Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 929: Nantianmen


Lin Mo doesn't like being passive.

What happened to the crowd?

No matter how many enemies there are, they can't be caught without a fight, just waiting to be killed.

Moreover, if there are more people and strength, Lin Mo may not necessarily lose to the opponent.

The main reason is that I don't like the duplicity of these monsters. If you say that you have ulterior motives, you should have ulterior motives. Why do you hide it?

Of course the most annoying thing is not this.

Mainly at the beginning, Lin Mo was actually blinded by these guys.

It can only be said that the enemy is too cunning and the acting is too awesome.

Lin Mo was a little annoyed.

If that's the case, then tear the face off.

Lin Mo's intention to do something was not just for fun. In an instant, Xiaoyu and Sister Yue were called out, and even Jun Xiwen was invited out by Lin Mo.

Anyway, at this time, the more helpers, the better.

Don't be afraid of too many people, all you want is to crush the enemy.

Xiao 6 and the four action team members also acted immediately, and they all reacted just now.

These monsters are actually acting.

And the acting was so similar that even the four members of the action team got used to it and didn't think about it elsewhere.

It is conceivable that if there are more monsters, these monsters will attack suddenly when they are not prepared, not to mention masters like Lin Mo and Xiao 6, the four of them will definitely not survive anyway.

So at this moment, they are showing no mercy at all, and they are ruthless.

These actors and monsters also understand that the acting is smashed, and they also show malice at this time, but they missed the first move, and Lin Mo is attacking with all his strength now, basically they have no chance of winning.

Too many people are useless.

Besides, there are a lot of people here in Lin Mo.

At this time, let alone paper figures, even the shadow ghost Lin Mo, who has been useless for a long time, also used it.

Anyway, the momentum is louder.

Said to be crushed, then it must be crushed.

When the strength is more dominant, the combat power is full, and the first mover is preempted, there is no suspense in this battle.

Not to mention, these actor monsters are nothing special in themselves.

Really fight, in addition to acting, nothing good.

After a while, the fog was filled with the bodies of the actor monsters.

It's like tea leaves in a teacup, up and down.

Lin Mo asked Xiaoyu, and said if he wanted to keep going up now.

Xiaoyu gave a "don't know" answer.

Obviously, the above situation is also unknown to her, can't see through, and can't predict.

But as long as it's not a mortal danger, Lin Mo has to try it.

Others have no right to make decisions, they all listen to Lin Mo.

After taking back the many ghosts, Lin Mo bent his legs, then glared hard, and the whole person floated upwards.

Swimming in the fog was Lin Mo's first time. It was quite fresh.

The biggest feature is that there is no need for ventilation.

Lin Mo felt like he was a fish now, and he could thrash as much as he wanted.

The following small 6 and four action team members are closely followed.

The fog layer was bigger than Lin Mo imagined. At this moment, he didn't know how far he had traveled upstream, but he still didn't break through this layer of fog.

In this process, I didn't encounter that kind of actor monsters again, either because they didn't exist in this area, or because they sensed the danger and didn't dare to approach.

Over time, the original freshness disappeared.

In addition to mechanically swimming upwards, Lin Mo has already emptied his head. This feeling is actually quite bad, like it will go on forever and never swim to the edge above.

What can support Lin Mo to continue to move forward is what the sick and black people have seen and heard.

At least they saw with their own eyes that this 'Dragon Palace' is not really infinite. From the outside, this is a well-made model.

"There must be boundaries."

Lin Mo cheered himself up.

After a long time, just when Lin Mo felt that he might have to swim like this for the rest of his life, suddenly, the light above changed.

A lot of light.

It feels like looking up at the bottom of the sea and seeing the light outside sprinkled on the sea.

The next moment, Lin Mo rushed out of the dense fog.

Like floating in water.

The surroundings were replaced by white fog.

But it's not dense, at least not as buoyant as water.

The surrounding is vast, and there seems to be something not far ahead.

a huge door.

Xiao 6 and the four action team members followed closely behind, and they all floated up.

They were also surprised and curious when they saw everything here, and obviously they had never seen it before.

Several people swam towards the huge door in front, and when they got close enough to see the words written on the huge plaque on the door, Lin Mo was stunned.

