Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 445: There is always a system that wants to harm the master

Latest website: And because of his young age, the second son of the earl, although of equal realm, was inferior in combat skills and quickly lost.

In the next battle, the peak bronze knights appeared frequently, and finally even developed to the appearance of silver junior knights.

Even many royal knights also took the stage to compete, trying to win this rare beauty.

This competition has been going on for more than half an hour, and the number of people on the stage gradually began to decrease.

After all, the Silver Knight has not married yet, only the heirs of the great nobles and a few excellent knights of the Royal Knights.

And among the descendants of the minor nobles, unless they are really talented, very few of them can achieve the existence of a silver knight at a young age.

"It's really boring, just a few silver knights? Then I won't wait any longer!" Just when the last silver junior knight defeated the other opponents and no one dared to go up, a gorgeously dressed young man was Squeeze the crowd directly, and then swayed to the stage.

"Mons, don't you have a fiancée?" When the young man appeared, the expression of the young man on the high platform immediately became ugly, and the field suddenly became noisy.

"Haha! You said it too, that's just a fiancée! I can just cancel the engagement after I go back! The future queen of the Onyx Principality looks good, and I'm going to take it in!" The young man named Mons laughed, and he didn't really care. I don't think so!

"Shameless! Too shameless!"

"Yeah, if you have a fiancee, you have to go on stage! As expected of a perverted Mons!"

"Perverted Mons!"

For a while, the young children in the field cursed one after another, and some even called out the nickname of Mons.

Hearing this nickname, some small country nobles didn't know the reason, and they were curious and began to ask the people around them about their situation.

And those nobles who knew it didn't hide it, and immediately started to help him promote it.

It turned out that this Mons was a marquis heir.

There are a total of two marquis lords in this northern principality. Except for the Marquis of Lissen, there is only this father of Mons.

According to his identity, people should not dare to despise him so much, after all, it is too late to flatter in general.

But the problem is that although this Mons has an extraordinary status, he is too shameless.

At the aristocratic academy in the capital, Mons was very popular with the noble ladies as heir to the marquis.

Ke Mengs ignored these noble ladies, and instead liked to find some beautiful women who were commoners.

Those commoner women suddenly gained the love of Mons, and naturally they were full of joy, thinking that they had met true love.

If it was just like this, no one would say anything. At most, they would only think that Mons had a unique taste.

But this Mons didn't really like those women. After he got these women, when they fell in love with him, he would abandon them severely, and then give them to his friends to enjoy.

Over time, dozens of civilian women were victimized.

In the end, the incident happened after Mons accidentally treated a poor noble lady as the daughter of a commoner.

Although he was a poor noble, he was also a noble, and he went directly to the noble council.

Although in the end, relying on the strength of the family, Mons was still safe and sound, but only paid a sum of money to compensate.

But in the end, his perverted reputation spread all over the capital, making all the nobles of the duchy despised.

After Mons had this reputation, naturally no other big family dared to marry him. For the sake of his heir's marriage, the Marquis found a vassal daughter to be engaged to him.

In this way, this Mons is now able to say the words of breaking the marriage contract with disapproval.

"Surely shameless, so perverted! If he wins the beauty of the Onyx Principality, he will be ruined!"

The little nobles below listened and joined in the swearing.

Although Mons spoiled the commoner's daughter, this is definitely something that must be despised for nobles who still need a decent appearance.

However, the next moment when the eyes of Mons began to glance down, a group of nobles and young heirs immediately shrank their necks and closed their mouths.

Seeing everyone shut up, Mons was satisfied with withdrawing his gaze and looked at the young man across from the high platform, "Jerry, are you still participating in the competition? If you are afraid, then go down now, so as not to lose face!"

"Mons, you think I'm really afraid of you!" In the face of Mons' provocation, the young man was afraid, but he didn't want to be scared away by a few words in front of everyone.

"Haha! Jerry, you are very kind, then let you **** people see my strength again today!"

Mons laughed, then looked at the referee beside him: "Your Excellency, can we start?"

