Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 713: 1 fly

Latest website: The huge shock wave pushed the pig-headed leader's body forward suddenly.

Not sure what happened, it can only stabilize its figure by relying on its strength comparable to the golden peak knight.

After stabilizing his body, he immediately looked back.

"what happened?"

But when he turned around, he saw a scene that made his eyes split.

I saw that there was a huge pothole on the flat ground more than 20 meters behind him, on a gentle **** more than 10 meters wide.

And with the appearance of this pitch-black pothole, all the subordinates within a 20-meter radius fell to the ground, their flesh and blood blurred.

He couldn't figure out what was going on.

Because such an attack obviously only magic can do.

But just now he clearly did not find the magic power fluctuations.

But just when he was wondering, suddenly more than forty meters away, there was another loud roar.

With a burst of dazzling light and gunpowder smoke from the crowd, all the pig-headed people within a range of ten or twenty meters were overturned.

Many pig-headed people were thrown into the sky due to the huge impact, and then fell to the gentle slopes on both sides, with a tragic death.

"What's going on?" The pig-headed leader kept looking around with the giant axe in his hand, trying to find the magician who activated the magic.

After all, those who were blown to pieces just now were all the elites in his Black Rock Village, and every death was enough to make him feel bad.

But no matter how he glanced, he couldn't find the culprit.

Just when he was so anxious that his eyes were red, the explosion appeared again.

Sixty meters away, eighty meters away, all the way to a hundred meters away, a total of three explosions occurred.

In addition to the two previous explosions, most of his armored subordinates were directly blown to pieces.

Originally, with the strength of these pig-headed people, they would not have been killed so much.

But Narant knew that this Sacred Continent was different from the Glory Continent, and the strength of these pig-headed people was probably not low, at least comparable to the Silver Knights.

Therefore, the gunpowder that could have been equipped with ten or so Glory Wraths was merged into five by him.

The wrath of glory, which doubles and does not increase in price, is naturally more powerful than before.

"Despicable reptiles, I will definitely make you pay the price!" Looking at the corpses all over the ground, but couldn't find the real culprit, the leader of the pig-headed man could only put his hatred on the castle.

The next moment, he again urged his subordinates to rush towards the castle.

This time, he decided to take out the little nobleman's heart and swallow it alive.

"Hoohoo! Kill!"

The rest of the pig-headed people were also killing intent, roaring and rushing to the gate of the castle.

"Kill me in."


When they came to the gate of the castle, the leader of the pig head shouted again, and the subordinates in front did not hesitate to get into the gate.

"here we go again!"

But Narant and the others who had been waiting inside for a long time laughed.

The pig-headed people who entered earlier have been cleaned up long ago, and they are waiting for the follow-up orc army.

He could hear the explosions outside the city wall and the angry roar of the pig-headed man very clearly. He thought that the Wrath of Glory should have harvested many enemies.


The next moment, a new batch of pig-headed people finally rushed into the vestibule through the doorway.

What these rushing pig-headed people originally imagined was that their companions were fighting hard and slaughtering the weak human race.

But the moment he roared and rushed in, his expression froze.

Because there are still a few clansmen inside, and the people standing are actually vicious people.

It's just that the brains of these ordinary pig-headed people are not as useful as that of the leader. Although they feel wrong, their figure is still rushing forward.


The next moment, a huge bear paw appeared from the side, and slapped the pig-headed people who had just entered the vestibule and were still a little confused in front of Quick and others.


Seeing this, Quick and the others did not hesitate, and slashed directly around these pig-headed people.

"Hoohoo! Rush in for me, don't block the door!" The orc leader outside the door still didn't know what was going on.

Seeing that the gate was a little crowded, the subordinates rushing forward actually paused for a while, and immediately roared forward.

And when a group of subordinates heard the roar, naturally they could only squeeze forward desperately.

In this way, the team started to move again, and the leader of the pig head finally entered the castle along the doorway.

"Kill me all... what's going on?"

Like other orcs, the pig-headed leader's first reaction after rushing into the castle was to roar and prepare to show his might.

But his roar was only halfway through, and he immediately realized that the situation was wrong, and his complexion immediately turned blue.

"Flaming Giant Bear, how is this possible!"

