This reptile is the size of a fist

, without the slightest threat, and

Ye Mo noticed it because

of its appearance.

On the skin that constantly emits blue-violet light, it constantly exudes purple light ions around

, the body is like a snail, and it looks like an ant, a longhorn beetle insect, and a strange insect similar to a horse's face, constantly rolling forward

, Ye Mo is the first time to see such a strange

creature, those aliens who look different, in front of this creature, are considered to be small witches.

It's so ugly!

If Ye Mo was asked to give an evaluation,

it would be indescribable!

Just as Ye Mo was observing this indescribable strange

insect, the strange insect suddenly jumped towards Ye Mo without warning,

as if it wanted to startle Ye Mo.

It's a pity that it underestimated

Ye Mo's strength, Ye Mo stretched out two fingers and easily pinched this strange insect

, the monster's miniature horse face, aimed at

Ye Mo, popped a mouthful of corrosive saliva towards Ye Mo, and

was easily dodged by Ye Mo's side head.

An indescribable monster, "..."

This person has a hundred million points of flexibility!

Such a close distance can dodge its attacks.


The monster let out a strange roar

, and was pinched to death by Ye Mo, and

the monster after death turned into a pool of blue-purple liquid,

like melting ice cream...

"This thing doesn't resist!"

Ye Mo commented on the combat effectiveness of this strange insect

, that is, an ugly-looking alpaca who

would do nothing but spit...

Ye Mo noticed that a deep pit appeared on the ground soaked by the saliva of this strange insect, and it seemed that the saliva of this strange insect

was highly corrosive.

Ye Mo was 10,000 sure that

this monster

had not appeared

in the base before, Ye Mo's

perception range was very large, the entire underground base was within his perception range

, if a monster rushed in,

he would definitely feel it for the first time.

Then there is only one explanation,

this monster appeared out of thin air!

"In the nightmare world of Crusu, can monsters appear out of thin air?"

This was Ye Mo's first guess about the nightmare world of Crusu.

Since there were no clues in the base,

Ye Mo planned to go to the outside world to take a look.

But when he arrived at the gate of the base,

Ye Mo found that a liquid marked with blood characters appeared on the wall of the door.

"Keep the gate open and stay in the base for three hours, and you'll get a 'key to escape'!"

Under this line of blood characters

, a huge blood-colored arrow was also marked,

pointing to this gate.

It is clear that

this is a hint to him!

"Open the gate and stay in the base for twelve hours to get a key?"

Ye Mo saw this hint

and felt that he had found a way to escape from the nightmare world of Crusu

, this feeling was good

, he was thinking about how to get out,

and someone sent the way to the door.

Good man!

Without saying a word, Ye Mo

flew out the eight-meter-high and half-meter-thick alloy gate with one fist.

The door is gone,

and it is not closed!

Standing at the door,

Ye Mo could see the outside world.

It's foggy!

It was a thick fog

, reaching out and missing five fingers

, feeling that it was a fight with the darkness of the Eternal Night World

, but fortunately, Ye Mo had the ability to see through and

could see far away.

But still nothing, nothing

special in sight.

The outside

world, except for this thick fog,

does not seem to be particularly different from the real world.


Suddenly, from the fog, there was a terrifying roar

, which seemed to be a strange cry like a missile explosion, which

frightened Ye Mo.

"SAN value -1!"

Ye Mo received a strange prompt.

Opening the

properties panel, Ye Mo found that on his properties panel,

the 'san value' column appeared.

"The SAN value represents your mental state at this time, and the higher the SAN value, the more awake you are!"

"When the SAN value drops below 60, you will be in a state of panic!"

"When the SAN drops below 30, you'll have a nervous breakdown!"

"When the SAN value drops below 0, you will be assimilated by this nightmare world and become a member of the Crusu slaves!"


SAN value....

This is the biggest hint Ye Mo

has ever received so far.

As the old god of the last days, what Crusu

is best at is spiritual pollution,

and people who are polluted by spirit

will become extremely crazy and lose themselves.

"It is very likely that this nightmare world is through human fear, which makes human beings feel great fear!"

"Once the fear reaches the extreme, it will be assimilated by this nightmare world!"

Ye Mo gave a guess again.

