Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: The Theory of the 'Ixian Society'

The talent selection of the 'Ixie Society' in Hankyo was scaled and systematic. Although the organization's actions were extremely extreme, its philosophy was extremely paranoid and crazy, it was simply pathological, but the other party was actually from top to bottom. very formal.

This organization has several very important programs.

One is to determine that the pheasant is the best and noblest nation.

Others are inferior, inferior, filthy and impure.

This idea is very morbid.

In addition, this organization is extremely hostile to Huaxia, like a wildly hungry wild dog.

It stands to reason that this kind of organization should be marginalized, with such a small group of people, it cannot cause any trouble.

But what about in practice?

Anyway, as far as Lin Mo has observed, this is not the case. It is not as good and optimistic as some people think.

If there is not enough support from the bottom people of the pheasant country, how could the "Ixie Society" develop to this level?

What does this mean?

"The old soldier is right. Even if you kill here for a day, you can guarantee that no one will be unjustly killed."

It was simple in the test room just now.

There are several levels.

For example, there will be a murderous nightmare attacking you with a weapon. What you have to do is to pick up any weapon on the ground to fight back.

Anyway, Lin Mo sent the other party away with one knife.

It went absolutely peaceful.

There is another level to pass through the passage full of corpses. It is estimated that it is courage, and there are still movable nightmares hidden in these corpses.

Lin Mo pulled them out and twisted their necks.

This is also to see that Lao Bai and brother often do this, Lin Mo thinks it is good, and then he learns.

Not to mention, it feels pretty good.

Slowly, it will become addictive.

No wonder Lao Bai and Brother have such a soft spot for this, there really is a reason.

In the end, there seemed to be a nightmare with a big head, and he didn't know what the other party was going to do. Lin Mo didn't bother to ask, anyway, he twisted the other party's neck when he went up.

From entering the door to going out, the whole process is one minute, which may not be less than one minute.

He didn't know, he had already broken the new test record of the "Ixie Society".

This proud result was reported immediately.

Subsequent selection tests were also suspended.

This is not surprising. Each recruiting point has a specific person in charge. If talented and capable members are recruited, they will also be rewarded.

This is like the point of sale that used to sell lottery tickets. If there is a big prize in this place, the point of sale will also get some rewards accordingly.

The person in charge of this point immediately took Lin Mo and happily went to their headquarters to receive the reward, oh no, good news.

"Oshima, we will be friends from now on. You said that you just came to Hankyo and you don't know where you live. It doesn't matter. You can stay at my house first. Is it troublesome? No, it's not troublesome at all. My wife and I are very hospitable. , I hope you can stay for a few more days."

This person is called 'Yoshino', and he is very enthusiastic at the moment.

Lin Mo also saw it.

Maybe he thinks he is a potential stock, so he made friends early, climbed up the friendship, and later developed, he can also get rich.

The name Oshima was stolen by Lin Mo.

When filling out the form, he asked him to write some basic information, and Lin Mo used Oshima's identity fraudulently.

Anyway, they can't verify it for a while.

With Yoshino leading the way, it is much more convenient.

If it was Lin Mo himself, it would definitely not be that easy to find the headquarters of the 'Ixie Society', it would take more or less effort.

As a result, the road ahead was blocked before reaching the place.

Don't let it pass.

Yoshino is a local and immediately ran over to ask about the situation.

Then he ran back frowning.

Lin Mo asked him what happened.

"It seems that something happened." Yoshino replied.

Lin Mo's heart moved, thinking that it might be Brother and the others who acted.

But soon, Yoshino said that it was the "Ixie Society" and several other forces with relatively large influence in Yeji who were having a meeting, so martial law was temporarily imposed.

"It's not just the nightmare world, it's the same in the real world. Today is not enough, let's go again tomorrow."

Yoshino began to warmly invite Lin Mo to stay at his house temporarily.

Sometimes, this pheasant countryman is really enthusiastic.

But there is a hint of indifference and even cruelty in his bones.

A very contradictory type of person.

Lin Mo was about to refuse, but at this time, a paper crane flew over from a distance.

