Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 846: Shh, don't mess up!

The weirdos on the deck raised their hands one by one.

Lin Mo asked them to speak one by one.

You must know that some of these weirdos have lived in this sea area for a long time, and they are well aware of some taboos and secrets here.

From their mouths, Lin Mo also has a deeper understanding of this sea of ​​fear.

The information provided by 418 belongs to the core information, which is the situation inside the sea of ​​fear; and these weirdos provide what is seen from a weaker level of existence, for example, a poor werewolf in the dangerous sea of ​​fear. How to rely on its ingenuity to escape the natural experience time and time again.

These things can't be bought with money.

Lin Mo always believes that no matter what it is, only by observing it from multiple angles can we understand it clearly.

"Try not to get close to the sea, unless it's a last resort; if the island shakes, or something that doesn't normally happen, flee as soon as possible; don't get close to any boat, even an inconspicuous boat; stay alert at all times, if you find something inexplicable When you reach a strange place, don't run around and stay where you are."

On the opposite side, a werewolf whose hair was still dripping water was speaking seriously.

This is the other's survival experience.

"How did you come here?" Lin Mo asked.

A look of helplessness flashed in the werewolf's eyes.

"I boarded a boat, and I wanted to eat everyone on board, but I didn't expect the boat to reach this place soon. If I can go back to land one day, I will never be on any boat again in my life. "

It can be seen that the werewolf regretted his original choice.

That's right, looking at the werewolf's thin body, dry hair, and blindness in one eye, the past period of time should have been unsatisfactory, and it's not much different from a local dog.

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked the werewolf, "Have you seen the **** ship over there?"

The direction of the finger is the Gluttony.

At this moment, the distance is about three or four nautical miles.

The werewolf nodded.

"I'm going to tow the ship, what advice do you have?"

The werewolf shivered.

"I suggest that you give up this idea and leave here now. If your ship can still move, then leave quickly, it will be too late if it's too late."

The werewolf's answer was not beyond Lin Mo's expectations.

These weirdos, Lin Mo, have basically cross-examined them, so now he got up, looked at all the weirdos, and asked the werewolf question again.

The weirdos were silent.

Obviously they are not stupid. When Lin Mo asked this question, it showed that he was very concerned about this matter, and it could even be said that it was inevitable.

The other party will not give up just because of their few words.

So if you can't make any suggestions, it's best not to talk nonsense.

Not a single one spoke.

So Lin Mo changed his question and asked what you think is the biggest obstacle if you want to tow the ship away?

"That's too much!"

The werewolf spoke first.

At first, Lin Mo didn't realize that this guy was actually a talker, especially after giving this guy a piece of meat to fill his stomach, the werewolf would say more.

"I have a friend who said that the water over there is black, and it is the core of the sea of ​​fear. Once you are involved in it, no ship will want to come out. You can't get close at all, and even if you get close, you won't be able to get out. , that's the biggest obstacle."

When Lin Mo heard it, he knew that the werewolf friend must know a lot of things. After all, he even knew the keywords of the sea of ​​fear and the core, so it must be right.

"Where's your friend, I'll ask him face to face."

"You can't ask him."


"I was hungry half a month ago, so I ate it."


"You, you put down the knife first, everything is negotiable, my friends know it, I also know it, you ask me the same."

When Lin Mo heard this, he took the sickle back.

If the other party said to be slow just now, Lin Mo might have slashed the goods with one knife.

"My friend is a doctor. We met on the boat. I'm a rough guy. I eat whatever I like, and there is nothing fancy. But my friend is different. He likes to torture people and tie people to the operating table. At the meeting, they will also ask those victims whether they plan to cut their fingers or toes first, which is very perverted.”

"Later our ship was captured by the sea of ​​fear and could not be moved. Many people on the ship died every day. We sensed the danger and escaped."

"My friend said one day that he discovered some secrets in the sea of ​​fear and he wanted to join it. I think he's crazy, I've never heard of the halls he's talking about, and I think he's talking crazy, but He is very serious. For a while, he was extremely anxious, I asked him, and he said that he wanted to improve his mental strength, which I didn't understand."

"Then what?" Lin Mo really listened.

What the other party said was very similar to what 418 said.

It's just that 418 is already a member of the Sea of ​​Fear, and all he wants is to improve his voice, and the werewolf friend, the perverted doctor, is not qualified to join it.

"Then, he seems to have found some way to improve his mental strength, which I think is self-abuse. At the beginning, he self-mutilated himself with a knife, slashing his arms and thighs a few times. Later, he started to cut his fingers for himself, and even It will peel off a piece of skin, you say, this is not crazy what is it?"