After all, in this Crusu's nightmare

world, the whole world is you alone

, inexplicably appear inexplicable monsters, there are many strange conditions

, such as this white fog

, just

you, and you can hear the roar of monsters in the dense fog,

aren't you afraid?

Ordinary people must be afraid

, what humans are most

afraid of is this unknown danger, people with a lot of thoughts, will be afraid to guess what kind of monster is in this dense fog,

will they come and kill him?

But Ye Mo was different

, not only was he not afraid, but he

also looked curiously into the dense fog.

Still see nothing

, white,


Ye Mo was speechless,

the nightmare world of feelings is full of facts


If it's just the atmosphere value,

these twelve hours should be good.


Will it be that simple?


In another nightmare

world, Yi Hongyan also woke up, and

she also discovered the abnormality of this world.

The clever Yi Hongyan soon

had the same guess as Ye Mo.

She is estimated to have been pulled into an independent nightmare

world, don't look at the appearance of this world, exactly the same as the real

world, but it is a special world that is controlled

, and a pair of invisible big hands,

controlling everything behind!

After searching around the base, Yi Hongyan

did not find anything

, and planned to go to the outside world to see, and

also saw a hint of which line of blood characters he saw at the gate.

"Open the door? Keep the gates open for twelve hours and stay inside the base for twelve hours?

With the prompt,

Yi Hongyan had nothing to hesitate

, entered the password, and

opened the door of the base.

Outside the door was still a foggy world, and

Yi Hongyan did not go out to explore because she had to abide by the rule of staying in the base for twelve hours


The roar in the fog is still the same

, the terrifying cry makes

Yi Hong shrink her neck, this

day is not afraid of the girl who is not afraid of the earth, there is a natural fear of the


When she was a child, she was lost in the woods on a foggy day

, and starved for three days and three nights before

she was found by the people sent by the Long Chen Soldier King, and

since then she has had a shadow of the dense fog.

In this fog, there will be no monsters!

The more Yi Hongyan looked at this thick fog, the more terrifying it felt!

There seemed to be countless strange black shadows walking around in the fog,

reminding her of

the terrible experience of being trapped in the forest alone when she was a child.

"SAN value -3!"

Yi Hongyan was unwilling to stop at the door and

wanted to retreat to the base.

Anyway, the prompt requires that

as long as you stay in the base for twelve hours, you can do

it, do you say, you must stay at the door.

But as Yi Hongyan retreated towards

the inside of the base, the white fog that was originally outside the base seemed

to be glued to the body

, and followed Yi Hongyan into the inside

of the base, and soon the entire base was

filled with white mist!

Yi Hongyan was panicked in her heart,

afraid of what would come!

In the face of this white weapon,

Yi Hongyan became even more panicked!

"SAN value-2!"

Just when Yi Hongyan was a little overwhelmed, several black shadows quickly passed by her.

Yi Hongyan was startled

, the speed of the black shadow was too fast

, and there was a black fog covering

it, Yi Hongyan did not see clearly, but Yi Hongyan

was blurry,

and Yi Hongyan recognized that it was a few monsters that looked like insects.

Yi Hongyan remembered getting lost in the forest when she was a child

, and she was afraid of what cockroach-shaped, snake-headed monsters popping out of the forest, bloodthirsty mosquitoes as huge as leopards...

I'm terrified!

Although I know that this kind of monster cannot appear in this world, I

can't help but remember Hong Yan and be afraid!

It has simply become a childhood shadow of Hong Yan.

Just as Yi Hongyan was thinking

about it, there was a sound of 'buzzing' and 'rustling' in the fog.

Unlike the roaring sound in the distance before,

these two voices were getting closer and closer towards Yi Hongyan.

As the monster that made two sounds arrived in front of him

, Yi Hongyan's eyes widened

, looking at the giant mosquito with flickering wings, a length of one meter two, and a leopard print all over

his body, and the three-meter-tall monster with a praying mantis body and a cobra head,

wouldn't it!

Isn't this the monster of his childhood nightmare?

How did they really appear!


Screams came from the base!

"SAN value -5!"


On Ye Mo's side, Ye Mo

, who was watching the scenery,

also noticed the sound in the fog.

I don't know when this fog became lively

, and unlike before, it was just screaming to render the atmosphere,

but this time it was true!

