Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 403: God's punishment? (2 in 1)

"Sir, our people rushed over!" At the same time, the captains and commanders of the Northern Principality on the other side of the river finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although some losses were paid for underestimating the enemy, the ending was not bad.

More importantly, they will have the opportunity to obtain the secret weapon of the Onyx Principality.

As long as you get a sample of this secret weapon, you can take it back and let the craftsman imitate it. This credit is definitely not small.

"Cott, there are at least four or five titled knights on the opposite side. When our guards occupy the other side's river bank, you guys will immediately pass by on a raft. In addition to dealing with those titled knights, you must also capture the secret weapon as soon as possible. It must not be Let the people of the Onyx Principality destroy it by themselves!" Huck instructed Deputy Commander Court and several captains with a smile.

Although their army is not the extraordinary knights, but as the leader of the formation and several captain officers, they all have fighting spirit.

For example, Commander Huck himself is a Silver Intermediate Knight. In addition, the Deputy Commander Court is a Silver Elementary. As for the other thousands of captains, they are also Bronze Peak Knights.

"Yes, Lord Commander!" Several captains responded.

Next, under the watchful eyes of the generals of the northern principality, the second and third wave of guards were also transported over.

With the support of nearly a thousand people in these two waves, the number of guards from the Northern Principality on the other side has reached more than 1,500 in an instant, and the guards of the Tulip family have been able to fight back, and there are even redundant northern industrial guards trying to get around. Narant's headquarters were attacked from behind the stone bridge.

Fortunately, Narant's dozen or so Storm Knights were not vegetarians, and under the leadership of Quick, they directly painted the area around the stone bridge as a restricted area.

As long as the guards of the Northern Principality approached, they would be greeted by the ruthless crushing of the Storm Knights.

However, even so, the defeat on the side of the Onyx Principality has already appeared. If there are no other changes, I believe that as long as the fourth wave of guards from the Northern Principality arrives, there will be no suspense in today's battle situation.

In particular, several generals of the Northern Principality were already standing by the river, waiting for the raft to dock.

"Narant, there are too many enemies, let's start retreating, otherwise it will be too late when more enemies land!"

At this time, Stella and Boris Rael gathered in front of Narant with solemn expressions.

Several people had bloodstains on their bodies, and Stella's original snow-white cloak had been dyed red.

Obviously, since the previous battle was very fierce, and it was already felt that the situation was on the verge of collapse.

"Wait a minute, you guys continue to hold on for a while, I still have weapons that I haven't taken out yet, if not, we'll be retreating again!" Narant still didn't want to retreat, he wanted to continue to support for a while.

"And weapons?" Stella, Boris, and Rael didn't understand what Narant meant.

In such a situation, I am afraid that even if there are five more ballistas, it will not be able to restore the disadvantage. After all, the enemy has already landed!

"Yes, you will see each other soon!"

With that said, Narant looked towards the mound and saw five catapults being loaded.

dong dong dong!

And just when the three of them didn't know whether to believe Narant or persuade him to leave, there was a sudden muffled sound from the mountain behind.

Bang bang bang!


And after the muffled sound, there was the sound of heavy objects landing on the riverbanks on both sides of the stone bridge, accompanied by a large number of mournful howls.

"This is... a trebuchet?" When the three of them turned their heads, they saw the fist-sized stones falling from the sky and smashing onto the crowds in the Northern Principality before they could land on the shore.

Then he was surprised to discover the unprecedented trebuchet on the mound.

Do not.

Catapults don't look like this.

In their impression, whether it is a large catapult or a small catapult, the most obvious appearance is that the base must be wide and strong, and the throwing arm must be thick and long.

Most importantly, there must be a counterweight in the front section of the trebuchet, otherwise the stone cannot be thrown.

"It's not called a catapult, it's called a catapult!" Narant knew how many people would react like this.

With the ballista's lessons learned, during this period of time he hid the catapults very well, and they were all disassembled and placed on the carriage, so even Stella and others did not know about it.

"The catapult? Narant, how are they launched? The lethality just now is no different from that of a small catapult!" The three looked at Narant strangely.

"Because of the shape of my catapult, I didn't use the counterweight to launch it, but like a ballista, it used the rubber bands of the monsters to achieve the purpose of launching."