"Afterwards, his entire state was insane, and he was muttering all day long and it was a little bit, a little bit, but at that time, he took off a lot of things on his body by himself, and normal people died several times from that injury."

Lin Mo pondered for a while.

The heart said that this may be raising spiritual power through pain.

He had heard of this method before.

It does work.

"In the end, he was completely insane. He found me and told me to eat him, and let me eat slowly. It's better to let him suffer more before dying. I was real at that time. I was hungry, so I agreed, but after all, I was a friend, and I'm not a pervert, so I gave him a treat, took a bite, and sent him away, do you think I did the right thing?"


In the end, the werewolf ate the pervert doctor.

As for whether the doctor has raised the mental power to join the sea of ​​fear through the final pain, no one knows this, Lin Mo guesses, hanging.

From the description of the werewolf, what 418 said before is also true.

The spiritual organization of the Sea of ​​Fear does exist, and in order to join it, a perverted murderer would not hesitate to self-harm or even lose his life.

Lin Mo knew that it was time to touch the core of the Sea of ​​Fear.

Although he can try again, bring the Silence close to the Black Sea area and try to drag the Gluttony out.

But there is only one chance for this.

If it fails, the consequence is to take the Silent into it.

It can't be risky.

Silence is Lin Mo's trump card, and nothing can go wrong with his trump card at this stage.

And now that Lin Mo has Lao Bai, he plans to try it next to see if Lao Bai can enter the spiritual realm as he himself speculated.

After settling these weirdos, Lin Mo returned to the cabin, and let the dancers and the three ghost ship masters take a good look at the Silent. He closed his eyes and began to try to enter the cozy cabin again.

This process took a while, but fortunately, Lin Mo slowly regained some feeling, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in the cozy cabin.

418 is still on the ground, a bit half-dead.

The opponent cannot escape.

Because the dagger that nailed the other's foot, blessed Lin Mo's spiritual power.

Lin Mo actually didn't quite understand this.

He made an assessment of his own mental strength.

The entire spiritual power system has a total of five levels, and Lin Mo's spiritual power is the level of the second-level upward, and the third-level cannot reach it.

And 418, at least in Lin Mo's view, it has a very strong ability to invade and control, at least the level of three, or even four.

After all, the other party was a spiritual nightmare experiment body that Bai Ying Guo spent a lot of money on. With one person's mental invasion and control ability, he killed everyone on an experimental cabin.

Of course, on the other hand, no one has stipulated that such a spiritual nightmare created by the White Eagle Nation must be strong.

Lin Mo is not arrogant, but he can't belittle himself either.

Another point, the reason why 418 is so vulnerable in front of him may also have something to do with this cozy hut. In this hut, Lin Mo feels that no one can mess around here.

Here is a solidified, very specific spiritual realm.

Seeing Lin Mo coming, 418 immediately regained his energy and just wanted to speak, but he was stunned for a while, and looked behind Lin Mo in surprise, his expression was like seeing a ghost.

Lin Mo reached out and touched it back.

A familiar touch came.

"Sure enough, Lao Bai can enter any dimension, even in the spiritual world."

Although Lin Mo had guessed about this before, but after it was really confirmed, it still felt different.

Next, he has to make further contact with the Sea of ​​Fear. With Lao Bai around, Lin Mo is more relieved.

After all, in the spiritual realm, Lin Mo's previous conventional methods could not be used, including Xiaoyu, which could not be used in this place. If there was no Lao Bai, he could only rely on himself.

Next, Lin Mo asked 418 about the Sea of ​​Fear.

"There are many spiritual bodies in the sea of ​​fear, and among them, some individuals have very powerful abilities. Of course, I know that the hall you just mentioned is a place that only truly powerful spiritual bodies can enter... Me? I didn't go. Yes, but maybe if I find the nzt-47."

Lin Mo knew that it would be the same if he asked again.

After all, you still have to actually see it yourself and get in touch with some seas of fear.

Now that Lao Bai is here, Lin Mo has a better grasp.

He got up.

418 thought that Lin Mo was going to leave again, so he hurriedly said, "Take me with you too, I will definitely be able to help."

Lin Mo glanced at the other party and said nothing.

418 is anxious: "You definitely need me, please, don't leave me in this room."

Looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that he is very afraid of this hut.

Lin Mo was surprised.

"Is this place not good? It's quiet, so warm, why do you feel like you're afraid to stay here?"

This is what Lin Mo doesn't understand.

