Doomsday: 300 Billion Crazy Stockpiles In The First Seven Days

Chapter 221 Provoking The Prince's Dignity

Hearing Prince Mingjun's reprimand, Suli actually cried, and cried so loudly!

Looking at the grievance on his face, he looks like a little lover who has suffered endless grievances!

Prince Mingjun said angrily: "Why are you crying at this moment? Don't you understand my hard work?"

Yuer refused to let go of the opportunity before him, and said with a sneer: "Your Highness, you must not be soft-hearted at this time, and don't blind Your Highness's thinking just because of tears!"

But Sili was completely furious because of Yuer's words. He shouted at Yuer angrily: "You are really a bitch, do you think you have a chance to step on me now? Do you think I Is there any way to be stepped on by you? You will never have any advantage, but don't forget that this time we are here to carry out the mission together!"

Yuer's face changed slightly when he heard this sentence!

Su Li, a damn bastard, dared to threaten himself like this, and at the same time he felt deep regret in his heart, why did he form an alliance with him before? If he hadn't formed an alliance with him, he would have no way to threaten himself now!

What this bastard said just now is very obvious. If Yuer really stepped on Suli, he would tell the story of the two of them forming an alliance to frame Yushu before, that is to say, you want me to die. I want you to die too, at worst we will suffer a lose-lose situation!

As a third party, Xiao Fan also saw clearly what was hinted between the two, and couldn't help but sneered in his heart. These two men and women were really pinching each other even harder, and it was time for him to give them more support. A handful of oil!

Xiao Fan then said: "Dear adults, don't be angry, maybe you are targeting each other now, because Le Yun wants to make a result?"

Xiao Fan said this sentence with very vicious intentions. On the surface, it sounds like it is really dissuading the two people, telling them not to target each other. In fact, it is reminding Prince Mingjun that if you want the people around you to be very harmonious Get along with each other, we must find out that spy!

Prince Ming Jun actually never looked at Xiao Fan, and when he heard Xiao Fan's words, he turned his head to look at Xiao Fan very rarely, and said coldly: "You are a very smart interstellar iron Beetle, but I advise you not to be too smart, because you should know that if you are too smart, you will die faster!"

Prince Ming Jun obviously warned Xiao Fan, what is the purpose of what you said just now? I know it very well, so don't play tricks in front of me!

Xiao Fan still said without showing any weakness: "Dear Your Royal Highness, is there anything wrong with what I said? Why are the two adults so targeting each other now? Isn't it because one of them is about to reveal his true identity? Maybe the prince His Highness wants to cover up this matter for his own face? I am afraid he will also silence me! But respected His Royal Highness, please think carefully, after all, you are so far away from us, you really have confidence Can you absolutely control the situation?"

Xiao Fan is directly provoking Prince Mingjun, but Xiao Fan did not say such words out of nowhere, on the contrary, he said such words after careful consideration. He found that Prince Mingjun is too calm now , must find a way to mobilize Prince Mingjun's emotions, only when Prince Mingjun is irritated and impulsive, can he better affect the emotions of the two men and women in front of him!

Of course, it is possible that Prince Mingjun directly killed Xiao Fan, and Xiao Fan also knew that Prince Mingjun would definitely kill him, but definitely not now! Because before finding out whether there are any spies by his side, Prince Ming Jun would never do anything to him!

In fact, Xiao Fan's guess was very correct. Prince Mingjun really planned to find out whether what Xiao Fan said was true or not, and then kill him Xiao Fan!

Although Prince Mingjun was very calm before, his emotions are a little stimulated at the moment. Xiao Fan judged him to be a very conceited guy before, but he failed to mobilize his conceited emotions! But it doesn't mean that he is not conceited, on the contrary, he is actually a very conceited guy!

It is because of his own excessive conceit that he thinks he can absolutely control the situation, so he appears so calm! But now an interstellar iron beetle dared to directly challenge his dignity, which challenged his absolute conceit and self-esteem. His mood began to change obviously, and he really wanted to order Xiao Fan directly. to kill!

But the rationality in his heart told himself that he couldn't kill the interstellar iron beetle in front of him!

If you really want to kill Xiao Fan, the consequences will be very serious! Because Xiao Fan is currently the only one who knows exactly what Le Yun said at that time!

Of course, even if this is a complete lie, it is necessary to find out the ironclad evidence that Xiao Fan is lying. If Xiao Fan is killed in a muddleheaded manner, a huge hidden danger will be left behind! Not only does he, the prince, feel very uncomfortable in his heart, he suspects that there is really a spy of Princess Yujin around him!

Even the people around him will start to guess each other, and once this kind of suspicion spreads on a large scale, his power will be greatly damaged! Because the people under him began to distrust and doubt each other, and they couldn't be twisted together, how could they form a joint force to fight against Princess Yujin?

Once such a situation occurs, the consequences are very dangerous, that is to say, he will be at an absolute disadvantage in the confrontation with Princess Yujin, and failure is almost doomed!

Therefore, Xiao Fan must not be killed until he is found to be lying. Killing Xiao Fan is like planting a seed of suspicion for himself, and at the same time planting a seed of failure for himself!

But Prince Mingjun really didn't want to see Xiao Fan, the interstellar iron beetle, he really hated it to the core!

So Prince Mingjun coldly issued an order: "Temporarily imprison this interstellar iron beetle for me, and don't let him appear here again. I have something to say to you two alone, and immediately execute my order. Listen Have you arrived yet? Don't continue to stare at each other angrily here!"

When Xiao Fan heard Prince Mingjun's words, he immediately felt very bad. If he left here now, the three of them would calm down soon. Isn't it how you want to deal with yourself?

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