"However, although my catapult is easy to carry and has a relatively fast firing speed, it also has shortcomings, that is, its power is not large, and its shooting distance is relatively short!"

"Narant, in fact, I still think that evacuation as soon as possible is the best choice, and now that you have several ballistas and catapults, they should be evacuated first to avoid falling into the hands of the Northern Principality."

However, what Narant didn't expect was that after Stella knew about his catapult, she was even more determined to evacuate immediately.

Because, even with the addition of catapults, it is likely that the occupation cannot be changed, because there are enough enemies in Deng'an at this moment.

"I..." Narant, who heard the words, just wanted to explain something, but the next moment, a new situation appeared on the other side of the stone bridge.


"No, Narant, they have sent more support!"

On the opposite side, Huck also saw several catapults suddenly appearing on the hillside.

These catapults harvested more than 100 of his subordinates in a single salvo. Although this made him extremely distressed, it inspired him to take down Narant and others immediately.

Because whether it is a ballista or a catapult, in his opinion, these are treasures that have never been seen before.

Therefore, he immediately issued an order to increase troops. This time, he sent 2,000 direct guards again to prepare to attack from the bridge, and also assigned two captains with peak bronze strength among them.

Prepare the stone bridge and the raft team to break through the defense line of Narant and others with the fastest speed.

For a while, the Northern Principality's team was like a rainbow, pressing down like a torrent, and the team on the Tulip Family side retreated.

Even with the addition of the trebuchet, the balance of battle is still firmly in the hands of the Northern Principality.

Especially on the stone bridge, there is no support from crossbows and catapults. It is only supported by the barbarians such as Raymond. If the two extraordinary knights from the northern principality are allowed to approach, I am afraid that the stone bridge will also change hands.

"Let's go, Narant!"

"Yes, Narant, if you don't leave, I'm afraid all the subordinates will not be able to leave!"

Immediately, Stella and Boris all persuaded Narant.

In such a situation, unless the God of Glory in the valley took care of him last time, it would be impossible to hold on to it.

"They think this is about to win? Then let them see what ignorance is! Boris, Stella, do you think the new weapon I'm talking about is a catapult? That's just one of them, the real new weapon is behind , you look good!"

The weapons that Narant mentioned earlier were naturally not just catapults. Otherwise, the enemy and us were already intertwined, and even if he had a hundred catapults, he would not be able to use them.

After explaining to the three of them, Narant did not explain more, but showed them with actions.

"Big Stone, come with me!" Narant waved his hand and took the guards who had not yet appeared to the stone bridge, and then came behind Raymond and the others.

At this moment, the stone bridge was already crowded densely. In order to obtain Narant's secret weapon, Huck would not hesitate to take any serious casualties, just to destroy Narant and others as quickly as possible.

"All personal guards obey the order and take out grenades! The enemy on the stone bridge in front of the target, throw a round!"

Narant did not hesitate, and directly issued an order to the big stone and others.

The ten personal guards who heard the words directly took a round iron lump about ten centimeters in diameter from the cloth bag on the waist.

Immediately, a few people blew with the kindling, and then put the lead on the iron lump on the kindling and lit it.



Stella, Boris and the others saw this scene, although they were a little anxious, but Narant's previous words were so solemn, several people could only wait for Narant's last attempt.

If the situation cannot be undone this time, even if they forcefully come, they will tie Narant to retreat together.


Under the gaze of Stella and the others, they saw that the iron lumps in the hands of Narant's personal guards were ignited by the kindling, and immediately white smoke and sparks appeared.

"What is this? Could it be... Could it be the last fireworks?"

"Although the fireworks are loud, they can only scare the enemy temporarily, right?"

Boris was impressed by Narant's fireworks, because it was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and it was brilliant last time.

However, at this moment, Boris is even more puzzled. Last time, Narant clearly said that the fireworks just looked scary, but they couldn't hurt people.

When he wanted to come, he didn't temporarily scare the enemy, and he would also start to attack after reflecting it.

And Stella and Rael actually have the same idea as Boris.

"Choose!" Just when they didn't understand what Narant wanted to do, Narant in front gave the order again.


Following his orders, ten barbarian guards threw out smoking iron lumps in their hands.

Moreover, they cast quite a tacit understanding. Everyone's throwing distance is different. Along the stone bridge deck, there is one every five or six meters from near to far.

