Doom Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 514: Customs green tower

"You are very good, you can appear on this fourth floor. ∮∮ǎn∮ said, "The soldier actually spoke. "Oh, no, you are a magician? What is going on?"

Cheng Yang mouth angled, and quietly blessed the ice enchantment on his body, while using the ice.

Now his ice skating armor has been upgraded to level 2, which can be slowed down by 25%. Although the deceleration effect can't be compared with the ice enchantment, the two have already reached 65% of the horror. It can be said that under this weakening, it is a strong one or two orders higher, and it must be in front of Cheng Yang in the speed attribute.

"Assault!" For a master who can reach the green tower, the warrior did not dare to neglect, although his doubts were not explained, but also rushed up for the first time.

"too fast!"

Cheng Yang couldn't see the other person's figure by sight. Even if he rushed into the ice enchantment, it would be the same result.

A huge shield appeared in front of Cheng Yang, and then there was a knife.

"Heavy!" A powerful attacking skill was played on Cheng Yang, and the acceleration effect brought by the warrior's charge also disappeared, showing his body shape beside Cheng Yang.

At this moment, the effect of the ice cream is played, and the speed of the defending warrior has once again plummeted, making the other person's face very ugly.

Cheng Yang did not intend to fight hard with each other, this is absolutely irrational behavior. Compared with the soldiers of the third-order peak, he has no advantage in terms of attributes. The only thing you can rely on is the skill that you have more than the other.

Just the other side's attack, the damage done to myself is not very big, just lost more than 3,000 ǎn blood, this 攻击n attack power, can not compare with the upper level of the high-level division of the magician.

Not the process of yang does not despise the other side, after all, the number of intensified 巅n of the fengfeng division is more than 5,000 战n than the strategist of the high-level division, which is not a small number. Since the other party's growth direction is not an attack, it must be extraordinary in other places.

"Frozen!" Cheng Yang began a tentative attack.

The warrior actually took a step back. Directly escaped the attack of Cheng Yang. The skill is so skillful that it is better than the magician just now.

Cheng Yang brows slightly wrinkled: "This is a hard battle!"

Fortunately, with the deceleration effect of the ice enchantment, the speed has a certain advantage, and can rely on the kite tactics to slowly consume with the other side.

The guy quickly stood firm and chased him again toward Cheng Yang. This is his only way out. As a warrior, he must be close to the magician to cause damage to the other party.

How could Cheng Yang let the other party easily do so, and immediately circled the space along this space. Always keep your speed at the same level as the other party, so you can always play the deceleration effect of the ice enchantment.

At the same time, Cheng Yang’s hand did not stop.

"Ice puncture." Cheng Yang's hand moved, and a direct cover attack came out.

Although this guy's fighting consciousness is amazing, but in the face of such a wide range of attacks, he is also unable to escape.

A piece of ice thorns fell, and this guy burst into an angry mania inside.

Cheng Yang can't see the other's attributes, but he can feel that the other party's injury under the ice stab skill attack is not serious. In other words. The opponent's magical defense is so high that it may even break through 3,000.

This is a very powerful number, and as far as the soldier himself is concerned, he can also break himself.

This is a shield battle. And it is a powerful shield warrior. Unlike the slow speed of other shield warriors, this guy also has a flexible speed.

Cheng Yang is very entangled at this time, it is difficult for a single attack to hit the other side, and the damage caused by the range attack to the other party is minimal. How to fight this battle?

In the next two seconds, Cheng Yang continued to attack with the frozen scorpion, but he was shocked and stunned. His seven attacks were not without exception, and they were all hiding by the other party.

This is not scientific!

Even if you count according to the odds, you should have a hit when you attack seven times. If it is someone else, it may be attributed to luck, but Cheng Yang does not think so.

There must be some skills in this, even if it is a strong sense of fighting, it is impossible to make an unknown prophet, so the other party must determine the position to attack from the details, and then make the corresponding evasive action, let yourself The attack was futile.

Cheng Yang’s mind was spinning fast, and there was no idleness on his hand. The action of the frozen dragonfly was skillfully used.

Once... twice...

