Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 717: 2 new totem poles

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"My lord, I don't know if it is the blessing of the gods. Although many dark creatures have appeared on the Glory Continent, high-level dark creatures have not appeared!"

"The strongest ones seem to be the death knight and the dark knight, and the number is very rare, only about one a week!"

At this time, Raymond, who was beside Narant, spoke to Narant.

"Well, this lord knows,? I heard that although some powerful monsters in the dark abyss can send death energy, they can also send low-level dark creatures here!"

"But after all, the distance is too far. All dark creatures who want to transmit higher levels can only rely on space cracks!"

"And wanting to build a large space crack is not a short time to complete, it will take at least decades, so the dark creatures you encounter at present are probably still transmitted from small space cracks!"

Narant nodded, knowing how often death knights and dark knights appeared, because almost every week, his energy points would increase a little.

Later, Narant opened his mouth and told the subordinates why there were no high-level dark creatures.

He also heard about this when he heard that Eric told the king and others.

In this way, the Bach Empire is not panicking that the Glory Continent has been invaded.

At least for a few decades, the death energy of the Glory Continent will not affect the Holy Continent.

On the Sacred Continent, how to deal with the death qi of the Glory Continent is still in the process of arguing.

In short, this is related to the life and death of everyone on the entire continent, so how many sacred thorns your family produces, and how many people from his family to clean and plant, it will take a long time to argue.

"So it is!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Narant's explanation.

At this moment, they don't know much about the Sacred Continent, and they are worried that if the dark creatures spread to Xintiandi on the side of the mountain, they will have no escape.

In fact, how did they know that the Sacred Continent was actually half occupied by dark creatures.

"By the way, Raymond, how many barbarian warriors are stationed in this fortress, is it difficult to deal with dark creatures?"

"My lord, there are a hundred barbarian warriors in the fortress. Because of the weapons made of sacred thorns, it is not difficult to deal with the dark knight!"

"Very good. In the future, this castle must have a permanent army, but it can be divided into three groups by a rotation system, and rotated once a month!"

Nalanda nodded. Now that he has sacred thorns, it is indeed much easier to deal with low-level dark creatures.

It's like he didn't come to Stormwind for a long time. He was chased by the dark knight and ran to Benny's castle, and then it was solved with the efforts of everyone.

And this is what Narant is most willing to see. Since he can simply defend the fort, he can focus on other areas in the future.

After all, the location of the fort is still a little far from the territory, and he can't come immediately if there is an emergency.

Of course, he will also equip the fort with a sufficient amount of combat power so that the barbarians can replace it.

And he plans to place several other teams in the Forge Castle, which is not only safe, but also convenient for these barbarians to come and replace.

After checking the fortress, Narant did not stay for too long and returned directly to the camp on the side of the Holy Continent.

"Narant!" Before returning to the camp on this side, Narant was filled with a soft and tender body.

Just from the soft cotton airbag, Narrant knew that it was Natasha.

"Narant, why are you here now? I thought you were only caring about Stella and forgot about me!" Natasha threw herself into Narant's arms, her white hands clenched fists, not only beating on his chest.

Those eyes were filled with sparkling tears, indescribably beautiful and pitiful.

When Natasha evacuated, she did not leave with the nobles of the Onyx Principality.

The main reason is that Natasha was in Tulip City at that time, and when there was going to be a big change in getting Glory Continent, this little girl immediately went to Narant's territory to help him arrange the evacuation of his subordinates and serfs.

And Narant was naturally moved when he got the news.

And when he saw that Prince Eric was actually an old man, he simply sent a letter to Natasha, asking him to follow the barbarians directly from the grassland to the Holy Continent.

After all, the road to the north, Narant doesn't even know what will happen next.

But the prairie road is absolutely safe.

When the surrounding subordinates saw their adults flirting with Natasha, they immediately turned their heads one by one, and stayed away from the area where dog food was scattered.

"Natasha, the road to the north is much farther than this side, and we've been on the road for more than two months!"

"Less than half a month after arriving in the territory, I will come here to find you immediately!"

