Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 486: Mithril mine?

"The pioneering order is Narant's reward, so let's talk about the rewards of your families in the autumn expedition!"

"There are more than 12,000 gold coins collected from the Northern Principality in this autumn expedition. According to the practice of previous years, you and your vassals can share 45% of them."

"However, since each of your families has lost a lot of manpower this year, I will give you half of it, which means that there will be 6,000 gold coins for you to share equally!"

This time, the king did not exclude the black iron family and the iron cavalry family.

After all, there is a big enemy outside, and taking back some territory earlier is already a punishment.

And now the reward that should be given, it can be considered to appease them in disguise.

For the Onyx Principality, the six earl families are all very important existences, and they really force them to be separated from their virtues, which is not in the interests of the Principality.

The six counts naturally had no opinion on this.

However, the king's words did not end, after a pause, he continued: "In addition, in this autumn expedition, the role of the Tulip family is undoubtedly dazzling, whether it is intercepting the team behind the Northern Principality in the northwest, Or did Bernard receive a message to inform the Northern Principality of the ambush in advance!"

"This has avoided the consequences of our army being completely wiped out by the Northern Principality."

"So, in addition to the reward of gold coins, I will reward the Tulip family with an additional fief the size of a baron. Do you have any opinions on this?"

"I am willing to obey your will, Your Majesty!" The expressions of the counts were different, but one thing was unifying, that is, with envy.

This time, other families in Qiu Zheng suffered heavy losses, even the king, but Bernard and his vassal earned it.

However, when everyone heard the king's follow-up words, they finally understood why the king wanted to reward the Tulip family with territory.

And also transferred the original envy and jealousy of Bernard to Narant.

"Since none of you have any opinions, then the matter is settled like this. In addition, the location of this territory is on the edge of the Tulip Collar and the Fire Prairie, which is the baronial territory I just received from the Black Iron Family!!"

"Bernard, hand over to Earl Batman yourself later!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Bernard responded immediately with a smile.

"It's adjacent to the Tulip Field, and it's adjacent to the Fire Prairie? Isn't this Quint's territory?" Narant's eyes widened.

Although he obtained a corridor into the grassland from Quint by extortion last time, it was only two or three miles deep, and the width was too narrow to be safe.

Even if the grassland is really opened up by him in the future, the passage will be pinched by the Hei Tie family like a throat.

But if this territory belongs to the Tulip family, then this concern will disappear in the future.

Next, the king didn't stay too long, after all, he still had a lot of things to deal with.

After the king dismissed the counts, Narant returned with Bernard.

"Narant, how is it, do you have confidence?" On the way, Bernard looked at Narant with a smile.

"Lord Count, what confidence?" Narant didn't react.

"With the two-year development order, how many territories do you think you can open up?"

"This... Lord Count, I don't really have a bottom line, but I think I can open up an area larger than my current territory, right?" Narant was surprised, but he didn't dare to say too much. Full, humble is his motto.

"It's bigger than your territory? It seems that you have a lot of confidence?"

"Narant, don't forget that a fortress or a castle must be built to develop a territory to achieve stable control, and the population needs to be maintained in the thousands for a long time to be considered a territory that has been developed!" Although Narant is enough Modest, but Bernard still expressed slight surprise.

Although the development order does not limit the size of the land, it also has other restrictions, otherwise it is easy to be exploited.

At that time, a certain noble will wander around with the people and horses with a development order, saying that the land belongs to him, wouldn't he be able to occupy the entire continent.

Therefore, the real and effective proof of ownership of the development of the territory is related to the real control strength.

For example, if you occupy a territory the size of a barony, then you must establish a gathering place with at least a thousand people.

As for the territory of the Viscounty and Earldom, there are 5,000 people and tens of thousands of people respectively.

Therefore, in Bernard's view, it is not as simple as it seems to want to open up a new territory.

If there are no enemies, it is fine, as long as the survival of the population can be satisfied.

If there is an enemy threat, it is necessary to guarantee both safety and survival.

And there are barbarians living on the Fire Prairie. The living environment is harsh and dangerous. Even if you want to build a defensive fortress, you will be short of wood and stone.

What's more, the grasslands were not suitable for growing wheat, so Bernard thought that the best outcome for Narant might be to develop a territory the size of a barony.

Now that he said it so smoothly, he was naturally very confident.

How did Bernard know that Narant actually wanted to run this large grassland into his own back garden.

Even if it can't be completely captured, it must be the majority.

As for the construction of defense facilities, and the problem of food, it can actually be solved for him.

He Narant has bricks. Bricks are lighter than stones, easy to transport and faster to build. It will certainly not be difficult to build any defense facilities at that time.

As for the food, his sweet potatoes and other seeds are cultivated, they can be cultivated on a large scale.

The seed of the sweet potato is the sweet potato itself, and it can grow geometrically.

After a sweet potato germinates, it can be cut into several pieces along the sprout for sowing.

With a green elf, that's not a problem at all.

Narant is not worried about the development of things, as long as the invasion of dark creatures has been solved for a while, it will start to act.

However, now he is more interested in the unknown armor of the Paladins, so he asked Bernard: "Lord Count, I have something I want to ask you!"

"What's the matter, Narant, you said!"

"Lord Count, the last time we evacuated, I fought with the Paladins, but when my long sword slashed at them, I found that I could only cut a small gap, not even hurting the flesh of the enemy. Do you know what's going on?"

"Huh?" Bernard heard the The originally relaxed expression showed a little solemnity, and after thinking for a while, he said to Narant: "Narant, I didn't expect you to find out about this too! "

"Actually, I also discovered this problem after intercepting the Paladins with the king and other counts that day!"

"The armor on those paladins is stronger than ours, and even the long swords in their hands are sharper and harder!"

"I and a group of earls later discussed this on the way back, and finally heard a guess from His Majesty the King."

"His Majesty said that he had seen such a description in the old king's notes, saying that there is still a kind of golden elf in this world, and the elf mines are all more magical ores!"

"It seems that some mithril ore, fine gold ore and other ores can be mined. Therefore, His Majesty the King speculates that the church has mastered more advanced and rare ores!"

"Mythril mine? Golden elf?" Narant's eyes widened.

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