Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 466: magician?

"It turns out that His Majesty Culver really has the perseverance, and he was willing to exchange one arm for the lives of two enemies!"

"Wrong, Narant, His Majesty's arm was not injured at that time!" But Bernard shook his head and said after Narant finished his sigh.

Narant was stunned for a moment, but he didn't feel embarrassed. He just asked curiously: "Lord Count, is that because they found that His Majesty Culver is too powerful, so many people besieged His Majesty again?"

Bernard did not answer Narant immediately, but raised his eyes cautiously and began to scan the surroundings.

Narant was shocked when he saw this. I am afraid there are other changes.

Sure enough, after confirming that the surrounding people were five or six meters away, and that they were not secretly paying attention to them, Bernard spoke in a low voice.

"Narant, this matter should not have been known to the minor nobles, but you are different! I will tell you now, but you must remember to keep it secret, otherwise it may cause panic!"

"Yes, Lord Earl!" Narant immediately took time to listen to what the news was, making Lord Bernard, the Earl, so serious.

After receiving the response, Bernard stopped delaying, "It's not the golden knights who hurt His Majesty, but the Bishop Meyer of the church!"

"Bishop Mayer? Lord Earl, I observed him at that time, and he doesn't seem to have any fluctuations in fighting spirit!" Narant was surprised.

Generally speaking, as long as it is a title knight, it can sense the fluctuation of the fighting spirit on the opponent.

Of course, this fluctuation can also be slightly hidden when there is no battle. That is to deliberately slow down the circulation of Dou Qi in the Qi meridian, so that the fluctuation of Dou Qi can be weakened.

However, even if it is deliberately concealed, it will only weaken the fluctuations, and it can also be detected by others. In any case, it cannot be like ordinary people.

"Narant, that Bishop Meyer didn't rely on vindictiveness to inflict heavy damage on His Majesty the King!"

"He relied on a magic beast-like spell to inflict heavy damage on Your Majesty. It is a spell like a wind blade, but this wind blade is stronger and faster than the wind blades of those monsters!"

"Hey! Mage!" Narant's eyes widened. Could there be any Mage in this world?

"It's a surprise, isn't it!" Bernard was not surprised when he saw Narant's surprised expression, "To be honest, it's the first time I've seen a human being able to cast spells!"

"And His Majesty the King had his arm cut off by the spell without any precautions. Next, we dared not stay any longer and started to break through the weak point of the enemy to the east!"

"And the Northern Principality doesn't know the reason. After we broke through the encirclement, we just chased a few miles before being stopped by Field!"

"Next, we took a detour and headed towards Maple Leaf City, and just as we were about to arrive in Maple Leaf City, we happened to meet those of your subordinates!"

"Narant, you have to remember that this matter must not be leaked. At present, only a few of us counts and kings know about it!"

After speaking, Bernard did not forget to warn again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Narant nodded solemnly.

After talking with Bernard, Narant fell into deep thought.

First, he punctured his own purple clover grass, then the hard iron armor that the Paladin wore, and now he added the spell that could release the wind blade.

In this way, the origin of the church is very worthy of scrutiny. It is very likely that in addition to their continent, there is another civilization that is more developed than them in a certain direction.

However, why is there such a civilized continent that everyone in the Onyx Principality and the Northern Principality can't even notice it?


"Father, Natasha actually got mixed up with that Narant!" At the same time, at the forefront of the army.

The king was injured and rode in a carriage on his return journey.

And the eldest prince also entered the king's carriage at this time, and he was indignant.

"Shut up!" the king scolded displeasedly.

At this moment, King Culver is not as energetic as he looked yesterday, and his face is slightly pale.

After all, he lost an arm. In this world without advanced medical means, he was able to survive because he was a knight.

The reason why his face was still bright yesterday was that King Culver pretended to use his vindictive energy to stimulate his blood.

"Didn't Natasha say that last night, nothing happened to him and Narant, it was just a trick to hide from the enemy!" The king added.

"But, father, there were several other heirs of the earl who were present that night. When this matter spread, I would lose face!" Byron looked ugly.

"Those heirs of the earl, as long as you go there in person, don't they dare to speak out!" The king was a little impatient.

To be honest, he was really worried about what would happen to the Onyx Principality in the hands of his eldest son.

His scheming is not even stronger than his second son.

The only thing is that the son is not so tyrannical and unscrupulous in doing things.

"Father, after Natasha came back, she didn't speak to me again, but went to find that Narant twice. I'm not reconciled..."

"Okay Byron, I know exactly what you're thinking, it's impossible to punish Narant!"

"Let's not say that Narant is Bernard's vassal, even if he has done everything for our Onyx Army this year, we will not allow us to do anything unfavorable to him!"

"Instead, I will reward Narant after I go back this time!"

"In addition, Byron, you have to remember that now there is a church involved in our war with the Northern Principality. Talents like Narant must be treated kindly, so that they will be willing to pay for the Principality!"

"After going back this time, in addition to father giving him some rewards, you must also find a time to invite Nalan out to show his favor to ease the relationship between you!"

"Father..." The eldest prince gritted his teeth suddenly, how could his dignified eldest prince bow his head to a knight.

"Enough, don't say more!" King Culver frowned, feeling a little tired.

However, thinking that I was going to give up Byron a few days ago, I felt a little guilt in my heart, so I comforted: "After I go back this time, I will directly discuss with the Frank family to complete your and Natasha's wedding, and wait until he becomes Your wife, you won't be thinking so much!"

"Really, father?"

"Yes, although the plan to open up a new territory was not completed this time, the banquet of the Autumn War still needs to be held!"

"So, I'm going to take advantage of the presence of the six counts and let them witness your and Natasha's wedding!"

"Yes, father!" Byron suddenly smiled, thinking of Natasha, there was a trace of excitement in his eyes that he was about to play her with applause and take revenge.

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