Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 479: You dream!

"Thank you, Your Excellency!" Seeing that the knight moved, Narant also breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked Parker, the commander of the Tulip Knights.

Although this is also saving the counts of their respective families, his own purpose is only to rescue Stella and complete his mission.

"Sir Narant, it should be me thanking you, I will change the equipment now!" Parker did not dare to accept it, he saluted Narant, and quickly walked towards the small building.

In just a moment, a group of extraordinary knights returned in full force. All the extraordinary knights, including the six earl families, had come, almost three hundred people!

"Everyone, please come with me now, your Count is at stake!" After speaking, Narant took the lead towards the gate of the city wall.

More than 300 extraordinary knights followed closely, and Narant was accompanied by six silver peak knight commanders.


At the same time, inside the banquet palace.

"Earls, ten minutes have come! Have you made up your mind now?" The second prince Jagger glanced at the earls.

The earls looked at each other and didn't answer.

Whoever comes out first at this time will definitely lose his prestige after that.

"It seems that the earls are not ready to express their position until the last moment!" The second prince Jagger's eyes turned cold for a moment, and then he swept over the heirs of the earls one by one.

In the end, it locked on to Ulic next to Earl Batman.

Ulic shuddered when he saw this, and Batman beside him also sank.

And the corner of the second prince's mouth was slightly raised, "Rad, go and pull Master Ulic out!"

"Jagger, how dare you!" Batman was shaking with anger.

"Count Batman, don't blame me. After Quint's death, you will only have this one heir! I think you definitely don't want to watch the only heir of the Dark Iron family die." The second prince took Batman. Gotta die.

Since the last time Quint was assassinated at Fort Tulip, Ulic had become Batman's only heir.

"Second Prince, my Heitie family has no grievances or enmity with you. Why are you targeting me like this? It's not just that my Heitie family has only one heir!" Batman was not convinced, and said something.

Hearing this, the second prince glanced at Stella who was standing beside Bernard, the greed flashed in his eyes, and then smiled: "Haha! Earl Batman, as a gentleman, naturally has to take care of women. So come from your heirs first!"

Immediately, Ulic was led by Ladra to the second prince.

"Count Bartman, let me ask you, is your Dark Iron family willing to surrender to me!" With that, the second prince raised his long sword and put it on Ulic's neck.

"Father, save me!" Ulic asked Batman for help with a pale face.

Batman looked ashen and hesitant, and finally looked at the king, but unfortunately the king was only gloomy at this moment and did not give any instructions.

"It seems that Earl Batman is willing to lose the heir to the Black Iron family! Then I can only say sorry..." Saying that, the second prince's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Wait!" However, at the last moment when the second prince raised his sword, Batman finally softened, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.


It's just that he may be a little late for this cry, and the second prince's long sword still cuts a bloodstain on Ulic's body.

Fortunately, it was only cut on the shoulder, not the key.

"I'm sorry, Earl Batman, I didn't have time to stop just now, I don't know what you want to say?" The second prince showed a playful smile, seeing all the nobles calling out perverted in their hearts.

Now that he has spoken, Batman has nothing to be stubborn, and first looks at King Culver, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, he said to the second prince: "I... I am willing to surrender!"

"Haha! Count Bartman, you don't need to say sorry, my father will definitely not blame you, the knowledge of current affairs is the wisdom that nobles should have most, come on, take Young Master Ulic to bandage first!" The second prince was proud It was a good start, obviously. .

Immediately, the second prince turned his eyes and looked at the other earls, "Everyone, now that Earl Batman is willing to surrender, what about you? Do you want me to threaten your children one by one? I can't take it anymore, it's not good to hurt your children!"

"In addition, if any family declares allegiance at the end, then I will take back one-third of his land as punishment. Now, let's take a stand!"

The second prince's voice fell, and the counts' expressions became more uncertain.

At this moment, Rakoff stole a gloomy glance at King Culver, then took the initiative to stand up and said: "My iron cavalry family, I am willing to surrender!"

As the only earl who had no heirs present, Lakoff was actually the only earl who had grievances against King Culver in his heart.

The reason is very simple, because of Tony's death, he transferred most of the responsibility to King Culver.

He felt that it was because the king refused to use the Fire Dragon Fort fortress to exchange, which caused Tony to have an accident, but the king himself and the descendants of other counts survived.

More importantly, the king also prevented him from avenging Tony at the time.

If this incident hadn't happened tonight, Rakoff might have buried his resentment deep in his heart, but now he just took the opportunity to vent.

After all, looking at the current situation, since they all have to choose to surrender, the sooner the better, so that they can leave good thoughts in front of the new king in the future.

"Haha! Very good, Earl Rakoff, your Iron Cavalry family will definitely become stronger in the future!" The second prince smiled again with satisfaction.

Immediately, he looked at the remaining four counts, especially Bernard, with a playful look in his eyes.

He knew that Bernard had the toughest temper among all the earls, and that was the reason why he chose Batman first. As for which lady should be taken care of, it was pure nonsense.

Bernard ignored the second prince, but looked at his daughter with guilt, "Stella, it was your father who killed you!"

"Father, it's not your fault, and your daughter will support any decision you make. She knows that you will never be coerced by anyone!" Stella knew her father's character, and she smiled faintly when she heard the words, showing no face at all. Fear of death.

"If there is another Father must be more careful to protect you!" Seeing his daughter so sensible, Bernard felt even more guilty.

However, he had already made a decision, and he was unwilling to live like Rakoff, especially the greed of the second prince, which let him know that there might be other encounters waiting for his daughter afterwards.

After speaking, Bernard handed out a beautiful short blade to Stella with difficulty.

Stella silently squeezed the short blade in her hand and said nothing.

Immediately, Bernard stood up and said, "Everyone, although we are nobles as earls, I am still a knight noble, do you still remember the oath I made under the witness of the God of Glory when I inherited the title? ?"

"Humility, honor, sacrifice, valor, mercy, honesty, justice, spirit, these are the principles we should be as knights."

"I Bernard, as a noble knight, I will not surrender to any injustice or evil, Jagger, you want me Bernard to surrender to you, a rebellious person, dream it!"

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