Seeing Zhihe, Lin Mo temporarily changed his tune, saying that it would be disturbing.

He agreed to go.

Yoshino was very happy. On the way, Lin Mo found an opportunity to grab the paper crane, opened it, and looked at the text on it.

This is from my brother.

Lin Mo gave his brother some paper cranes in advance, just to facilitate communication.

The letter said that Lin Mo should not act rashly for the time being.

He also said that the 'Yixie Society' is now convening major forces to organize a meeting, and I don't know what to discuss. The old brother and the veteran discussed it and wanted to wait and see what happened.

In addition, the letter also stated that they are currently at the headquarters of the 'Yixie Hui', but they are locked up with women and ghosts brought over from other places. It is estimated that the 'Yixie Hui' will not care about arranging them.

Instead, it gave them a chance.

Brother, they will collect information at the headquarters of the 'Ixie Society', and then say that they will use paper cranes to maintain communication, and let Lin Mo stay outside first.

You will be notified when you need to do it.

At that time, it can be combined in and out.

Lin Mo understood.

If so, then don't act.

"Mr. Oshima, what do you think of Hankyo?"

Yoshino was chatting with Lin Mo all the time on the road.

As you can see, this is a very social person.

Lin Mo said it was good, there were many people and it was very lively.

"Actually, there are more nightmares here. If you want to join the 'Ixie Society', you will be your own person in the future. I will explain some things to you in advance."

"Please tell me!" Lin Mo had nothing to do, and planned to listen and understand, to see what the 'Ixie Society' was planning to do.

"Shimada, the founder of the 'Ixie Society', is a visionary. His point of view is that the coming of a nightmare is a heaven-sent opportunity for our pheasant country and an opportunity to conquer the world."

There was a kind of adoration in Yoshino's eyes.

With a hint of frenzy.

However, Lin Mo felt that this was complete nonsense.

But this did not prevent him from taking a closer look at it and seeing how crazy these people were.

Yoshino continued to speak.

"Mr. Shimada believes that the order of the old world cannot be broken under normal circumstances, and our pheasant country is at a disadvantage regardless of the conditions, especially the geographical environment. It can be said that there is no future. According to the old world The order of the old world cannot be broken by the power of the pheasant country alone, but it is different now."

Lin Mo probably understood what the other party meant.

"The nightmare came and helped our big pheasant nation break the shackles. Now, no one can suppress us anymore, let alone ride on our necks to **** and pee."

To be honest, if this is what Mr. Shimada said, there is still some truth to it.

Of course, this is limited to the pheasant country.

In the past, the situation of the pheasant country was like a mirror in everyone's mind, and it was very clear.

Being strangled by the neck.

Not only was he strangled, but he had to kneel down and be a grandson.

It's really disrespectful.

A person with strong self-esteem, but living a life without dignity, is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

So from this point of view, what Shimada said was indeed correct.

The nightmare incident broke the framework and order of the original world. Now it is not all about the new world and the new order on the Internet. At least for the pheasant country, the dog chain has been loosened.

Good thing.

But if you think about it carefully, you will know that although the dog chain is opened, the price paid is also very huge.

Everyone is about to finish the ball, who cares if there is a dog leash?

So from this point of view, what Shimada said is completely wrong.

It's crazy talk.

Not worth refuting.

Lin Mo didn't want to refute either, he came to kill the other party, not to reason with the other party.

But Yoshino is in high spirits, which is normal. Men, no matter what country or skin they are, like to talk about their ideals.

There is no doubt that the theory of Mr. Shimada, the founder of the "Ixie Society", is his ideal.

It was an extremely huge and extremely sweet pie.

Just hearing it, he felt that the curtain was three feet down, which made him have a huge desire.

Willing to work hard and fight for it.

It is estimated that even if they put their lives in, people are willing.

For Lin Mo, it is also beneficial to have a closer look at the information about the 'Ixie Society', so he was happy to hear about these things.

"Nowadays, more and more people agree with Mr. Shimada's ideas, and I believe that we will succeed. At that time, we will be the masters of the new world."

