the top of the bud, there was a small piece of fiery red leaf, but the leaf was still closed at the moment and did not stretch out.

Of course, now that the shoots have grown, it is only a matter of time before the leaves grow.

"Breaking two levels in one night, who else is there!" After laughing wildly, Narant became in high spirits.

After continuing to explore the body for a while, and found that there were no other problems, Narant got up satisfied, and then returned to the camp.

Although all the flame spar was used up tonight, it was very worthwhile to be able to break through to the silver knight.

At this moment, he is even more glad that he ran out of the camp to break through, otherwise the powerful red light before will definitely alarm everyone.

After running down the mound, Narant first soaked in the clear river water to wash away the smell of sweat, and then walked back to the camp.

"Hey, why is Stella here!"

When Narant returned to the vicinity of his tent for a limited time, he saw Stella talking to Lilia at the door.

"Miss Stella, the villain has seen it, the adult is not in the tent!"

"Not here?" Stella wondered.

"Stella, are you looking for me?" Seeing this, Narant immediately pretended to come out naturally.

"Well, Narant, who are you?" Stella looked at the wet Narant in surprise.

"I saw that the water in that big river was very clear during the day, so I went for a swim at night!" Narant made an excuse casually, "Stella, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Well, Narant, just now I noticed that a lot of fire attribute aura was drawn to the back of the mound opposite, did you feel it?"

"Huh? I was noticed by this little girl at such a distance. Is there such a big movement?" Narant was surprised. .

However, after thinking about it, being able to break through from the peak of bronze to the silver knight in a few minutes, it takes a lot of fire attribute vindictiveness to absorb.

Even the surrounding fire attribute vindictiveness was sucked into a vacuum by herself, and it was not too strange for Stella to notice it.

"I didn't find it! Is it on the opposite hill? Then I'll ask Shirley to send Xiao Huihui to investigate!" Narant immediately pretended to be confused.

Fortunately, Stella wouldn't have been full, so she turned on her perception and probed him all day long, otherwise his breakthrough situation would be revealed immediately.

"Yeah!" Stella nodded.

Immediately, Narant called Shirley directly and gave her the task of exploration.

"My lord! My lord!"

It was only when Shirley sent Xiao Huihui, there was a sudden call from the camp.

"Quake, why are you yelling so loudly that you don't sleep at night?" Narant turned around. It was Quake who came, and there were two members of the Knights of the Storm beside him!

"My lord, your subordinates... subordinates have broken through! And Hani Stone and Laki Mud have also broken through!"

"Huh?" Narant was taken aback.

Although after taking the breakthrough medicine for them, it means that they will definitely break through within two or three months, but what happened to the three breakthroughs this night?

"My lord, when we were just cultivating, we suddenly noticed that the surrounding fire-type fighting qi became a lot, so we absorbed it hard. It would have taken a week or two to break through, but I didn't expect to absorb enough fighting qi tonight!"

Quick explained immediately.

"This... it's really good!" Narant originally wanted to say that it was you guys who were stealing my vindictive spirit.

But when he thought that his previous affairs could not be he immediately changed his statement, and at the same time showed a happy smile on his face. .

Narant's smile is sincere, because Quick and others are different from the lucky girl, and Narant places great expectations on them.

Because the lucky girl is currently only a minority, it can only be used as a special talent.

Only knights with titles like Quick and others can be cultivated on a large scale and become a solid foundation for the storm collar.

With their breakthrough, their own knights will be worthy of their name.

After a pause, Narant continued: "Since I have broken through the title of knight, I will use this knight's secret skill to practice it!" After speaking, Narant pretended to take out a copy from his arms and re-transcribe it. The passed flame spear was directly rewarded to the three of Quick.

"Secret skills!" The three of Quaker were shocked. They didn't expect that they would wait for the talents to break through, and the adults would actually reward them with the secret skills of fighting qi. The emotion that poured out was beyond words.

"Thank you for the reward, my subordinates must work hard to cultivate and swear allegiance to you to the death!" The next moment, the three of them directly threw themselves on the ground.

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