Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 869: Nightmare Prison

Lin Mo actually knew the ship was coming when he heard the whistle on the Glutton.

It was earlier than he expected.

It shows that the two ships are not far from here.

In this way, he is not in a hurry to go out. No accident, this place will soon be captured by the nightmare on board, because there is a high probability that no one can stop the captain.

Lin Mo knew better than anyone how strong the Silence and Gluttony were, so he never doubted the result.

Turning around, Lin Mo looked at Professor Bill.

"Come on, let's continue talking, you mean, the nzt-47 you gave me is the only one left in the Skua base? The others, were urgently transferred by people from other bases a few days ago?"

When asked this, Lin Mo had a dark face.

Can you be blackface?

Why did he promise 416 to capture the Skua base?

Isn't it because of the drug nzt-47, not to mention the improved nzt-48, and the so-called perfect nzt-49.

Originally, Lin Mo still wanted to take down this place, and after occupying it, he could harvest a large number of medicines, at least enough for his consumption in the next few years, or even more than ten years.

But never thought, the plan fell through.

Someone picked his peaches early.

Who can stand this? Anyway, Lin Mo was very angry at this time.

The hands that didn't see his anger began to tremble.

"By the way, which base took it away? How many bases do you have?"

Lin Mo asked.

He was still holding out hope of getting the thing back.

Professor Bill didn't dare to hide it at this time. Although he didn't know what was going on outside, but no one came here for so long, he had vaguely noticed something was wrong.

Moreover, Lin Mo did what he said before, destroying a nightmare tactical team.

On this matter, Professor Bill has been completely convinced.

So now he knows everything and says everything.

The White Eagle Nation has many bases all over the country, and the Blue Star people all know about this. Because of the huge intelligence network, they may be the first to come into contact with the nightmare event.

With the urine nature of these people, they naturally start to do things in crooked places.

Professor Bill also confirmed this.

It is said that in the early days, in order to obtain more nightmare data, they artificially created nightmare pollution areas in some areas.

If this news broke out at that time, they would be condemned by all the people of Blue Star.

But they did a good job of keeping secrets, and they chose weak and barren areas, so this matter was done without anyone noticing.

There are natural advantages to starting early in the study of nightmares.

Of course, they have gone through a lot of detours. Right now, White Eagle's country is falling apart, which is directly related to their own death. Professor Bill said that the number of nightmares in White Eagle's country is two to three times that of other regions.

Because many of them are man-made, and you can't control them, you can just let them go.

But in fact, the elites of the real White Eagle Country have nothing to lose.

Even stronger.

The nzt series of psychotropic drugs is one of their many research results.

416 was not created by this drug.

And 418.

This is all ranked more than 400. The ghost knows how many terrifying experiments these guys have done and how many terrifying monsters they have created.

It's a pity that Professor Bill doesn't know the location of the upper-level base. These are absolutely confidential, and Lin Mo's thoughts of chasing after him and grabbing the medicine can only be pressed temporarily.

If you can't get this benefit, you can only get something else.

For example, the formulation of the nzt series of psychotropic drugs.

This is in the base computer.

It must be brought back to the Academy of Sciences and given to Professor Xie and the others. The Academy of Sciences will be able to do it at that time, and the result will be even better.

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly remembered the crew members who were caught.

He hurriedly greeted Zhang Xu and ran out.

416's hypnosis is indiscriminate, as long as the base hears the broadcast, they will be forced to hypnotize into a dream.

Even those who are locked up.

When Lin Mo passed by, he found that everyone was fine, which made him relieved.

After a while, Lin Mo found a figure behind him.

Old Bai is here.

Before Lao Bai was on the Silence, he probably sensed his breath and ran over.

Good thing.

It means that there is no obstruction from the pier to here, and the nightmares on the ship must be in full swing.

Just let them have a good time.

In fact, some screams and strange noises can be heard from outside.

It's just that this sound gets smaller and smaller as time goes on.

In the end, there is complete peace.

416 found Lin Mo, she became enthusiastic, and she took Lin Mo's hand when she came up.