The referee hesitated and looked in the direction of the king, only to see the king nodded.

Obviously, the king doesn't care who Natasha wins in the end, as long as it doesn't violate the rules.

"Then let's get started!"

"Come on, weak Jerry, let me see if you have improved in the past few years?" At the beginning of the test, Mons still looked indifferent.

The young Jerry saw that Mons despised himself so much, and his anger immediately surged into his heart.

"Too weak!" Mons smiled disdainfully when he saw this. He didn't even prepare to draw his long sword, but waited until Jerry rushed forward before he moved and took a step towards the side.

However, this Mons seemed to flash with ease, but in the eyes of Jerry and the young people in the audience, it was extremely fast.

With Mons' dodging, Jerry immediately lost his target, and the long sword held high cut directly into the air.

His expression changed, and he looked at Mons on the side, but saw a mocking smile on his face.

"Bastard, go to hell!"

Feeling being teased, Jerry turned into anger, turned around quickly, and swept away the long sword in his hand.

"I said, you are too weak, go down!" However, this time Mengs was not going to give him another chance, he said indifferently, and then he raised his right foot.

Mons kicked out, kicking firmly under Jerry's ribs.


Jerry screamed, and then flew out.

Finally, with a loud thud, it landed under the high platform.

"Hey, this Mons is too fast...and too strong!" The audience below immediately exclaimed.

Although Mons is also a silver beginner, in their opinion, I am afraid that even a silver intermediate can't beat Mons.

"Waste Jerry, I just told you to admit defeat and you refused to stay on the stage!" Mons clapped his hands and sarcastically spoke again at Jerry, who was lying on the ground and grinning in pain.

He sneered at Jerry and looked at the young heirs present, "You are actually not much better, all of you are equally weak, is there anyone who is going to take the stage now, if not, then this beauty is mine. !Ha ha!"

Obviously, this Mons was cursed privately by everyone, and it was not without reason. This was too arrogant.

For a while, although the descendants of the middle-class nobles were indignant, no one dared to step forward.

After all, the strength of this Mons is really strong.

As for other nobles and royal knights with silver middle-rank knights, those who already have wives are naturally not good to compete.

"It's really arrogant!" Seeing this scene, Narant, who was standing behind Princess Isabella, smacked his lips.

I have also heard the comments of the small nobles before. For this kind of scum, if he were anywhere else, Narant would have to step on it.

It's a pity that he can't protect himself now and can't do it.

However, Natasha's fate made him frown a little.

Although Natasha is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she is also a member of the Onyx Principality, and has a cooperative relationship with him. Seeing her fall into the sea like this, Narant is still a little unbearable.

I don't know if this woman can make it through tonight. If she can make it through, I'll see if I can take her away when I leave at dawn!

Narant murmured to himself.

"Is there anyone who wants to challenge on stage? If not, this beauty belongs to me, Mons!" After waiting for a while, no one was ready to take the stage, and Mons finally looked at Natasha beside the high platform.

At this moment, Natasha's eyes were full of horror, and she also heard the comments of the minor nobles earlier.

If it wasn't for her hands and feet being trapped, she would rather commit suicide here than be so humiliated at this moment.

And the more pitiful Natasha was, the brighter Mons' eyes became.

Obviously, he changed his habit of playing with the commoner's daughter to Natasha, probably because he was stimulated by the so-called 'prize'.

"You guys, is there anyone who can deal with that Mons?" At this moment, Isabella's voice suddenly came from Narant's ear.

Isabella was originally disgusted with Mons, and seeing Natasha's appearance now, she felt that she must not fall into Mons' hands.

After all, compared to other nobles, this Mons is a beast.

"His Royal Highness, this subordinate already has a wife!" The captain of the palace guard was the first to speak when he heard the princess' question.

The princess nodded and looked at the other court knights.

There are also two silver knights among these court knights, but they are only silver elementary level.

"His Royal Highness, although Mengs is also a first-level silver, his strength is very strong, and he is already comparable to a middle-level silver. I am afraid that his subordinates will not be able to beat him!" The two palace guards were very self-aware.

