Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 855: lift your hijab

Latest URL: Someone came in at this time.

Who will it be?

Looking at the expression of the foreign old lady, the person who came in should not be a good person.

Nine times out of ten it was the 'monster' it said.


Lin Mo tugged at the old lady, and the two got behind the rows of red-clothed brides. Time was running out. This was the only place to find and hide.

Just after hiding, people from outside came in.

The old lady shrank on the ground in fright and did not dare to move. Lin Mo was okay. He hid behind a bride and looked out from the gap between the clothes.

He saw a man who was soaked all over. This man had lost his appearance and was swollen all over. His eyes had long been eaten by fish and shrimp, but there was a faint light in his eye sockets.

That is a very special spiritual power.

Not surprisingly, the person who came in was just an almost decayed corpse, and a powerful spiritual force attached to the other party, driving the corpse to get here.

This must be the monster the old lady spoke of.

What is the other party going to do?

The monster didn't find Lin Mo and the old lady.

The other party's attention was on the brides in red standing in the yard.

After a moment of silence, the monster spoke.

"This resistance is pointless and just a waste of time."

The voice was low, with a hint of warning and demonstration.

It seems that the other party belongs to the party who wants to conquer others. However, according to psychological analysis, all the so-called conquerors who say something like this are basically because they encountered obstacles, or they do not want to pay some price for victory.

In short, things will never be the same as what the other party said. It is meaningless and a waste of time.

"Every time I come, I ask, and this time it's the same. I wonder why you don't cooperate with me, you and I are one, even if you conquer the entire sea of ​​fear, there is no problem."

Still no response.

"Well, since you are so persistent, let's continue this game."

After the monster finished speaking, he began to look at more than a dozen brides in red.

Don't know what it's looking at.

Then the monster walked to a bride, reached out and lifted the other party's hijab.

next moment.

Lin Mo heard the sound of cracking glass.

Then, the bride, whose hijab was removed, instantly grabbed the monster on the opposite side, and then sucked it into her body.

It's like a vacuum cleaner, it's done in an instant and doesn't give people a chance to react at all.

It's like a mouth has grown out of broken glass and swallowed the opponent in one bite.

But the bride also seems to have been hit hard.

Her entire body was cracked, then shattered, and scattered all over the place.

The glass quickly dissipated without a trace.

One less bride in red.

According to what the monster just said, this 'game' is not the first time, it has obviously happened many times before.

According to this statement, the monster has also been swallowed many times.

But this obviously doesn't kill the opponent.

Every once in a while, this monster makes a comeback.

Lin Mo came out from behind a bride.

He walked around and thought about it.

Right now, it feels like a deadlock of some sort.

That is to say, there is nothing that the monster can do with Xiwenjun, and Xiwenjun can't seem to kill the opponent.

But the original bride here devoured the other party after her hijab was lifted, and at the same time she was directly shattered into a piece of glass slag.

This shows that the brides in the yard are all "consumables".

If all these brides are consumed, does that mean that there is no trump card on Xiwenjun's side.

will lose.

"Then I came at the right time."

Lin Mo muttered to himself.

That monster has just been killed as a substitute, and it is estimated that he will not be able to return in a short time. If that is the case, then hurry up and call Xiwen-Jun out at this time.

If you have to help her, you may have a chance of winning by fighting against that monster.

"Sister Wenjun, it's me, Lin Mo, where are you? Which one is you?"

Lin Mo began to whisper to the remaining dozen or so brides.

It stands to reason that if there is Xiwenjun here, then the other party should agree, but Lin Mo did not wait for any response.

"Could it be that Sister Wenjun is not among these brides?"

Lin Mo thought of a possibility.

Of course there is another possibility.

Now this move by Xiwenjun has huge restrictions on herself. She may be there, but she has no way to speak. Just now that monster lifted the wrong hijab, and the end was immediately killed by the fake bride.

Not even the ability to resist.

This shows that the method of fake brides is extremely terrifying.

It can be said that anyone who lifts the wrong hijab will be killed by the fake bride.

It's kind of like a 'taboo'.

It's an unsolvable attack.

The more powerful this means, the greater the constraints and side effects.

The same law of balance applies to the nightmare world.

In order to confirm this, Lin Mo searched all the rooms in the house.

did not find.

Lin Mo shouted several times in every room, but there was also no response.

Xiwenjun is not in the house.

Before that, the possibility of my own speculation was very high.

That is, the real Xiwenjun is indeed among the remaining dozen or so brides, and the other party is subject to this attack method, unable to speak or even make any hints.

If you want to find her, you can only lift the hijab.

Find the right person.

That didn't say.

I got it wrong.

It will be immediately killed by the fake bride.

Although these are inferred by Lin Mo based on the current observed situation, it is obvious that this inference is well-founded and very consistent with the current situation.

That monster must be one of the top spirits in the Sea of ​​Fear.

This kind of existence is not so easy to fool.

Since this spiritual body is not tired of trying, and is not even afraid of failing many attempts, it can only show that Xiwenjun is indeed among the dozen or so brides.

And as long as she is found, no matter who it is, then this person can do whatever she wants to her.

Of course, this is a metaphor, and it probably means the same thing.

"If that's the case, Sister Wenjun, I must lift your hijab."

Lin Mo said to a dozen brides.

It stands to reason that Lin Mo knows Xiwen Jun quite well, but after carefully observing the body shapes of these dozen brides, he found that his cats are exactly the same.

Not the slightest difference.

Look at the bare hands.

Also exactly.

This is a bit more difficult.

That's right, if it's easy, wouldn't it be possible to find it at once, and the defense method that Xiwenjun sacrificed so much to create would not be cracked in minutes.

This method must be very difficult to crack.

"But you can't have no hints at all. If that's the case, you will be found by that spirit monster sooner or later. The other party can try and make mistakes every time they come, but it's impossible to increase your fake brides, use one, and one less. "

"So, according to the current logic, you will definitely be found."

"Even, it may be the next time, if the other party is lucky enough."

Lin Mo shook his head at this time; "If that's the case, it's just like what the other party said, it's just delaying time, it doesn't make any sense, because it's bound to lose."

"Sister Wenjun, I don't think you are the kind of person who doesn't care about your head and your butt. You are a very smart woman, and you are about to catch up with my IQ. Then if I were you, when I encountered such an incompetent person When the enemy is strong, if there is only one trick of the fake bride, I must keep a back. For example, I will assume that there will be someone to help me and save me. By the way, the last time I came through the game scene , maybe you already know that I'm here, you know me, and you know that I will come again, so you used this means of delaying time."

Lin Mo felt that he was slowly entering the role of Xiwenjun.

It was the first time that he had brought himself so deeply into a female ghost role.

"Then, if you choose to use this trick on the premise that I will definitely come to you, you will definitely leave a clue that I know so that I can find you."

Lin Mo patted his thigh.

"It must be so!"

He began to see the brides up close again.

Even started to touch it.

Anyway, as long as you don't lift the hood.

Of course, only when the hijab is removed can it be determined whether it is true that he is swearing by Wenjun.

"Sister Wenjun, I'll touch the bride's hands one by one. If it's you, you can pinch me, or just move your finger."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he began to touch the bride's hands one by one.

From the first to the last, no bride pinched him and gave him hints.

"Did I reason wrong before?"

------off topic-----

The end of June, the new July, the new beginning, the early morning update, please guarantee the monthly pass, the more the better.


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