Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 433: No way to escape?

"Bacher, aren't we chasing it?" At the same time, Bucher and Ute in the back also saw Narant and his Storm Team.

Udi originally wanted to catch up immediately, but was stopped by the commander of Batcher.

"Udi, I think this Narant is very strange. The last time he was in the valley, he used the crossbow arrow to cause huge casualties to our Royal Knights!"

"And he can wipe out 800 Giant Forest Knights with only a few hundred people, so we must be careful, it is best not to get too far away from the infantry!"

Since the incident in the valley, Bacher's actions have become more cautious, especially when Narant also has a ballista.

It was Bucher's prudence that he did not leave the infantry alone and walked alone, which prevented the same encounter as Bink.

Otherwise, Narant will definitely ambush them ahead.

Even if masters like Batcher and Udi could not be killed, their war horses would definitely be doomed.

"Commander Bache, I know this, but all Narant's people are sitting on the carriage. I'm afraid our ordinary guards will not be able to catch up for a long time!" The enemy was close at hand, but he could not attack immediately. Not reconciled, he is now very desperate for revenge.

"Udi, I can understand your mood!"

"However, I remember that there is a big river more than 20 miles north of Jusen City? If you want to cross the river, you must go down the river and cross the river. With so many carriages, it must take a lot of time. As long as we continue Follow, when the time comes to the river, are you afraid they will be able to escape?"

Bacher came to the Marquis of Lissen every year to deal with the army of the Onyx Duchy, so he was very familiar with the terrain of the Marquis of Lissen.

"Yeah! I almost forgot! Commander Bucher, then listen to you!" When Udi heard this, he immediately thought of the river in front of him. He didn't remember his desire for revenge before, but now he agrees immediately!


Narant was relieved to see that the cavalry in the rear did not immediately pursue him.

It's just that the crisis lingering in his mind has not been resolved. He knows that the enemy has some scruples about him now, so he did not pursue it with all his strength.

But he definitely can't consume the other party.

Even if the serfs and coolies have horse-drawn carriages to ride, there are too many people, and there is no problem in traveling for half a day or a few hours.

But if you sit on it and run away quickly every day, this is not realistic, and the horses may be exhausted by then.

"Sir, do you want to put away this armor?" On the way back, when he arrived outside the previous grove, Quick suddenly asked.

He was referring to the enemy squad leader who had been headed by Narant earlier.

This squad leader is a royal knight, and his armor is brand new.

"You don't need the armor, just take the horse away!" Narant shook his head, fleeing for his life was the most important thing.

On the contrary, the few war horses that had lost their masters could not be spared. The captain's horse was even more excellent, and it also covered the armor.

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, Quick took a few horses, and a few people continued to catch up with the convoy, and then fled towards the north.

The Northern Principality Chase continued to send dozens of knights behind to watch over them.

And this time, the knight in charge of monitoring them was smart, and was far away from more than a mile, only to see the whereabouts of their team from a distance.

Seeing this situation, Narant thought that he and the others could run for at least a day, and he still had some time to think about countermeasures.

But just half an hour later, he realized that he was wrong, because a big river appeared in front of him that could block the team.

"What's going on here? Why didn't you say that there is a big river ahead?" Two or three miles away from the river, Narant received a report from Shirley that the bees had discovered the river ahead, and there was no bridge nearby.

As a result, they will become unable to escape.

This made Narant very angry, and immediately asked Quick to call the captured guard who led the way.

"Lord Narant, the villain didn't know that there were chasing soldiers behind, and... and although there is no stone bridge in the river in front, there is a very shallow river beach. We used to walk across it!"

The little guard who led the way felt wronged. Narant didn't tell them that there were chasing soldiers behind him, so after choosing to take this road, the guard only said that he could walk to the edge of the desert if he kept walking.

He didn't know that Narant was running away until the Royal Knights caught up behind him.

And at this time, he naturally won't be looking for trouble.

One is to hope that the rear pursuers can catch up to rescue them.

The second is that he is worried that if he speaks out now, Narant might sacrifice himself to the sky in a fit of anger.

After listening to the explanation, Narant knew that he couldn't blame him when he saw the little guard shaking like a chaff.

This little guard led the way and tried his best, and today he was forced to escape from this road, it wasn't that the little guard wanted to plot against them.

"Take it!" Narant waved to his subordinates.

"My lord, why don't my subordinates escape with the serfs separately and buy time for you to cross the river!" Quick saw that his adults' brows were twisted into Chuanzi, and he raised his previous opinion again.

"My lord, it is a great honor for you to die for you, whether it is your subordinates and others, or those serfs!" Worried that Narant would not agree, Quick continued to speak.

When Narant heard the words, he looked at the more than 300 ordinary serfs in the convoy, and then at Quick.

If these three hundred serfs and unnecessary carriages were abandoned, they could indeed escape quickly.

But can a dignified traveler do such a thing?

Based on what he has done in the hinterland of the Marquis of Lissen these days, if all the serfs are caught by the pursuers, there is absolutely no chance of them surviving.

Do I really want to abandon the car and keep the handsome man?

At this moment, Narant suddenly saw the war horse that Quick was leading.

"and many more!"

Narant suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

He thought of a bold Although this plan is a little dangerous, it should ensure the safe escape of the convoy.

"Quake, sacrifice you all in exchange for the safety of my lord, I have never done such a thing before, nor will I do it in the future! You don't need to mention it!"

After thinking of the countermeasures, Narant prepared to take the opportunity to raise the idea of ​​the next personality cult again, but he refused righteously.

Whether it was Quick and others, or Vivienne and others, after hearing Narant's righteous words, the eyes looking at Narant at this moment were full of sacredness.

The admiration for one's own grown-up really took it to a higher level.

After a pause, Quick continued to insist: "But, my lord, the moment your subordinates and others are loyal to you, they are ready to sacrifice their lives for you at any time!"

"I understand your loyalty and courage, Lord!" Narant nodded in relief, enjoying the admiration of everyone. "However, Lord, I have a better strategy now, so it's not time for you to sacrifice!"

Immediately, Narant changed the conversation and began to talk about the plan he just thought of!

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