At this moment, Little Bear wanted to repeat the old trick to shoot the pig-headed leader.

However, the strong wind that came out was immediately noticed by the leader of the pig-headed man.

The pig-headed leader made a quick dodge and avoided the attack of Little Bear.

However, several of the subordinates beside him could not escape the fate of being photographed.

"There's nothing impossible, Pig Head, are you only allowed to use beasts by orcs, can't we humans use them?" Facing the question of the pig head leader, Narant laughed.

These guys thought that after rushing into the castle, it would be a hearty harvest battle.

Who knows that there is a killing **** like Little Bear waiting for them.

"You despicable reptiles, I will kill you!"

The pig-headed leader was trembling with Narant's shamelessness, and the pig-headed corpses all over the ground were all warriors of their Black Rock Village.

Moreover, as the follow-up clansmen rushed in, the terrifying flaming giant bear was like a demon in the abyss.

After a loud roar, the leader of the pig head rushed towards the flaming giant bear.

In his eyes, the only threat to him and his subordinates in this castle is the flaming giant bear.

Therefore, as long as the flaming giant bear is solved, the castle will not be able to escape his bloodbath in the end.

The next moment, the pig-headed leader fought with the flaming giant bear.

I have to say that although the orcs are savage and too smart, their racial talent is also a strength. With the strength of the golden peak, this orc leader can be on par with Little Bear.

"No wonder, as the old saying goes, no matter what time you have a good eye, since you are so arrogant, then you can't blame me!" And when Narant saw that the pig-headed leader regarded himself as nothing, he was also happy.

Immediately, Bian hid behind Vivian and the others and began to cast magic in a hurry.

"Space teleportation!" After about ten seconds of casting, Narant's space teleportation was finally completed.

The next moment, he cheaply sent a bag of white powder into the space teleportation.

At the same time, the pig-headed leader was slashing at Little Bear with a giant axe.

And because Xiao Huihui was in the castle, he couldn't take full advantage of his physique, and he couldn't spit out flames at will, so as not to hurt Narant's subordinates, so he could be considered comparable to this pig-headed leader.

However, at the next moment, a white object suddenly appeared between the two.

When Xiao Huihui saw it, he immediately knew that this was something Narant made, and was not surprised.

On the contrary, the pig-headed leader was startled when he saw this, thinking that someone wanted to plot against him.

So, without thinking about it, I took the giant axe and slashed at the white object.


This white object is so soft that it is vulnerable to a single blow.

With his slashing, the entire white object exploded into powder in the next moment.

However, to the surprise of the pig-headed leader, the blasted powder was the real trouble.

As the powder exploded, it instantly smeared his face.


The next moment, the pig-headed man leader suddenly covered his eyes and wailed.

Because the white powder had already smeared into his eyes, making him unable to open them at all.

"Bastard, despicable and shameless human race!"

The pig-headed leader immediately realized what it was.

"Haha! Little Bear, pat him for me!"

The white powder is naturally lime powder.

In the past, a large grenade was used to deal with the red-clothed Archbishop Narant.

But this pig-headed man's leader is thick-skinned and strong, and it is estimated that even if he sends the wrath of glory to him, he may not be able to be seriously injured.

Therefore, this lime powder has become Narant's best means.

"Okay, Narant, you're ready to pick it up!" Although the little bear bears a little disdain for Narant's methods, he has no mercy for the pig-headed man.

The next moment, he directly waved the big bear paw and slapped the pig-headed man leader who could no longer see anything.


With the full blow of Little Bear, the pig-headed leader didn't have time to dodge, and was slapped directly towards Narant.

"Flame Spear!"

And Narant had been waiting for a long time, and with a low voice, the dragon tooth in his hand immediately shone with red flames.


With a crisp piercing sound, the Dragon Tooth Sword pierced into the pig-headed leader's chest without any accident.


Although he was stabbed by the long sword, the body of the pig-headed man continued to fly two or three meters away by inertia, and finally finally fell heavily to the ground.

"Hooho, despicable human race..."

The pig-headed leader could never have imagined that his dignified patriarch would be killed by the enemy so easily.

When he came, his plan was to bloodbath the castle, and then loot the territory of other new nobles by the way.

However, in this most inconspicuous Viscount Castle, it was secretly plotted.