Although this idea is an idiot, it is undeniable that there is light in Yoshino's eyes at this moment.

The other party sincerely supports the 'Ixie Society'.

So Lin Mo thought that he would break this guy's neck later. This kind of unrealistic thinking, this kind of incorrect small flame, should be extinguished in time.

Yoshino, who didn't even know that he was about to get his lunch, was still talking nonstop.

Speaking of the great plan of the 'Ixie Society'.

Not to mention, some of the plans of the Yixie Association are indeed very crazy and very terrifying.

Even, in Lin Mo's view, there is still some feasibility.

For example, a very crazy idea put forward by the "Ixie Society" is that since the new world is caused by nightmares, and nightmares are the masters of nightmares.

Then, their "Ixie Society" should turn all the pheasant people into nightmares.

A living nightmare.

"Mr. Shimada has found a special way to turn a living person into a nightmare. In this way, neither the real world nor the nightmare world can be an enemy of our pheasant country."

Yoshino's eyes were a little crazy.

Lin Mo raised a question at this time.

How to achieve it?

"This nightmare seems to be formed by people's fears. For a person to become a nightmare, first of all, he has to form images and memories of fear in the minds of some people, at least one person, then after that person enters the nightmare world, his Fear embodies it, creating a nightmare."

"And the nightmare is motivated by resentment and malice. If you want to stay sane all the time, it's not impossible, but not everyone can do it."

Lin Mo also told the truth.

He wanted to hear what Yoshino had to say in this regard.

But what disappointed him was that this guy Yoshino didn't know the specific situation at all, he just listened to some propaganda of the Yixie Society, and he followed suit.

In the end, Yoshino said that many high-ranking members of the Izai Society, including Mr. Shimada, have been transformed into real nightmares.

Living Nightmare.

As long as the time is right, all the members of the Yixie Society can be transformed, and in the end, the citizens of the entire Pheasant Kingdom will also be transformed.

At that time, Nightmare World will become their home.

Isn't that still victorious in every battle, and the world is king?

Listening to this Yoshino nonsense while walking, he soon arrived at the other party's house.

This is a residential area, in the real world, and in the nightmare world as well.

The projection area is the complete projection.

almost exactly the same.

However, the architecture of the pheasant country is very interesting. If it is sunny in the real world, it will look very sunny, small and fresh, and the details are full of exquisiteness, with a strong sense of design and living.

But in this environment in the nightmare world, it feels like every house is a terrifying haunted house.

You don't have to go in, just by looking at it, you can make up a series of scary ghost stories in a short time.

In particular, some details seem to add even more terror.

At the door of the house, Yoshino was about to open the door, but the door opened by itself.

Not haunted.

It was a woman inside who opened the door.

The woman is probably in her forties, about the same as Yoshino, and she should be Yoshino's wife.

"Have you come back so early today?" Yoshino's wife asked unexpectedly.

"When I met a friend, I was going to register at the general meeting, but there was a temporary situation there and martial law was imposed." Yoshino explained.

"Martial law again." The woman muttered.

Yoshino pretended not to hear, and then introduced his wife and Lin Mo to each other.

"This is my wife, Sayuri, this is my friend, Mr. Oshima. Mr. Oshima is young and promising, and his future achievements are limitless."

Yoshino praised.

As a wife, that Sayuri smiled and greeted Lin Mo warmly.

The women in the pheasant country are very interesting. Even if they are not happy in their hearts, they are still very gentle and graceful on the surface.

It is said that because of this, many women in the pheasant country actually have a great mental illness. If it really breaks out one day, the madness will not be comparable to that of men.

Enter the house and take off your shoes.

It is a standard pheasant country house. The corridor is very narrow, and almost all the available space is used. Even in the living room, looking at the crowded sofas makes people feel a little aggrieved.

"Please take a seat, Oshima-kun, don't be polite."

Yoshino said hello.

His wife took the initiative to pour water.

Lin Mo looked at the photo on the table, in addition to Yoshino and Sayuri, there was a young girl.

Probably a teenage high school student.

