Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 879: I only have plastic surgery

If you look at Lin Mo from the perspective of the mirror, whoever sees him will be startled.

It was like a pervert peeping into the house through the glass window on a rainy night.

Those eyes, that smile, combined with the special angle of lighting, even a very daring person would have to have a heart attack on the spot.

The faceless woman turned her head and saw Lin Mo, who was looking over from the glass, and couldn't help shaking.

Now it can't walk away, there are wolves in front and tigers behind.

"Do you want to see your brother?" The faceless woman had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask.

"Yes." Lin Mo nodded: "Can this wish come true?"

"I try!"

The faceless woman said that if the person being found exists, she can try to find someone, but if it does not exist at all, she can't do it.

For example, Lin Mo's brother exists, so she can help to find out, but 416's parents don't exist at all, so it can't make a big difference.

In other words, it cannot be created out of nothing.

I don't know what method the Faceless Woman used, but some hazy outlines began to appear in the mirror beside it, which made Lin Mo refreshed.

"Keep going!"

Lin Mo really didn't hold out much hope before, but he didn't expect this faceless woman to be really capable.

If you can really find more clues about your brother, it will be a windfall.

The result only lasted for less than two seconds, and with a click, the entire mirror was immediately covered with cracks, similar to cobwebs.

Not to mention the faceless girl, even Xi Wenjun was taken aback.

Under normal circumstances, the mirror on which the Specter was standing would not be destroyed at all, especially since there were still two Specter at the moment, this kind of thing was even less likely to happen.

But now it happened.

Xiwenjun was okay, but the faceless girl trembled even more.

It took a long time for it to recover.

The first sentence is: "No, I can't fulfill your wish."

The voice was bitter, with a kind of rejoicing for the rest of his life.

"Look at you, Rou Rou complimented you vigorously before, saying that you are very capable, and no matter what wishes come to you, you can come true, why do you pull your crotch first, you can't do it."

Lin Mo's hopes were dashed, and of course he was scolding hard at this moment.

416 asked if he could kill the liar quickly, so as to comfort her hurt heart.

Lin Mo told 416 not to be in such a hurry.

Then he said to the faceless woman: "You say you, this is not good, that is not good, just say it directly, what would you do?"

"I will fulfill your wishes" habitually said halfway through, the faceless woman reacted, but the two in front of her did not fulfill any of their wishes.

Put this kind of thing into the past, it has also encountered.

Generally, the way to deal with it is to kill the opponent directly and make the opponent die a little worse.

But it can't be done now.

The opponent's strength is extremely terrifying, and they don't even play one-on-one. They are used to bullying more and less.

And the Faceless Woman herself is also a ghost that doesn't handle the relationship very well. Even if you give it the opportunity and time to let it shake people, it won't shake it.

So besides confessing, is there any other way?

Thinking of this, the faceless woman simply told the truth.

"I only have plastic surgery, what do you like." It was also broken.

Why only women make wishes.

Most women's wishes, in all likelihood, are to become beautiful, slim and so on. Occasionally, if they encounter a few who do not play cards according to the routine, they will be killed directly.

I thought there would be no problem, but I didn't expect it to happen today.

It is also temperamental.

If you admit it, you will admit it. First admit it, and if you can't do it, you will apologize later. How can you really do it?

"I said earlier, I said earlier that we lost hope. You see now, the two of us are quite disappointed and angry. What are you going to do with this matter."

The faceless woman made a voice: "Why don't you confess your mistake to both of you."

Saying that, you will kneel down.

Lin Moxin said that this guy has quite the character.

So don't admit it, let's talk.

Lin Mo's chats are just clichés. Let's see what else can be known from the faceless girl.

The other party agreed to chat.

Similar to the flesh angels, they all know everything and say everything, and they are very cooperative.

And the other party knows more about the Redemption Society than the flesh angel.

"I'm just a lone ghost, it's the redemption that will find me, they made up a horror story for me, and they used the possibility of making a wish to attract those women to the bait, using these fears and sacrificial rituals, I am a hundred times stronger than before. ."

Lin Mo asked, are you trying to say that if we meet after a while, it won't necessarily be who wins, is that what you mean?

The faceless woman said nothing.

But it feels like that's what it means.

Like the meat angel, he lost, but he was not convinced.

After finding that he couldn't ask any more questions, Lin Mo took out the pencil and Sister Yue doll, turned his head and said to 416.

"it's OK now."

416 cheered and immediately launched a mental attack on the Faceless Woman.

At the same time, Xi Wenjun in the mirror also suddenly started to pull the faceless woman out of the mirror world.

This time, Xiaoyu, Sister Yue and 416 can all get started.

These four masters joined forces to attack The Faceless Girl is not weak, but in this case there is no chance of winning.

It was killed by four women shortly after.

This time it was a complete death.

It will never exist again.

Lin Mo let go of the flesh angel, but not the faceless woman.

The reason is actually quite simple.

This guy is simple-minded and relatively easy to control, but the Faceless Girl is different.

It is extremely cunning.

As long as there is a little mistake, maybe the opponent will take advantage of it.

So it is so difficult to control, and it is very likely that something stupid will happen, Lin Mo's opinion has always been simple and direct.

That is to kill directly.

Eternal trouble.

This removed a hidden danger.

The people who really have the right to make decisions in this small town have been reduced from the previous three to two.

The Faceless Woman is dead.

Only ghosts and flesh angels are left.

Relatively speaking, that flesh angel is easier to control, and may even be drawn directly by Lin Mo in the future.

Ghost Buddha can be considered to have a tacit understanding of non-aggression and non-disturbance with Lin Mo, so Lin Mo thought about it, but still did not do anything to the ghost Buddha outside.

Now at this juncture, one more thing is worse than one less thing. The Faceless Girl is courting death on her own, and she has a crooked mind, so she must die. The ghosts and Buddhas are obviously yours, and I have mine, and no one has to pay attention to anyone.

Not bad.

You can ignore it for now.

As for the meat angel, it is the only nightmare that is very likely to join Lin Mo's side. Not to mention killing it, even if others want to get it, Lin Mo can't agree.

The matter here is settled, and Lin Mo doesn't want to delay. He plans to rush to the safety area of ​​the neighboring capital with 416 overnight.

off topic

Chapter one in the early morning, ask for a monthly ticket.

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