This guy not only has weird magic, but also has a flaming giant bear as a helper.

If he still has the strength, he would like to roar, why didn't you show your strength earlier, then I won't attack the castle.

After the pig-headed leader died, there was no suspense in the next battle.

One by one, the pig-headed people who entered the castle were all slapped by the bear as a toy, and finally they were swarmed by Quick and others to solve it.

"Little Bear, do me a favor again!" After cleaning up the pig-headed man, Narant called out to the shrunken Little Bear.

Although the pig-headed man has been resolved, there is still a suspicious guy hiding in the forest outside the castle.

Narant was curious as to why a human race would get mixed up with orcs.


"What's the matter, why did those pig-headed people seem to have stopped moving after they entered the castle?"

At this moment, Kari faintly noticed something wrong in his heart.

When the pig-headed people attacked the gates of the Viscount's castle, he thought that today's victory was settled, and that he would be able to return to the empire with peace of mind tomorrow.

But where do you know that when the pig-headed leader charged, something unexpected happened that he had never seen before.

For those five inexplicable explosions, the guards beside him, the prince of the empire, couldn't figure out the reason.

There are no magicians and no magic fluctuations.

Of course, this originally did not affect today's victory. Although a lot of pig-headed people died, with Narant's strength, they were still unable to resist the attack of the orcs.

Unexpectedly, after the leader of the pig head invaded the castle, there was no movement in the end.

Originally, Kari was going to follow him to check what happened, but seeing the longbowman on the city wall still intact, made him faintly vigilant, so he didn't go.

"Is there really a change, that Narant is so strong?" At this moment, more than ten minutes have passed, and the shouting and killing in the Viscount Castle has gradually disappeared.

But the human longbowmen on the city wall still exist. Now, even if it is unbelievable, Kari knows that there is something strange in the castle.

The next moment, he was ready to evacuate.

He was going to return to Heiyanzhai to wait. If the leader of Ernie did not return after two days, he would immediately return to the empire and report the matter here to the eldest prince.



But just as Cary took a deep look at the castle and cautiously retreated, there was a sudden sound of a branch breaking behind him.

Cary was immediately startled and turned his head immediately.


And he was greeted by a furry grizzly bear.

Before he could react, the grizzly bear's paw had already slapped on his face.

Kari's body swayed immediately, but fortunately, the strength of the body with the strength of the golden peak is not weak, and the next moment he endured the pain and wanted to pull out the long sword around his waist.

"If you dare to move again, I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow!"

However, just when he was only halfway out of the sword, his neck was cold, and he was already caught by a long sword with a cold glow.

"How is this possible, aren't you in the castle?" And when he saw the man holding himself with a long sword, Cary was surprised, it was Narant.

"Well, no wonder I look familiar to you, I remembered it!"

Narant and Little Bear took the little ash to the rear of the card.

At the moment when Little Bear attacked, he felt that this card looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Narant thought that this was a guard following Prince Eric.

Although he has changed his armor at the moment, thanks to Narant's unforgettable memory, he still has an impression of this little person who was not conspicuous at the beginning.

"Narant, I advise you to let me go, otherwise His Royal Highness will not let you go!"

Knowing that his identity was seen through by Narant, Cary simply did not hide it.

Moreover, he knew that if he had no choice, he might not be able to leave alive.

"Do you think that Eric's identity can still be used to threaten me under the current circumstances?" Narant showed disdain.

"Then what do you think!" Kari gritted his teeth, he knew that the conspiracy of his eldest prince had been exposed, so Narant must have no reason to be so After all, this has already torn his face.

"Tell me why you are hanging with this orc, and I'll give you a treat!" Narant is no nonsense, he is very curious about how the prince has a relationship with the orc.

After all, the relationship between the orcs and the human race is quite tense now, but this dignified prince of the Bach Empire colluded with the orcs to murder the same clan in private. This is not a trivial matter.

"By the way, I advise you not to lie or speak hard, otherwise I have many ways to slowly ask what I want to know from your mouth!"

Facing Narant's half-smile expression, the inside of the card turned white.

Especially when he heard the cold threatening words without emotion, he dispelled his original intention to swear not to reveal a word.

------off topic-----

Thank you "Little Yiyi" and "No Knife Tonight" for their rewards! ! !


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