Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 474: The death of the great prince!






The next moment, there was a sound of sword piercing into the flesh from the high platform, accompanied by a scream.

And the person who fell was none other than the eldest prince Byron, who had been stunned by this sudden change.

"The eldest...the eldest prince is dead! Killed by the second prince!" Everyone in the field was stunned. They could never imagine that the eldest prince, who was holding a wedding a moment ago, died directly the next moment.

The eldest prince fell to the ground with a long sword in his chest, raised his finger weakly and pointed at Jagger, his eyes full of disbelief and unwillingness.

King Culver reacted and swayed, and his eyes were blood red.

After a while, he flew to the front of the eldest prince.

It's a pity that Jagger's sword was merciless at all, and it stabbed directly into the chest, so the eyes of the eldest prince in King Culver's arms at this moment have gradually dimmed.

"Byron... Byron..." King Culver finally swept away his previous monarchy, showing sadness and anxiety.

But after only counting the breath time, the eldest prince twisted his neck and finally took his last breath.

"Jagger, you rebellious son, he is your brother, you actually killed him!"

"Sorry father, if you want to board, this waste brother must not stay. In addition, don't worry, after I inherit the throne, I will try my best to reproduce offspring and ensure that the blood of the Onyx family will continue to flow!" The second prince did not hesitate, As if killing a stranger.

"Jagger, you rebellious son, if you want me to pass the throne, don't even think about it, even if I die, I will not pass the throne to you, I want you, the rebellious son, to carry the reputation of murdering your father for the rest of your life. !" King Culver gritted his teeth, looking at the second prince with chills in his eyes.

"Haha! Father, what you said here doesn't count!" The second prince laughed, and then ordered to Deputy Commander Raff, "Raff, first control my father!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Immediately, Raff, the deputy commander of the peak of silver, personally controlled the king who had no vindictiveness and locked his hands and feet.

When Ralph's side was finished, the second prince ignored his own father, and looked at the earls instead.

"Earls, I believe you are all clear about this matter tonight!"

"My father said he didn't want to pass the throne to me. What about you guys? Are you willing to be loyal to me?"

Seeing the evil smile of the second prince, the six earls suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

Of course they were not willing to betray King Culver.

This is not only because of loyalty, but also because the second prince Jagger's methods are too ruthless, and even his own brother can kill if he wants to.

Who would dare to swear allegiance to such a tyrannical and ruthless emperor?

However, it was precisely because of his tyranny that this made all the counts who had lost their vindictiveness to be a little jealous.

Now in this game, it is not only himself and others, but his heir is also present.

For a while, the hall was quiet and terrifying!

"Earls, I'll give you ten minutes to think about it. After ten minutes, if you can't give me an answer, then it's my fault!" After speaking, the second prince glanced at the heirs of the earls.


"Where are you taking me? Didn't you say my subordinates are at the gate of the palace?"

"Sir Narrant, it will be here soon, don't worry!"

At this moment, Narant still doesn't know what happened in the palace.

At first, when he went out with the manservant, he didn't care.

After all, this is the royal palace, and the guards are heavily guarded, and if a servant on the other side can say Vivian's name, it must be true.

However, after leaving the palace, the manservant who led the way did not stop immediately, and Vivian did not appear, so he became a little puzzled.

However, thinking that there are iron knights guarding the area around here, maybe Vivian couldn't get close, so I continued to walk for a while.

But when the manservant led him into a dim alley, Nalande's expression sank.

Even if Vivian couldn't get close to the palace and needed to wait for herself at a distance, she would definitely not choose such a dim path.

Therefore, in all likelihood, this manservant has ulterior motives.

"Really?" Narant stopped directly, pressing his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Noble sabre This is the most basic right, so even the banquet hosted by the king will not be an exception.

The manservant in front noticed Narant's movement, and immediately ran towards the front with oil on the soles of his feet.

Narant did not pursue, but began to retreat slowly, while carefully sensing the movement behind the trees on both sides.

Whoa! Whoa!

However, the next moment he stopped, because the branches and leaves were swaying in front of him and behind him at the same time, and he saw that there were four masked knights at each end of the trail.

"You really look down on me, who sent you here?" Narant knew that he was being calculated.

Facing his question, the four masked knights did not answer, but pulled out their long swords and slowly leaned towards him.

Narant also drew out his long sword, took a defensive posture, and then continued to ask, "Is it the second prince?"

The four did not answer, and were already approaching.

"So, what's left is the eldest prince?" Narant's eyes turned cold.

"Kill it! Move faster!" The four also did not answer, but one of them urged, and then the four also accelerated.

"If you want to kill me, then come!" Narant snorted coldly. Although he didn't get the answer, he was probably the only two who could send four middle-level knights to kill him.

As for why it wasn't the king, because Narant felt that if the king made his move, it would not only be a silver middle-level knight, but a knight with a higher title must be involved. ,

Fortunately, although the current situation is critical, the danger to life should not be great.

Even if he can't beat him in four, he can definitely escape with his agility.

However, Narant didn't do it right away, because he wanted to deal with one or two of them first, otherwise he would just run away and lose the face of his master.

While Narant was thinking about it, the four of them had already encircled Narant from both ends.

When both sides were about to approach him and raised the long sword that flickered with cold light, Narant finally moved.

Even if his grudge erupted, he immediately shouted and rushed forward Die! "With the system of agility fruit strengthening, Narant's speed is three points faster than that of ordinary silver intermediate knights.

The two silver middle-level knights in front were overjoyed when they saw Narant rushing towards them, feeling that this great achievement might fall on their heads.

But this thought of joy just flashed by, and the next moment, Narant saw that he was like a dot, and came to the two of them across a distance of three meters in an instant.

With the sound of a dead word, one of the title knights only felt a flash of cold light in front of him, and then he felt a coldness on his neck.

The silver knight raised his hand in disbelief and touched his neck, and immediately there was a burst of moisture and smoothness in his hand.

Then, in the bright moonlight, he saw that this smooth feeling turned out to be red blood.


Immediately, a muffled sound came, and the silver middle-level knight fell to the ground without a sound.

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