"Hey, it's not suitable, it's not suitable, you don't even think about the occasion." Lin Mo hurriedly gave 416 a wink, who didn't know why.

"You are amazing, it really surprised me. I didn't expect that what you said before was true. You are really powerful. Not only are you amazing, you really have two ships and so many powerful men."

"Everyone knows this, so there's no need to say it." Lin Mo found that the little hand in his sleeve couldn't hold back, and he hurriedly took his hand out of 416's arms.

If you don't take it out again, it is estimated that Xiaoyu will have to fight with the other party.

No, Sister Yue seems to be crawling out of her pocket too.

Lin Mo hurriedly reached out and shoved Sister Yue back.

"Calm down, all calm down."

Lin Mo bluffed at this time.

416 also found that there seemed to be something on Lin Mo.

Some powerful nightmarish aura.

Far more than one.

At the moment, she didn't know what she thought of, hehe smiled and gave Lin Mo a wink: "I didn't expect you to be able to play."

Lin Mo was afraid that some inexplicable words would pop out of her mouth again, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Come on, let's talk about it."

416 obviously didn't understand what was going on.

In her opinion, the business here has been done. They killed the soldiers in the Skua base, and the management, the colonel and others were also killed.

This, she saw with her own eyes.

For her, she got what she wanted, revenge and freedom.

Next, of course, is to start enjoying life.

Lin Mo asked 416 if she knew about her own situation.

"What do you mean?" 416 asked.

"It's the fact that you're only two years old." Lin Mo didn't hide it. What did he say? He felt that 416 probably already knew about it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't hate the people in the base so deeply.

Yes, no one wants to be treated as a chess piece.

In particular, being controlled by someone who is obviously far inferior to him in every way is completely humiliating and contrary to the rules. The real rule is always that the strong dominate the weak.

416 didn't show any surprised expression.

Obviously Lin Mo guessed right, she did know.

"Look, your life has just begun. You have to plan carefully. You should go back and think about what to do next, and think about it carefully. You can't be sloppy about this, you have to pay attention!"

Lin Mo's face was serious.

Not to mention, 416 was stunned by Lin Mo's tricks, and now she was really thinking and began to plan her future.

After sending 416 away, Lin Mo was also relieved.

At this time, he reached out and grabbed a person from his arms.

The other party was hiding in his clothes.

In addition to this person, there is also the doll of Sister Yue in his pocket.

"I didn't say you, Sister Yue, why are you biting me? Is it a dog?" Lin Mo shook his hand, but he didn't throw the opponent down.

"And you, Xiaoyu, what did you plan to do just now? Yes, 416 she didn't think carefully about what she said, but you have to think about it, the other party is only two years old, and Sister Yue, you said that the two of you and a two-year-old What is more real than a brat."

Lin Mo's face was serious.

Xiaoyu's momentum weakened, and he was obviously dismissed. He lowered his head and said nothing at this moment.

She felt that she was indeed a little impulsive just now.

Sister Yue didn't bite anymore, and got back into her pocket by herself.

"Okay, it's just a trivial matter, let's say it, let's not do it next time."

Get it!

Lin Mo felt that he was good at nonsense.

Next, the captain and the dancers also came. Lin Mo didn't see Xiwenjun. The captain said that the damage of Xiwenjun last time had not recovered, so he stayed on the boat to rest.

That's right, if such a big house is lost, it will be distressing for anyone to change it for a few days.

It's nice and slow.

Some Nightmare makes a new discovery and they find a prison.

Just below the base.

You can ask Professor Bill about this.

The other party really knows.

"That's the Nightmare Nightmare used for experiments and extracting materials are all kept below."

Presumably seeing that Lin Mo was going to have a look, Professor Bill couldn't help but said: "That place is too dangerous, you must not think about going in, let alone what benefits a person can make in it, the most important thing, Don't even think about letting those nightmares go."

Lin Mo thought about it and asked the captain, saying that the Gluttony is not short of manpower now, it is better to bring all these guys from the Nightmare Prison on board.

Most of the previous pig-headed monsters and nobles were killed by the sea of ​​fear, and now the sky above the Glutton is empty, and even ghosts are rare.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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