Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 447: One twist and three twists and turns can no longer be summarized!

The latest website: "Bache? Didn't the sixth brigade go to Jusen City?" The king was a little puzzled.


However, the king's voice fell, and before Narant could answer, the princess spoke first.

"Father, Kay returned to report the situation under the command of Bacher. Let him report to you in private later!" Worried that the news from the rear would affect morale, the princess took the initiative to stop it.

"Well, let's finish the duel first!" The king nodded without asking why.

"Dear warriors of the principality, do you still have anyone who wants to compete on the stage?"

In the face of the king's inquiry, a group of young nobles lowered their heads one after another.

Obviously, Mons had discouraged them before, and no one dared to be ashamed of Narant, a man who could kill Mons with one blow.

"Since there is no, then I announce that today's duel competition is over, and the final winner today is Nicholas Kay!"

"As for the prize for the competition, the future queen of the Onyx Principality will also belong to him!"

"Thank you for the gift, Your Majesty!" Narant, who heard the words, immediately bowed his head and bowed.

Although the surrounding nobles were jealous, they didn't say much. After all, compared to Mons, the winner of Narant was more acceptable!

Then Natasha shuddered violently when she heard these words, and tears welled up in her eyes.

When Narant came to power, in order to avoid being recognized by Natasha, and thus being seen by others, he always turned his back to her.

Obviously, in the face of the tragic fate she is about to encounter, Natasha, who is always full of style, can't take it calmly.

Originally, after winning, Narant could return directly with his 'prize' to enjoy it.

However, because there was something to report, the spoils could only be put aside, and he followed the king towards the tent.

To be honest, Narant is a little nervous. This king is also a golden knight. It is easier for someone to pinch himself to death than an ant.

Fortunately, after the unintentional intervention of Princess Isabella, everyone would not doubt his identity at all at this moment, so that the little knight of the Naagate Principality could hide his identity and mix with the enemy.

If he can return safely this time, it will be enough for him to blow for three or five years.

Going to the tent, the king sat directly on the top seat, while the princess and several nobles sat on both sides.

As for Narant, the royal knight, he was definitely not qualified to take his seat, so he stood there honestly.

"Let's talk about it, what did Bacher ask you to report back, and what's the situation in the rear!"

The king of the north became serious. From the princess's previous reminder, he heard something was wrong, so he didn't ask at that time.

"Go back to Your Majesty, the battle in the rear is not going well..." Narant did not dare to neglect, and immediately began to repeat the version previously told to the princess.

After listening to Narant's retelling, the entire tent became quiet. The king and several great nobles obviously did not expect such a big thing to happen in the rear.

It was more than several times more serious than they originally believed.

"So, Bink and my eight hundred giant forest knights were all killed by that little noble?" At this moment, a big noble sitting in the first place on the left said with a gloomy face.

Narant looked at the badge on his chest. Fortunately, he knew the pattern. I'm afraid this is the owner of Jusen City, the Marquis of Lisen.

"Yes, Lord Marquis, when we arrived at Jusen City, it was Master Alled who said it himself!"

"Bastard!" Marquis Lisson's face was ashen, and he slapped the armrest with his palm.

The surrounding aristocrats looked at it with interest. Obviously, the Northern Principality was similar to the Onyx Principality, and the great nobles had their own interests.

"Your Majesty, you must not let the little nobles of the Onyx Principality run away!" The Marquis of Lisson looked at the king immediately.

If it wasn't for the front line, he would definitely bring the army back immediately.

"Lison, don't worry, the army of the Onyx Principality has reached its final point of desperation. Their food has been exhausted, and I believe they will be defeated in two days!"

"And the little noble who invaded the rear has been surrounded by the rear. When the army of the Onyx Principality is cleaned up, it will be difficult for him to fly with his wings. I will let the nobles help you to round him up!"

Seeing that the Marquis of Lisson was a little out of breath, the king immediately spoke out to comfort him.

It is no wonder that in addition to the accident of the team crossing the desert in this battle, now the Jusen cavalry regiment has suffered heavy losses, and the other nobles are going smoothly, so the anger of Marquis Lisen is understandable.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The king said so, and Marquis Lisson gritted his teeth and could only nod his head.

Looking at the situation, the big bosses are going to catch me, and then they will be cramped and ashes!

This is his grandmother's, which immortal did I offend to let me experience the taste of this tightrope walk.

Narant lowered his head, looked at his nose and heart, and his back was completely soaked.

"Well, tomorrow we will start a general attack on the Onyx Principality army. Their children will be used as shields. I think Culver and his few vassals can still defend it!" Seeing this, the king felt relieved and began to give himself These vassals cheered, "You guys go back tonight and prepare well. If you can take them down in one go, our northern principality will be just around the corner to unify the continent!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Except for Marquis Lissen, the rest of the nobles were excited when they heard the words.

If the Onyx Principality is really captured, then the king can become the Great Emperor.

And these nobles, the marquis can become a grand duke, and the earl can become a marquis.

This is not just a change in title, but means more support and higher authority.

"Well, let's go back and prepare!" The king nodded and sent several great nobles.

Immediately, he looked at Narant again, "Kai, you won the competition tonight, you can go back and enjoy your prize."

"However, tomorrow you will go out with the army, and then I will let the king of the Onyx Principality take a good look at whether you are a good match for the heir of the Frank haha!"

"Uh! It's not over yet?" Narant was taken aback.

I thought that I would take a risk and come to the big camp, and if I fooled around, there should be no waves.

But what this means now is that the king of the northern principality will drag him tomorrow to humiliate the king of the agate principality and all the nobles.

These twists and turns are not enough to summarize...

"My Nima, if I am found out tomorrow before the battle, will I be finished?" Narant shivered involuntarily.

However, under the watchful eyes of the king of the northern principality, although he had countless capital letters in his heart, he could only remain calm.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Well, then back off!" The king was satisfied and sent Narant.


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