Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 482: Magician!



"Boy, are you also worthy of negotiating terms with me?" The second prince sneered.

"Haha! His Royal Highness, the second prince, if it were in the past, I would definitely not be qualified to negotiate conditions with you!"

"But... Now these three hundred extraordinary knights are listening to me, so I have them!" Narant still smiled tepidly, saying that the king turned his head to look at the six commanders, "A few commanders, you guys Say yes?"

"It's up to Sir Narant to decide!" Since their respective counts could not order, the commanders naturally had nothing to say.

Of course, now Earl Batman and Earl Rakoff deliberately hid behind the crowd, and the people from the Dark Iron Knights and the Iron Knights did not see them.

"How is it? His Royal Highness, the second prince, have you considered it? The six commanders are peak silver knights. I'm afraid you can't resist our attack at all. Why don't you get enough gold coins and treasures and take them to the northwest. Live a life in the desert!"

"Narant, you can go ahead and give it a try. I promise to send the counts to see the God of Glory first?" The second prince was not someone who would be frightened by a few words, so he immediately turned against the army.

Although several knight commanders are willing to obey Narant for the time being, that is only in the case of the safety of the counts of each family.

If the second prince really wanted to threaten the life of their earl, they would definitely not dare to change.

"You don't dare!" Narant also knew the truth of this. In order to get active persuasion, he must not be soft.

"His Royal Highness, the second prince, everything you did tonight was to ascend to the throne and rule the Onyx Principality. If several counts were killed, the Onyx Principality would immediately fall apart. If you don't talk about civil strife, you will also be the northern principality that is coveted by tigers. It can't be resisted either!"

"If you get to that point, not only will you have to run away, but you will also face the endless pursuit of the descendants of the six earl families, so I say you don't dare!"

Although Narant said this to the second prince, in fact, it was mainly said to a group of extraordinary knights.

"You can try it!" The second prince's face was ashen.

Although the bottom line in their hearts has been pierced, they can only refuse to give in to each other under such circumstances.

Next, the situation outside the palace began to stalemate.

Narant did not dare to attack again, and the second prince also did not dare to act rashly.

Both sides are waiting for the moment.

As for when?

The second prince was naturally waiting for the Freemasonry to take action. Although he didn't know what the Freemasonry would do, judging from the calmness of the maid, he should not be disappointed.

As for Narant, he has already given a few antidote potions to Xiao Huihui, and whenever there is a chance, he will let Xiao Huihui pass the potions to Bernard or the king and others.

However, now that the king and a group of earls are surrounded, Xiao Huihui will definitely not be able to pass the potion silently, so he is also thinking hard about how to find opportunities.

But when the two sides were at a standoff, the maid who had communicated with the second prince secretly brought two male servants to the side steps not far from the gate.

The two male servants looked ordinary, but in their hands were a strange wooden staff with complex silver inscriptions on the surface.

And at the top is a fiery red Warcraft spar!

"Fire element wandering between heaven and earth! Please obey my call and burn my enemies... burst fireball!"

After the two silently stood still, they sang in a humming voice.

boom! boom!

With the low voices of the two male servants and the waving of the wooden staff in their hands, a miraculous scene appeared in the next moment.

In front of them, two bowl-sized fireballs suddenly popped up.


Before the surrounding crowd noticed the strangeness, under the guidance of the two 'boys', two fireballs quickly shot towards the crowd of the Extraordinary Knights under the steps.

"Ah! What is that!" As the two fireballs cut through the night sky and approached, the crowd finally discovered the anomaly.

"I'm going, fireball!" Narant also discovered the situation with exclamation, and was shocked when he saw the flying fireball.

Bernard had told him on the road a few days ago that the king had his arm cut off by the magician's wind blade technique.

Although the fireball technique appeared now, he also did not dare to underestimate it.

Especially when he saw that one of the fireballs was clearly shot towards him.

Before he could think about it, Narant flew towards the crowd of enemies in front of him regardless, and shouted at the same time, "Everyone be careful, get out of the way!"


It was too late when he said it, and his voice fell, and two roars exploded in the field.

what! what! what!

And with the sound of the explosion, the sound of screams suddenly followed.

Narant immediately got up from one of the enemy guards who had been overwhelmed by him, and then looked behind him, but he suddenly gasped.

Only two meters away, the ground where he was standing was already scorched black, and there were four or five extraordinary knights lying on the ground around them, crying constantly.

Except for the armor, the clothes on their bodies were burnt and tattered, and the skin under the tattered clothes was even more appalling, and it had become a little charred.

Obviously, they were burned by the flames when the fireball exploded.

Narant shivered involuntarily. If he was directly hit by this fireball, would he still be able to survive?


"Ah! No, the fireball is coming again, everyone, get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

At this moment, two roaring fireballs appeared again in the air, and all the extraordinary knights scattered in panic.

This fireball has exceeded their cognition, and the power is extremely terrifying, even they are also a little panicked.

For a time, the situation that was still evenly matched was immediately reversed.

"It's going to end if this goes on!" Narant was in a hurry, he never imagined that there would be a magician under the second prince.

However, this is not something he should think about now, he must find a way to quickly solve these two magicians.

Otherwise, let alone rescue Stella and the other counts, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape by then.

According to the settings of the film and television of the previous life, although the magician's spells are powerful, his own defense is not as good as that of a melee knight.

Although it was the first time that Narant had seen a magician with his own, he had seen a lot in his previous life and in movies and TV series.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, he is ready to give it a try.

Thinking of this, he directly took out a grenade, and then lit it on the torch that fell to the ground.


Immediately after the lead was ignited, white smoke came out.

Narant didn't even think about throwing it directly towards a maid and two magicians on the steps.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, not understanding what the iron ball was thrown at their feet.

However, one of the magicians was cautious, and immediately took out a scroll and tore it apart.


Immediately, a red mask covered his whole body.

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