Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 839: The 'God' Project

Walking in a sunken ship in the dark and dark seabed is quite depressing. If you are claustrophobic, you may not be able to last even a second in this place.

If you add some skeletons and messy cabin objects floating over from time to time, it is even more frightening.

Not to mention others, just say that Lin Mo felt very uncomfortable in this place.

The green flame on the brick hammer is the only light here, but this kind of light seems to have added a layer of green filter, not only will it not make people feel safe, but it will make people feel more terrifying.

Just a simple example.

There are corpses floating all over the place.

Some still had some pale flesh hanging on them.

Originally this is nothing special, the horror level is also a star.

With the addition of the gloomy green filter, the horror effect is directly multiplied, at least two or three stars.

It's nothing.

When passing a room, Lin Mo saw a mirror.

He swam over.

The green light reflected that the person in the mirror was also green. Lin Mo looked at himself in the mirror. He had never seen himself so terrifying.

Just like a devil.

Especially when the brick is moved to the chest position, under this angle, he is just like the King of Yama in the Hall of Yama.

Just as Lin Mo was looking in the mirror, a dark shadow moved around in the corner of the room.

Lin Mo was instantly alert.

He stepped back immediately.

Almost at the same time, a black monster with a big head and thick lips took a bite.

With a puff, he bit on the door frame.

The scary thing is that this bite actually took a big bite, and even the metal was torn apart, which shows how strong the bite force is.

Lin Mo was completely lucky to avoid it.

The strange fish spat out the pieces in its mouth and lunged forward again.

This time, Lin Mo couldn't escape.

Fortunately, Xiaoyu shot in time, and a few iron chains flew out of Lin Mo's sleeves, instantly piercing the big fish's mouth, and directly smashing the big fish.

All of a sudden the sea water here is a lot turbid.

It was mixed with the flesh and blood of strange fish.

What happened next, Lin Mo remembered for a long time.

Many small fish and crabs hidden in the corners, as well as some unknown small insects began to dispatch in groups and began to compete for the broken flesh.

Fortunately, these little guys seem to know how to avoid danger. Even if they pass by, they all walk around Lin Mo, so although these things are numerous, they make room for Lin Mo out of thin air.

Don't let him get too upset.

Lin Mo had heard people say before that it was a sunken ship on the bottom of the sea. There was no special reason not to salvage it, just let them sleep quietly on the bottom of the sea.

Because no one knows what is hidden in these sunken ships.

The front is the research cabin.

The hatch is closed.

But because there was no electricity, Lin Mo used Xiaoyu's curse chain to open it relatively easily.

The vibration of the iron door as it was pulled open sounded like the low whine of some kind of monster.

At the same time, strands of black sea water mixed with many hairs and unknown cotton wool poured out, almost smearing Lin Mo's face.

It seems that this research cabin has not been opened.

This is a good thing.

To Lin Mo, this is like a virgin land that no one has set foot on. If Lin Mo has anything of value, it must be there.

Lin Mo rubbed his hands excitedly at this moment, and then swam in.

The water here is colder.

But it is similar to other places, the difference is that there are many strange instruments here.

There are also many corpses in white coats.

These corpses are not as badly decomposed outside, relatively speaking, some flesh and blood can still be seen.

You can even see the facial features.

After Lin Mo swam into a place like an office, in addition to finding new corpses, he also saw a safe.

Tried it, can't pull it off.

But it couldn't help Lin Mo.

The cursed iron chain restrained the safe, and then a huge force erupted, and the sound of metal twisting was heard, the safe was directly twisted and deformed, and then pulled, and finally opened.

There is some information in there.

Surprisingly, these materials have not been broken into cotton wool like other paper documents.

The paper in this cabinet is actually intact.

Lin Mo reached out and touched it, knowing why this kind of file was fine.

Because the materials are different, this kind of paper looks like a high-tech product at first glance. It feels very tough and cannot be torn at all. It is estimated that in order to ensure the safety of the contents of these documents, it is printed on this special paper.

Lin Mo flipped through it and found that it was a secret document called "The Deity Project".

And it's not just a plan that stays at the planning level. This one almost has very detailed implementation steps. Lin Mo just glanced at it and felt stunned and unbelievable.

"In this world, there are still people who like to die so much?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but mutter at this moment.

Honestly, this program is pretty awesome.

Lin Mo also had to admit this.

The Tenjin Plan is a response measure taken by the White Eagle Country to deal with the possible crisis after the countries of the world discovered that the nightmare had come.

The comprehensiveness and careful consideration of this plan is absolutely rare in the world.

But put those details aside to talk about the general direction.

This 'God's Plan' was written by a fool.

It did not take into account the kind of negative impact brought about by the coming of the nightmare, and even if one was not careful, the person who implemented the plan would be killed first.

It says 'Since fear is the source of all great power, what we have to do is harness that power. ’

The sentence itself is stupid.

Too arrogant.

Even the current Lin Mo dare not say that he can 100% control the power of fear.

That's not something the living should have their hands on.

Lin Mo continued to read.

"We decided to take full advantage of this nightmare event happening everywhere, create some terrifying legends, and then harness them and make them our slaves."

The next page contains specific implementation details.

For example, using a criminal who committed a serious crime to fabricate fake news that the criminal escaped, and then quickly caused a heated discussion.

The majority of those who participated in the discussion of the felon were women.

Women have a natural imagination for weirdness and terror, and it is very natural to put themselves in the perspective of the weak and the victim.

As a result, the fear of this repeat offense has exploded.

Later, the team that secretly carried out the research project found that the criminal who had been killed by the police had been 'resurrected' in the nightmare world.

Like a god.

In addition, the strength of the other party was beyond the expectations of the research team.

The criminal's ability is extremely terrifying, and his strength is very powerful. It is written in the document that the final experiment target lost control and created a terrifying massacre.

As a result, at least thousands of people died.

What makes people speechless is that there is not much frustration and guilt in this document.

On the contrary, Lin Mo saw a kind of 'excitement'.

Because the other party felt that their direction was correct, they then used the same method to artificially create many terrifying nightmares.

For example 'Bloody Sister', 'Ogre John'.

These are all artificial nightmares created after the implementation of the Tenjin plan.

Lin Mo turned back and suddenly made a huge discovery.

"Test code name: The Sea of ​​Fear. Humans' fear of the ocean has existed since the day human beings were born. This fear is rooted in human genes."

"Deep seas, suffocation, confined waters, unknown giant creatures, these are elements of fear that resonate."

"This kind of fear that exists in ancient genes, the fear of the ocean, will create the most terrifying 'god' in history."

"Other gods are incomparable, and we have no doubts about this!"

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!

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