After the subordinate walked away, Narant could finally let go of the majesty of the lord, grabbed Natasha's hands with pity, and spoke affectionately.

"Hmph, do you really need to go that far? Is it because of Stella that you came late!" Natasha was reluctant.

"Of course not, I, Narant, swear to the God of Glory..."

Seeing Natasha's attitude of a resentful woman, Narant laughed, and immediately started to swear.

However, before he could finish speaking, Natasha was startled and immediately blocked Narant's mouth with her hand!

"I believe you can't do it!" Natasha said angrily.

"Haha! I knew Natasha you were the most considerate!" Nalande had long known Natasha's temperament.

Her character is more aggressive than Stella, and her personality is also hot, but her heart is the kind of existence that loves to the extreme once she falls in love, so playing a little temper occasionally happens.

But if she said that she was hurt, she would definitely be the first unhappy one.

Since Stella raided Storm Collar, Natasha could pretend that she just happened to stay in the castle.

"By the way, Narant, what about my grandfather, father, and the rest of the Frank family?"

"It's all very well, your father and the others were placed in the new territory with His Majesty the King!"

"However, the Onyx Principality no longer exists, and His Majesty the King will only be a Marquis in the future!" Narant said with a smile.

"How could this be?" Natasha was surprised when she heard the words. She didn't expect such a huge change in the Principality.

"It's a long story, but I can talk to you while lying down. After all, it's too tiring to talk standing up, hehe!" Narant gave a wicked smile.

"Bah, pervert!" Natasha immediately understood the meaning and scolded without hesitation.

However, those eyes full of fascination had already betrayed her.

"Let's go, Narant, my camp is over there!" Natasha took the initiative to pull Narant towards her camp.

She followed Narant's subordinates to evacuate, and also brought a group of business subordinates in Tulip City, so he also had a separate camp here.


The time turned to the second day, and Narant was finally awakened by the neighing of horses outside the camp.

"Narant, you're awake!" When Narant helped the old waist out of bed, Natasha, who was as beautiful as a flower, just came in with a sweet face.

"Get up! Is it already preparing outside?" Narant cast a speechless look at Natasha.

Gu Shu

I don't know if it was for revenge, but Natasha didn't let herself sleep all night last night.

It's better now, as the peak silver knight has to support her old waist to get up, but she has become more gorgeous.

"Yes, Narant, I'll serve you to wash!" Natasha didn't care about Narant's eyes at all, but pursed her lips and threw two glamorous, and then waited for Narant to get up and wash with hot water .

After washing and dressing, and having breakfast, Narant left the camp.

At this moment, all the barbarians in the camp have been packed up and are ready to go at any time.

Seeing this, Narant rode on the white dragon and led a group of his subordinates towards the Castle of the Furnace.

In the Furnace Forest, the danger no longer exists, because it was the site of the bears at the beginning, and the dwarves often clean up the high-level magical beasts, so Narant and others are quite leisurely along the way.

"Little Bear, this piece of land was originally yours, right?" After walking for two days, Narant couldn't help but sighed when he arrived at the location where he first encountered Little Bear.

"Of course, in this furnace forest, other high-level monsters have been killed by those hateful short men, and this bear is so powerful that he escaped the catastrophe!"

Little Bear immediately patted his chest and opened his mouth.

"Well, Little Bear, you are really amazing. We were shocked when we met for the first time!" Narant has now discovered that this little Bear is actually very narcissistic.

Therefore, as long as you usually praise this guy more, it will be much simpler to let it help.

"By the way, Little Bear, although there are no other high-level monsters in the Furnace Forest, there should be quite a few middle- and low-level monsters!"

"That's for sure. The short men of these mid-level and low-level monsters are not afraid, and they plan to keep them for hunting, so they won't hunt and kill them, so they save a lot!"

"In this way, I can stay in this Furnace Forest, otherwise there is no food, I won't stay here!" Little Bear replied.

"That little bear, do you know how to make the middle- and low-level monsters be afraid and not attack my subordinates?"