The guards of the Northern Principality over there also discovered the iron lump that suddenly fell from the sky. Originally, everyone thought it was a trebuchet attacking them, and they were shocked.

But in the end, it was found that this thing had no strength at all. Even if it hit the helmet, it was only a sound, and it couldn't even bring them pain, which was a great relief.

"What is this?"

At this time, a bronze knight mixed in the crowd happened to see the dark round iron ball at his feet. Seeing that there were sparks on it, he picked it up curiously and asked his companion beside him.

"I do not know either……"


And just before the two bronze knights finished speaking, the black iron ball in their hands suddenly burst.

Then, there was a deafening roar on the bridge, which was even worse than a thunderbolt.

At the moment when the explosion sounded, the two people who were talking before, together with the surrounding guards of the Northern Principality, were like a piece of paper, and they were scattered around. Many people were thrown away before they could even react. flew into the river.

With this earth-shattering explosion, everyone around was shivering with fright for the first time, and then everyone on both sides of the strait stopped the battle in their hands, and looked at the stone bridge in confusion.

However, what they didn't expect was that the deafening explosion was just the beginning.

Just when everyone didn't know what happened, there was another loud roar on the bridge.



And there was more than one thunderous roar, but one after another, like a continuous thunderstorm during a storm.

Accompanied by the roar, under the gazes of the enemy and us on both sides of the Strait, the dense crowds on the stone bridge were lifted one by one, and huge white smoke rose up in the field, as if the gods had descended into the world.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen.

Everyone stared blankly at all this and lost the ability to think.

On the edge of the big river that had been screaming for killing all day, there was actually a silence that could be heard as the needles fell, only a slight sound of the autumn wind blowing through the surrounding grass.

One second passed, and when the white smoke on the stone bridge was gently blown away by the breeze, the fifty or sixty-meter-long stone bridge finally fell into the eyes of everyone again.

When everyone saw the scene on the bridge, they all felt a sense of suffocation.

There was no one standing on the fifty or sixty-meter stone bridge that was densely packed with at least two or three hundred people.

Some were just corpses all over the ground and the guards who were still screaming and screaming. These guards were covered in blood and kept rolling over their bodies.

And they were lucky, more northern principalities were thrown into the water before, and now they all sank to the bottom of the river.

"This...what's the matter?"

"Is this divine punishment?"

For a moment, everyone looked at all this in disbelief, and they were dumbfounded and didn't know what kind of power could cause such a terrifying scene.

In fact, not only the people in the Northern Principality are unbelievable, but even everyone in the Tulip Family is unsure.

"This... is this still a firework? It's promised that it won't harm the human body?" Boris shivered a little and murmured in a low voice.

He really saw the scene of the two bronze knights holding the black iron lump before.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, the iron lump suddenly erupted, and then the two bronze knights were lifted off under his gaze, and then fell into the big river.

Even Boris saw the clothes on their bodies shattered when the two were lifted off, and the arm of one of the title knights was directly blown away.

Thinking of this, Boris couldn't help shivering. If the iron lump exploded in front of him, he couldn't believe what tragic appearance it was.

"What are you still doing, kill me! The God of Glory has taken care of us! The Voice of Glory has taken care of our Onyx Principality!" While everyone was in a daze, Narant roared loudly throughout the audience .

"That's right! The God of Glory has taken care of us, and the God of Glory has imposed divine punishment. Everyone, kill them!" The guards of the Tulip family woke up one after another. Crazy counterattack.

Originally, they had gradually fallen into siege, but this god's blessing immediately gave them hope.

Compared to the Tulip Family, who were like gods, the fighting spirit of the guards in the Northern Principality was instantly disintegrated after Narant shouted, "The voice of glory has been punished by God."

Everyone on the bridge had a panoramic view. They had never seen such a strange thing before.

Now that they heard Narant's words, they really regarded this as the God of Glory's favor to the Onyx Principality and the divine punishment for their Northern Principality.

In this way, since even the gods favor the enemy, what is the point of their battle?

Is there any chance of winning?

Are you waiting for the gods to continue to deliver divine punishment?

"Run! The God of Glory has sent divine punishment! Let's run!"

For a time, the originally aggressive Northern Principality army immediately began to rout.

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