Yoshino said that he has a daughter.

It's called Linghua.

At this time, Yoshino continued to think about the future for Lin Mo, and it could be seen that Yoshino's wife could show a kind of impatience and disgust in the eyebrows.

May not agree with Yoshino's ideas.

Lin Mo asked if your wife is also a member of the Yixie Society?

"She's not. She's a woman, her thoughts are a bit out of step with the times, and she's still stuck in the past, a woman's kindness, but she's very lucky. I'm at the helm of this family, so she won't be abandoned by the times at a critical time."

Still very confident.

After chatting for a while, I heard a hurried knock on the door outside.

Sayuri hurriedly ran over to open the door, and then heard a chatter in a hurried tone.

Yoshino scolded and stood up and went over. Of course, he apologized to Lin Mo before that, and he might feel a little rude.

Lin Mo heard the loud arguing over there, so he got up and went over to take a look.

A high school girl stood at the entrance of the entrance.

That is, at the age of fifteen or sixteen, he is quarreling with the Yoshino couple at the moment.

It seemed that her parents wanted to educate her, but her rebellious age made her extremely resistant, and quarrels were inevitable.

Lin Mo was too lazy to care about this kind of business.

He happened to sit here for a while and wait for news.

It is estimated that the elder brother also knew that the Yixie Association was going to hold a conference. Nine times out of ten, he was going to start at that conference, which would be more effective.

At this time, the quarrel at the door escalated.

Then I heard Baga Yalu, and then a slap in the face.


Instantly quiet.

But this quiet is obviously the quiet before the storm.


The next moment, I heard the high school girl slamming the door angrily, and heard Sayuri chasing, but she probably didn't catch up, and Yoshino was still cursing.

After that, Sayuri came back and quarreled with Yoshino.

It's all about educating children.

Lin Mo got up, he was ready to go.

It's a little annoying to stay here.

Seeing that Lin Mo was about to leave, Yoshino hurriedly came over to hold him back, but he didn't hold back. To be honest, Lin Mo didn't want to continue listening to Yoshino's vision of the future, it was nonsense.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Lin Mo would have hacked him to death long ago.

After coming out of the house, Yoshino said behind him that when martial law is lifted, he must report to the headquarters of their Yixie Society.

Lin Mo waved his hand.

He was going to walk around.

You can often encounter some ordinary low-level nightmares on the road. Obviously, people in Hankyo City have long been accustomed to getting along with them.

In addition, Lin Mo also found a lot of dead people.

That is to say, people who have died in the real world and only exist in the nightmare world, most of them encountered on the road.

Dead people are weak, and low-level nightmares are weak too.

These, Lin Mo didn't even bother to look at them.

Just when he wondered if there was a terrible nightmare in Hankyo, he suddenly felt a strong aura.

Lin Mo looked in a certain direction.

Then walk over there.

Come and come, and since you have encountered it, let's go and have some fun.

Walking down a street, Lin Mo saw a hospital in front of him.

Dilapidated and outdated, the door was sealed, and there were strange hemp ropes hanging round and round. The hemp ropes were also tied with colored cloth strips, and among them, there were wooden talismans carved into diamonds.

This Lin Mo has heard of, it is a kind of talisman that was passed down from China in the early years, and it is no longer used there. I didn't expect it to be carried forward in this place in the pheasant country.

In addition to these there are seals.

The words 'Ixie Huifeng' are written on it.

Lin Mo understood.

This place was banned by Yixie, and the terrifying aura that overflowed from it must have had an extremely terrifying nightmare in it.

Originally, Lin Mo planned to go in and have a look, but now that he found out that it was related to the Yixie Society, he had to go in even more.

The main entrance was sealed tightly, and Lin Mo planned to take a circle to see if there was any place to enter.

As a result, I went around to the back and saw that there were already several people sneaking in from a small hole in the corner of the wall.

There are several people dressed as high school students, both men and women. There is one person Lin Mo has just met before.

Yoshino's daughter.

"What's it called?" Lin Mo thought for a while, then clapped his hands: "I remember, it's called Linghua!"

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