"I am going to leave hundreds of subordinates to be placed in the Fortress of the Furnace. At that time, they will often go to the passage of the Endless Mountains for rotation. I am worried that they will be in danger on the road!" Narant said his own. need. ,

"This is not easy, as long as you hold the object with Ben Xiong's breath, those monsters are not far away!" Little Xiong Xiong looked at Narant like an idiot.

"Yes!" Narant patted his head, really forgetting this matter.

There are no other high-level magical beasts in this forest, so Little Bear is at the top of the food chain.

As long as it haunts the place, other monsters will not flee from the wind?

"Little Bear, do you have anything you can lend me to use? Of course, I won't take it for free. When I go back, I will give you a potion sugar cane in exchange for it?"

"Yes, just use Ben Xiong's hair!" Little Bear opened his eyes when he saw the magic medicine sugar cane.

After speaking, seeing Narant looking at himself, Little Bear immediately said: "Of course, it's not the hair on Ben Xiong's body now, but the previous one."


"That's right, I happened to be passing by here today, and that Bear Bear will take you to see my original bear den!"

After speaking, Little Bear immediately jumped out of the carriage and started to lead the way.

And Narant stopped the team and followed Little Bear with a group of beast knights.

Little Bear's den is not far from the road that Narant and the others have developed, and it only took more than an hour to arrive.

This is a cave that is only a few dozen meters below the mountain.

The entrance to the cave is huge, and the inside is dark.

"This is Ben Xiong's den!"

Little Bear was also a little excited about returning to his old nest again, and immediately entered the flash after he finished speaking.

Narant took out the luminous beads and immediately followed.

Because of the limited size of the mountain, the interior of this cave is not particularly deep, but it is wide enough.

Even if Little Bear returns to fighting state, it can still move freely.

There is no furniture in the cave. Although the monsters have wisdom, except for the giant dragon, the rest still live according to the animal's bear.

In the corner of the cave, there are cushioned 'small nests' made of dry branches, and there are indeed many bears' hairs on them. Obviously, the bears slept on the cushions at the beginning.

"Huh!" However, just as Narant took two steps forward and glanced at the dimple, he immediately exclaimed in surprise.

Immediately, he quickly came to the front of the cushion, and there was a surprise in his back eyes.

"Narant, what's the matter?" Little Bear was a little puzzled when Narant looked like he had seen the treasure.

"Little Bear, why are these two pillars here?"

"Oh, you said this stone pillar. When I didn't know you, there was a group of human races like those outside you, and they took the initiative to attack me, so I fought back."

"After killing some of them, those people ran around in fright and threw the two stone pillars in place."

"I saw that the two pillars were the right size for pillows, so I picked them up."

The human race that Little Bear mentioned was naturally the three barbarian tribe leaders who abandoned the other tribesmen and fled because of the appearance of space cracks and dark creatures.

As for the fact that they would take the initiative to attack Little Bear, Narant didn't believe it at all.

But even if Little Bear didn't deal with the barbarians, Narant wanted to chase them down and deal with them.

Little Bear dealt with them, but instead saved him the trouble.

And Little Bear said that the stone pillars he picked up as pillows were the other two totem poles of the three barbarian tribes.

"Little Bear, this is the totem pole of my subordinates, this thing is useless to you, just give it to me, ten magic medicine sugar canes!"

For things like totem poles, Narant will naturally not be too little.

It is a pleasant surprise to see you here again now.

"No, at least twenty!" The little bear shook his head first, and then the giant opened his mouth.

"Okay, let's make a deal!" Narant laughed. Twenty potion sugar canes were exchanged for two barbarian totem poles. This deal was definitely worth it!

Immediately Narant called Raymond and the others in. When the barbarians saw these two totem poles, they were so excited that they could hardly speak.

Every totem pole is sacred in the hearts of barbarians, and finding the only two remaining is an absolute gift for these barbarians.

"Okay Raymond, take a look at the totem pole later, now move the totem pole back to the team, and we will take it to the new territory!"

"Yes, my lord!"

When Raymond and the others heard the words, they immediately made two large simple pallets, and then placed two stone pillars on them.

After the stone pillar is stabilized, it is tied to the monster with ropes, ready to be dragged by the monster.

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