The other party is still as successful as ever, and the meaning of playfulness in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

Cheng Yang is holding a fire in his heart. Although the speed of the other party is not as good as himself, he can't catch up with himself. It is necessary to know that in this seven-color tower, it is impossible to use restorative medicine, so the more than 3,000 that were just destroyed The magic energy value, if you want to recover, you can only rely on the magical whirlpool state of the ice robes.

This recovery of ǎn magic energy value every second, although it does not seem very powerful, but if the opponent each time to hit their own time interval is very long, this recovery effect is quite impressive. At least, one minute can restore the value of 魔n magic, which is also a big complement to the battle.

However, for the current battle, this 没有n supplement does not make much sense, because the opponent's charge cooling time is definitely less than one minute. If he has been unable to hit the other party, the soldier will only bring ǎn damage every minute. In the end, I only have to fold here.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang raised his hand again, and the staff danced again. An inspiration flashed from his heart, which made him feel like a cloud.

"It turns out that." Cheng Yang is excited. If his own guess is established, he may be able to reverse this battle.

Cheng Yang immediately controlled his arm and began to follow the trajectory of the frozen dragon. After the skill was about to be released, the dǐng end of the staff suddenly appeared a small swing, and the magical fluctuations of the frozen dragon had already escaped.

At the same time, the guardian immediately made an action to avoid the left side, but this moment, he sensed a danger, and then surrounded him with a chill, he could feel himself The rapid loss of health.

"I was hit by myself?" The defending warrior could not believe that the reason why he was able to judge Cheng Yang's attack direction so accurately was to observe every movement of Cheng Yang. As far as magic skills are concerned, there are generally established actions. As long as you understand these actions very well, you can accurately grasp the opponent's attack direction.

What he didn't expect was that Cheng Yang could think of the embarrassment in such a short period of time and make corresponding adjustments, which made him have to re-examine the opponent's fighting talent.

"Hey, look at how you can hide this time!" Cheng Yang smiled coldly, just being chased by the other party, the grievances in his heart did not describe it, and now I finally saw the hope of victory.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he has figured out one of the most important things. Under the current rules of the world, the release of skills is no longer a fixed posture, and he can make certain adjustments.

Just after the end of the last day, any skill has a fixed posture and a fixed action flow. If you do not perform this fixed posture, the skill cannot be successfully cast. But I don't know when the rules of the heavens and the earth changed, the application of skills can not be performed in a fixed position.

This is not necessarily good news, but it is not necessarily bad news, but it varies from person to person.

Cheng Yang feels that this is definitely good news for himself. When using the skills of the past, because of the control of the rules of heaven and earth, the body always has a stiff, especially when the skills are displayed, it is impossible to make corresponding evasive actions. Under the rules, this has also become possible.

Cheng Yang did not hesitate, the next wave of attacks continued to be issued, or was it frozen...

For this warrior's defense, Cheng Yang estimates that the opponent will not be lower than ǎn or even higher. The frozen scorpion can bring great damage to the opponent. The first damage of the attack should be more than ǎn. This is not the most important. The important thing is the subsequent freezing damage, which is to ignore the defense damage.

After three rounds of attack, the fighter failed to avoid even one attack, which made him sure that the other party actually found the battle of his own battle.

Since his own horrible observations have not only failed to use the land, but have become the handle of the other side, so it is better to be resigned.

As the soldier gave up his strengths, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. Every time Cheng Yang could hit the now only one-third of the hit rate is difficult to do. .

Even so, Cheng Yang is still very satisfied.

With Cheng Yang's current attack frequency, even if only one-third of the hit rate, he can hit once every second. In this case, the soldier's damage per second is more than eight thousand ǎn, most of which is caused by the additional damage of the frozen scorpion.

The soldier also knows that the current situation is not good for himself, but he can't think of a solution. If you can't hit the other side, even if you withdraw from the opponent's attack range, this battle will only continue indefinitely.

As long as the challenger can stick to a fixed time, it can be considered a successful customs clearance. For the guards, it is their mission to hold the seven-color tower, even if they pay for it.

Therefore, escape can not be his choice, there is only one consciousness in his mind, that is, fighting, non-stop fighting.

The result is self-evident, the guardian warrior failed to get rid of his fate, after insisting for seven or eight seconds, finally because the continuous damage of the frozen scorpion is too strong, exhausting his last ǎn vitality, directly die On the spot. (To be continued.)

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