Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 564: The name of Dawang Mountain

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The key point is that they have caused the tide of beasts in order to eliminate Su Yu, thereby putting everyone in danger. This is really a matter of public outrage.

"City Lord, President Master, we respect you before you set off with your order. You still have to give us an account of our dead brother!" Someone said coldly.

"Yes, yes, many people were killed in the beast tide this time, what do you say?"

Everyone looked at them and looked bad.

"Oh, I don't know who did this beast sandalwood. I left all the way to explore the surroundings. I didn't find anyone spilling the beast sandalwood along the way. It can be seen that the man's martial arts practice is definitely above me! "The president's face stayed the same, he said.

His implied meaning directly pointed to the iron tower, because only the repair of the iron tower was higher than him. As long as the death was not admitted, no one could say anything for a long time.

"City Master, President, I just wanted to rescue my second lady, did you use coercion to lock me, let me miss the best rescue time?!" At this moment, Ye Lei narrowed his eyes and said Shen Sheng , "In order to kill Playboy, you are really deliberate..."

"Qian'er, you listen to me, they are making alarmist talks." Bai Qiu's face changed suddenly, looking at Han Qian.

However, Han Qian looked cold and glanced coldly, then snorted coldly with anger.

Just if the iron tower did not appear in time, Han Yu would also be killed under the tramp of Warcraft.

Although the city owner and the president confessed, the people present were not stupid and their hearts were translucent.

"A nonsense!" The lord grumbled, and he looked ashamed. Both father and son were the same hypocrisy and good at disguising.

"Oh, I asked you not to ask you to admit it, but to inform you." The tower said with a cold face.

The lord's face was heavy, "What do you mean?"

As soon as his words fell, his pupils shrank violently. In his eyes, the iron tower had turned into a faint phantom.


Before he could react, his whole body rose into the air and flew out quickly.


Almost at the same time, the president of the mercenary union snorted and flew out.

Bang Bang Bang!

The two of them broke ten trees, and then fell from the sky.


Scarlet blood squirted out of their mouths, and there was a deep fear in their eyes, but they didn't dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

"Okay, punish the big commandment, keep going."

Su Yu said slowly, his voice was not alarmed, as if nothing had happened just now.

Everyone's eyes gave him a careful look, he was still as breezy as before, however, at this time who dare to underestimate him.

No wonder he has always been so calm, not taking anything into his eyes at all.

Everyone in the blast mercenary group looked at Su Yu with complicated eyes. Who would have thought that the waste people in everyone's eyes actually had such a big beginning, Han Qian was bitter in his heart. It turned out that he really didn't need any goals.

"This way I really neglected Playboy and deserved it. Thank you for your mercy." No matter how resentful the lord and the president were, he still said respectfully.

As for Bai Qiu, he kept his head down, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. He could only pray in his heart that Su Yu had forgotten himself. In fact, Su Yu did not put him in his eyes.

After this episode, the caravan continued to move forward, and the rest of the journey was significantly quieter. Even if someone talked, they whispered softly. The pressure on the tower was too great.

The World of Warcraft in the forest seemed to feel the danger in general, but all disappeared, unimpeded all the way, without encountering a head.

In this case, the efficiency of the team's journey has increased several times. Only three days later, everyone could vaguely see the outline of Dawang Mountain in the distance.

Dawang Mountain has a huge hill, and it has been shrouded in a layer of cloud since the mountainside, which is spectacular.

Su Yu hasn't returned to Dawang Mountain for a while. He looked at the mountain shadows in the distance, and didn't know what those guys developed into Dawang Mountain.

"Huaxiongdi, this is the first time you have come to Dawang Mountain. The clouds on that mountain are not ordinary clouds, but medicine clouds!" Ye Lei looked at Su Yu's emotions and said, the voice was full of Excitement.

Su Yu didn't speak, but just nodded recklessly.

"Rumors, that there is any elixir above Dawang Mountain, and they have reached the point of medicine cloud, unless the person in charge of elixir management, if strangers are close to you, guess what?" Someone in the crowd asked with a playful tone Road.

"What will happen?"

"Those medicine clouds will be transformed into Warcraft, attack, I heard that they can even be transformed into eight-level Warcraft, powerful!" The man continued, full of pride, as if seen with his own eyes.

"Eight-level Warcraft? Really fake?" Everyone was surprised.

"This is true. I have a cousin who is an outside disciple of Dawang Mountain. In his words, nothing is impossible in Dawang Mountain!" Another responded.

"Outside disciples of Dawang Mountain?!" Everyone was shocked~ eyes fell on him.

"Xiongtai is really hidden. I didn't think there was such a cousin who was so awesome. I was worshipped."

"Xiongtai, it's a chance to meet each other, how about making a friend?"

"Xiongtai, can you introduce me? It is my lifelong wish to join Dawangshan!"


When I heard about Dawangshan's disciples, everyone was crazy, and all of them knelt and asked to hug their thighs. Dawangshan was in Dongzhou, which already symbolized absolute authority, and Dawangshan's disciples were all admired.

"I know that Dawangshan has a lot of food, and there are a lot of delicious food!" The eyes called Duo'er's eyes shined, and he said, a spit of saliva had flowed out of the corner of his mouth. "I have eaten the fruits of Dawangshan. It’s so delicious!"

"Okay, when you get there, you must be full!" The woman in the kimono said with a smile, holding Duo Er.

"The food of Dawang Mountain is naturally delicious. I heard that two Wu Zun once fought to fight for a barbecue!"

"Oh? Later?" Everyone said gossip.

"Da Wang Shan prohibits private fighting, these two Wu Zun are naturally bombarded by Da Wang Shan, ha ha ha..."

"Yes, the authority of Dawangshan cannot be offended."

It sounds like nonsense to blast Wu Zun out, but it seems to be commonplace to put it on Dawang Mountain.

"It's not just delicious food. The medicine of Dawang Mountain is even more amazing. Danyun medicine is everywhere, and any one can make you reborn and step into the sky!"

"Cut, I heard that the water that Dawang Mountain drinks is Lingquan, and one person can remove impurities from the body!"

"Dawangshan's bed has the effect of sleeping peacefully, which makes people wake up!"

"Dawangshan's practice room is perfect for practicing martial arts!"

"Dawangshan Ring is the best..."


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