Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 472: 2 unusual places!

"Miss Natasha is here!"

"Miss Natasha is here!"

With the announcement outside the door, a beautiful figure stepped into the gate of the palace.

At this moment, Natasha is wearing a gorgeous purple dress with a white tulle over her head.

As he continued to walk, the tall and graceful figure swayed in the field, and the nobles of all sizes were almost suffocated.

Natasha walked through the crowd in such a hurry, and finally came to the high platform.

When the eldest prince saw Natasha at the moment, his face was slightly red, and he was obviously excited that he was about to get this beauty.

However, Natasha did not look at him after taking the stage. Instead, the gaze under the veil kept searching the crowd below, and finally locked on one of them.

The eldest prince followed his gaze and saw that it was Narant who was standing by the long table at the edge of the hall.

"Bastard!" The eldest prince's smile froze slightly, and a burst of anger rose in his heart.

However, when he remembered his previous preparations, the anger immediately subsided, "Boy, it's not my fault that you seek death by yourself, I hope you can recognize your identity in your next life!"

Thinking silently in his heart, the eldest prince withdrew his gaze and resumed his bright smile.

But everyone didn't know the eldest prince's psychological journey. The king saw that Natasha had come to the high platform, and without delaying the time, he immediately nodded to a middle-aged nobleman who was in charge of the wedding.

The middle-aged aristocrat got the signal, and immediately trotted to the high platform, and then stood in the middle of the eldest prince and Natasha.

"Dear gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, there will be a feast in this palace tonight that attracts the attention of the whole country. Prince Byron, the heir of His Majesty the King of the Duchy of Onyx, will get married today!"

"And the wife he will marry is the beautiful Miss Natasha of the Frank family!"

"I, Chap, is honored to be appointed by His Majesty as the host of tonight's wedding. Now, let's all witness this nationally celebrated wedding!"

"Please, His Royal Highness and Miss Natasha take two steps forward face to face..."

After the host took the stage, he began to skillfully arrange the wedding process. With his words and a few words, both the nobles below and the king on the high platform were all smiling and attracted their attention. A newcomer with a pivotal position in the Principality.

At the same time, after everyone was attracted, there were two other places in the palace where unusual things happened.

One of them was at the long table where Narant was.

"Excuse me, are you Sir Narant?" At a long table under the stage, Natasha looked at Natasha in a very complicated mood for a moment, wondering if the system would come with a mission to prevent the wedding. Then when he was about to make a decision, a call suddenly came from his ear.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Narant looked down, but it was a servant in the palace.

"Ser Narrant, a lady named Vivian is looking for you outside the palace!"

"Vivian looking for me?" Narant was taken aback.

"Yes, Sir Narrant, the lady said it herself. She seems to be quite anxious!" The valet responded respectfully.

"Yeah! Take me to see!" Hearing these words, Narant didn't think much, and immediately frowned and walked out of the palace. After all, if Vivian came to him now, it must be something Big things happen.

After Narant left, a second unusual thing happened in this hall.

At this moment, His Royal Highness, the second prince, did not focus on the eldest prince and Natasha like others, but was communicating with a maid behind him in a very soft voice.

"Is everything done?"

"Your Highness, it's done!"

"You are sure that there is no cure. You must know that there are so many golden knights present. In fact, I think it's better to postpone this plan a little bit later. After all, if something goes wrong, I'm afraid my father will not forgive me. I!"

"Your Highness, don't worry about this, even if the golden knight drinks our potion, don't even think about using vindictive energy within three days!"

"Now that most of your father's iron guard knights are left in the Fire Dragon Fortress, while the six counts are present at the same time, this is your best time!

"His Royal Highness, you just need to trust us and abide by the agreement with us, then the king of the agate duchy must be yours, and you will be able to sit on the throne in the hall tomorrow!"

It is hard to imagine that a maid should speak to His Royal Highness the Second Prince in such a tone. Obviously, the origin of this maid is not simple.

"Then how long will this potion take effect?" After listening to the maid's statement, the second prince Jagger looked at Byron with a happy face, and immediately clenched his fists.

"His Royal Highness, the effect of the medicine should start to take effect at this moment, and the stronger the strength, the faster the effect, you can start the plan at any time!"

The two unusual things in the venue did not attract anyone's attention, because the wedding at this moment finally came to a climax under the arrangement of the host.

"His Royal Highness, would you like to marry this beautiful Miss Natasha and become her husband?"

"I do!" The eldest prince did not hesitate.

The host smiled and looked at Natasha again.

"Miss Natasha, would you like to marry this handsome Prince Byron and be his wife?"

"..." The host's words fell, but Natasha didn't answer, obviously she didn't want to.

However, the host had been explained in advance, and after receiving no response, he completely ignored Natasha's silence and nodded to himself, "Very well, Miss Natasha also agreed, since both parties have agreed, So finally I want to ask all of you Bink, do you have any objection to this wedding?"

"If not, then let us congratulate His Royal Highness the First Prince and Miss Natasha on becoming husband and wife!"

Nobles are hypocritical. In order to flaunt humility and justice, they will definitely ask the opinions of the guests below at the wedding.

Of course, this is just a passing scene, and in such an occasion, I am afraid that no one will say that I object.

Otherwise, the fart will have no effect, and instead, there will be an eternal enemy of life and death.

However, just when everyone below thought that the host would announce the completion of the wedding in three to five seconds, and then entered the banquet celebration, a change occurred.

"I object!"

"Well, since no one objected... objected?" The host didn't react for a while when he heard the voice, and thought it was because I didn't object to a few words.

But after a while, his body trembled, and he looked in the direction where the voice came from in disbelief.

"His Royal Highness Second Prince?"


Naturally, this objection was not from Narant, because he had already been led out of the palace by the footman.

And the one who really protested was something that everyone present could never imagine, it was the second prince Jagger.

Immediately, a group of nobles, big and small, looked at each other and looked at His Royal Highness the Second Prince.

And the king was also the second son who looked down at the side of the high platform in disbelief.

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