As a result, 418 said: "This place is good, it's quiet, but it's definitely not warm. Anyway, it's not warm to me at all. After you left, the light here dimmed. I feel that in this room, There are other people watching me."

"That's your illusion. I didn't expect you to be so timid." Lin Mo scorned.

"No, it's not an illusion, and I'm not timid. There may really be others in this room." 418 insisted.

This time, Lin Mo was silent.

He seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly ran to other places, opened the kitchen and kept calling Mommy, then looked at the ceiling, mumbling where your sister is.

Finally, I ran to the living room and asked the empty sofa, Dad, if you are here, come out and say something.

The whole process is very weird.

Even 418, who said he was brave and well-informed, couldn't help sweating when he saw this scene, thinking that this person must be mentally ill.

By the way, he is really a psychopath, he said it himself.

This is broken.

Falling into the hands of such a lunatic, the one who is not careful may have to finish the game.

418 is scared to death now, but he doesn't dare to interrupt Lin Mo. He can only endure the panic in his heart and watch it honestly.

I saw Lin Mo tossing for a while before he stopped.

"Finally no longer sick." 418 was also relieved.

He regretted saying what he just said.

Knowing that those words would irritate the other party, why would he say it and find it difficult for him?

The next moment, Lin Mo came over and slapped his thigh: "I didn't find them, but I don't know that you must not lie to me, I believe in you, so you stay here and watch for me, if you find anyone else, Whether it's a grumpy-looking guy, a little girl who likes to crawl around, or a housewife, whether they're wearing a paper bag or not, you must tell them, wait for me here, I Want to see them, understand?"

Looking at Lin Mo with a serious face, 418 didn't know what to say.

What can you say?

Say you are sick, I won't play with you anymore.

Certainly not.

That is courting death.

Otherwise, it is better to follow the other party, mentally ill, it is better to follow the other party, and it is not easy to provoke the other party.

At the moment, 418 nodded: "Don't worry, what do you say, what do I listen to."

"What did I say?"

"Well, if I see a grumpy guy, a little girl who likes to crawl around, or a housewife, whether they're wearing a paper bag or not, I'm going to tell them that you're going to see them and let them They are waiting for you here."


Hearing this, 418 reached out and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He kind of misses the days of doing experiments in the laboratory before. Although it's a little boring and a little annoying, it's better than the current situation.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything.

As far as Lin Mo's condition is concerned, it is obvious that there is no cure at a glance. This is a strange thing in the sea of ​​fear.

Next, he nodded and followed what Lin Mo said.

So a lot of things went smoothly.

After a while, Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you can stay here for a while, I'll go out for a walk."

After saying that, he got up and walked to the door.

This time, Lin Mo didn't hesitate, he took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked out with Lao Bai.

Outside, it was an unknown land for him.

First of all, it's not completely dark.

There were a lot of halos outside, Lin Mo walked towards a light, and he walked over a dozen meters.

It was actually a door.

Lin Mo tried to open the door, but it was locked and could not be opened at all.

He was going to give up.

As a result, at this time, a hand was stretched out from behind Lin Mo.

Is the old white.

It grabbed the door handle and twisted it, and with a click, the lock broke and the door opened.

"Old Bai, it really belongs to you."

Lin Mo patted Lao Bai's strong arm, then pushed open the door in front of him and walked in.

Not long after he entered, a large group of black shadows poured in from all directions.

Looking at the broken door lock, one of the shadows leaned forward and looked.

"Where did this big guy come from, he actually forcibly broke the mental door lock. Fortunately, we didn't provoke it."

"Then do you want to follow up and get a share?"

"Forget it, there's nothing we can provoke. We can join the sea of ​​fear is the limit. It's not enough to provoke such a big guy. If you want to go to you, I don't want to die."

After speaking, the group of shadows immediately dispersed.

Besides, Lin Mo, he found himself in the toilet.

It's the kind of toilet in the is very small.

One person is enough, but if Lao Bai is added, then his heart is on his back, and his posture is very ambiguous.

Open the door and go out.

Really on the plane.

A blonde and blue-eyed flight attendant happened to pass by, and when she saw Lin Mo and the naked old white behind, the flight attendant's expression was very wonderful. You could tell from her appearance that she was thinking crooked.

Lin Mo was about to explain that it was not what she thought, but at this time a person came from behind.

This man has brown hair and looks very similar to the people from the Chili Country in the south of the White Eagle Country. He is a bit like the godfather of the gangster.

The man glanced at Lin Mo and Lao Bai, then put a finger to his mouth.

"Shh, don't make trouble!"


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