Although the king did not say that they could participate, as long as the princess is willing to let them play, they can still go, but the two are indeed not the opponents of Namons.

In the end, the princess couldn't help but look at Narant.

"Your Excellency Kai, can you deal with that Mons?" Isabella just asked subconsciously. After all, Narant is too young. Although he also has the realm of Silver Elementary, he is probably not as strong as two palace guards.

"Uh..." Narant paused slightly, then hesitated immediately.

This Mons is indeed strong and fast, and it can be compared to a silver intermediate knight.

But with such a little strength, it was completely unattractive for those who had just taken two agility fruit Narant, and it was absolutely easy to hang him.

However, if Narant actually played, he didn't know if he would be able to walk out of the northern principality camp completely.

After all, so many people are watching, maybe his identity will be exposed.

"Ding, as a stalwart and righteous lord, how can you bear to let your collaborator, a beautiful woman, fall into the hands of shameless people, you should stand up without hesitation and rescue the beauty from the hands of the wicked! "

"System side quests, defeat Mons to win the test, and rescue Natasha!"

"Mission reward: a surprise about the population!"

But just when Narant was extremely entangled, the system suddenly jumped out.

"This... system, are you trying to kill me!" Narant is very suspicious, this system may have a tendency to frame the protagonist.

After all, when Qiu Zheng came, it had been silent for so many days, but it suddenly jumped out at this time.

"Lord Kai?" Isabella asked Narant again in confusion.

"His Royal Highness, this subordinate should be able to defeat Mons... However, this subordinate is playing now, will Mons retaliate in the future..." Narant woke up immediately, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"Your Excellency Kai, you don't have to worry about this, you are a royal knight, no matter how arrogant Mons is, he won't dare to do anything to you!" Isabella showed a slight surprise and immediately comforted Narant!

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"


"Your Majesty, no one dares to challenge the stage now. May I ask if I can win today's duel!" Before he could withdraw his eyes from Natasha, Mons couldn't wait to look at the king, and then changed his previous arrogance and respectful An incomparable request to speak.

When the king saw this, he looked around, and it was true that no young man dared to step forward. He nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then this is the end of today's duel competition..."

"Father! Wait a minute!" But when the king was about to say that the duel was over, Isabella suddenly spoke up.

"Isabella, what's the matter with you?" The king was not annoyed, and looked at his daughter in confusion.

"Father, there is another person here who wants to participate in the duel!"

"Oh, who else?" the king asked curiously.

"Father, it's him, Kai!" Said, the princess pointed to Narant.

"Haha! Since that's the case, let's continue the duel!" Seeing that Narant was wearing the clothes of a royal knight, and that it was his daughter who spoke in person, the king smiled and nodded and said nothing more.

With the permission of the king, Princess Isabella immediately gave Nalan a wink.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" Narant gave a respectful salute upon seeing this, and then quickly walked towards the front stage.

"Who is this royal knight? Her Royal Highness actually spoke for him!"

"I don't know! I don't seem to know him. Have you seen him before?"

"It doesn't seem to be! However, it may be another team!"

"It should be, and he seems to be very acquainted with Her Royal Highness the Princess, so I will inquire about it later!"

For a while all the nobles in the field looked at Narant.

Especially a group of royal knights, as colleagues, they found that Narant was a little jealous.

However, the previous communication between the princess and Narant made them feel that Narant was very familiar with her princess, so they did not question Narant's identity, but speculated that he was a royal knight from another team.

After all, the Royal Knights consisted of thousands of extraordinary knights alone, and not everyone was guaranteed to know each other.

Narant walked calmly on the surface at this moment, but he was actually sweating hard in his heart.

Fortunately, he made the right bet. He deliberately showed concern and asked the princess to ask for help.

When that move just fell into the eyes of everyone, it was equivalent to the princess knowing him and protecting him in disguise.

Even if the other royal knights didn't know him, they wouldn't immediately think of his fake identity.

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