Ye Mo, who had a see-through eye, clearly saw

that a monster that appeared out of nowhere rushed

towards his base.

At the head are a dozen giant mosquitoes the size of piglets, and


, this mosquito is even tattooed,

like a leopard.

And weird bugs with praying mantis bodies, cobra heads....

After that, Ye Mo saw a flying centipede that looked like a bat, and a ten-meter-long earthworm that looked like a lamprey...

An indescribable monster

ran out of the fog.

This strange look

made Ye Mo open his eyes, and

he felt like he had entered a zoo.

"The types of monsters are very novel, can they be useful?"

Ye Mo didn't know where this group

of monsters came from, but unfortunately, in front of him Ye Mo,

what kind of monsters were taken in seconds!

With the blessing of Ye Mo's 'Great Priest' profession,

any enemy who does not have Ye Mo's 50% attribute

is a second!

Ye Mo casually buckled an iron plate from the wall

, crumpled it into iron sand

, and threw it casually towards the monster rushing over, and

the iron sand hit the monster's body,

directly knocking the monster without a trace!


"Ding! Congratulations to the survivors for killing 511 Nightmare Monsters and getting 6,000 Bronze Chests! 300,000 experience points! "


"That's it?"

Ye Mo said that there was no challenge to deal

with this group of monsters

, that is, a handful of sand.

Ye Mo heard a strange roar from the base again.

Ye Mo heard the sound and walked back towards the interior of the base.

When he arrived inside

the base, Ye Mo found that

there was no one in the base, and

the ground was full of corpses at this time.

They are all people Ye knows by default

, Yi Hongyan, Zhao Fengyun, Long Chen Bing King...

All of them were pale

, there were no fatal wounds on their bodies,

but they looked like they had been dead for a long time.

"What is this playing?"

Ye Mo was speechless

, when he left, he

was sure that there was no one inside the base,

why did so many corpses appear inexplicably?

What's even more funny is that

after Ye Mo's arrival, these corpses

changed one by one!

It's like being injected with a T-sickness bet and

turning into an extremely ugly monster!

The muscles of the whole body burst,

the black blood vessels were exposed, the

head turned into the appearance of a skeleton

, and on the arm or stomach, a hole was opened, and

there was a giant eye inside!

The right arm also turned into a bone knife!

Hundreds of zombies took shape like this, and

they looked at Ye Mo with a murderous spirit!

"SAN value -0!"

In other words, it is an ordinary person

, it is estimated that he has been scared to pee at this time,

but Ye Mo just feels speechless.


A group of crooked dates come out and

want to kill me?

I'm afraid you're thinking too much!

Ye Mo sneered and watched a group

of mutant zombies perform, which made this group of mutant zombies very embarrassed!

It's good that we are also monsters,

can you scare your face?


Since Ye Mo was not afraid

, this group of monster nightmare monsters killed towards

Ye Mo, and since Ye Mo didn't know what he was afraid of, he

would kill him!

If you are killed in the nightmare world, you

will die in the real world!

As a result, the bone knife of the zombie monster slashed on Ye Mo's body

, Ye Mo did not have anything, and

the bone knife of the zombie monster was broken.

Zombie monster, "..."

Is this kid so hard?"

"That's it?"

Ye Mo smiled, "This nightmare world is just like that, there is no challenge at all!"

Ye Mo took a deep breath and

let out a frozen breath.

The zombie monsters in the base were all frozen into ice slag!


"Ding! Congratulations to the survivors, who killed 700 nightmare monsters, obtained 8,000 bronze chests, and gained 600,000 experience points! "


Dealing with this group of doomsday monsters is

simply not too easy.

Ye Mo had a kind of full-level big man to enter the novice village.

Soon it was twelve hours, and

after the conditions were met,

Ye Mo obtained a black jade-shaped key.

"Nightmare Key: A necessity to clear the nightmare world!"

"For every nightmare scene you pass through, you'll get a nightmare key!"

"Gather eight keys and you'll be able to leave Crusu's nightmare world!"


With this hint

, Ye Mo understood that

as long as he gathered the other seven keys,

where to find the next scene?

Fortunately, there is a new blood word prompt on the wall.

"Go to your home in Rejuhong City, where you have what you want!"

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