"Nantianmen? Isn't this a joke?"

Lin Mo really laughed out loud.

But soon, he stopped laughing.

The first thing I felt about this was that someone was definitely joking, it was too absurd, and it was too exaggerated.

As a Chinese citizen, who doesn't know Nantianmen?

But everyone knows that it's just a myth.

But he couldn't laugh because Lin Mo thought of the **** he had been to and Yedi.

Hell and Yedi can be created with fear, so why can't Nantianmen?

It's all bullshit, why can't you do it and I can't?

It doesn't make sense.

So according to this logic, this Nantianmen might be true.

Xiao 6 didn't understand the culture and mythology here, so he didn't react at the moment, but the expressions of the four action team members were more exaggerated than Lin Mo's. Lin Mo could also guess what they were thinking.

Pretty much what I thought.

The huge Nantianmen has a simple and simple shape, surrounded by white clouds and mist, and it really means a little fairy.

Because the white fog here is not so thick that it can completely block the line of sight, you can vaguely see the stone steps behind, winding upwards. In addition, there seem to be some pavilions looming in the distance.

This is very consistent with the three-layer model that the sickly and the black people said they saw.

The middle floor is the Qianlong Palace, and the upper one is like the Immortal Palace.

On the thick stone pillars on both sides of Nantianmen, there are also many talismans.

Lin Mo couldn't understand.

But he knew that one person might be able to see a clue.

Now Lin Mo was eager to figure out the name here, so he did not hesitate, immediately took out a talisman and swallowed it in his mouth, and then chanted the magic spell.

After this set, a blood mist appeared on Lin Mo's body immediately, and his expression also changed a little in the dimness.

The breath on his body is also completely different from before.

I saw him glance at the little 6 and a few people and say something that made the scalp numb.

"Just these few people? Hehehe, I can kill them with one finger."

This is obviously not Lin Mo's voice.

But the next moment, Lin Mo said, "Uncle Zuo, I asked you to come out not to fight, not to kill, but to ask you for advice."

"Ask me? Then I don't care, I should be allowed to go out and let the wind out for a minute."

"Don't worry, I'm here to talk, you can quickly look at this door."

"What door?" Zuo Bai raised his head with Lin Mo's eyes, and was immediately stunned: "This, is this funny?"

Obviously, Zuo Bai's reaction to seeing Nantianmen for the first time was the same as Lin Mo's before.

But soon, he frowned.

Lin Mo didn't dare to disturb the other party, and he didn't say a word either.

Zuo Bai controlled Lin Mo's body to come closer, looked left and right, reached out to touch this place, and then reached out to touch there.

After a while, his eyes were bright, and he said, "Awesome, awe-inspiring, a master, an absolute master, this is much smarter than me."

He didn't know what to see, but at this moment, he was complimenting again and again, and he was obviously in awe of the person who made this Nantianmen.

Lin Mo said, "Tai Shishu, don't sing a one-man show over there alone. If you see something, tell me quickly, otherwise the people who make this trick will feel itchy and uncomfortable."

"This is someone who wants to become an immortal and become a saint." Zuo Bai stretched his finger to the stone steps extending upward from the back of the Tianmen Gate: "See, above is the Heavenly Court Immortal Palace. Someone planned to shape the Heavenly Court Immortal with the thoughts of at least 100,000 people. Gong, then no matter who goes up, it has to be sealed like Xiantai, and it will soar on the spot."

After he finished speaking, he said, "By the way, do you understand Feisheng?"

"Understood, it's not about ascending to immortality." Lin Mo said.

"Okay, you know a lot. You have also read the Taoist scriptures and the Immortal Records?" Zuo Bai was a little surprised.

"have not seen."

"Then how did you know?"

"I watch the Internet."


Zuo Bai didn't know why, so Lin Mo said that there would be time to find some for you to take a look at.

"By the way, what's under this Asgard?" Zuo Bai asked at this time.

Lin Mo explained the actual situation and said it was the Qianlong Palace.

Zuo Bai didn’t know what Qianlong Palace was.

"It's the emperor's palace."

"Understood, the emperor is the king of people, and that is the palace of the king of people; then if you don't expect it, the palace of the king of people is further down, and it is the Palace of Yama."

Lin Mo remembered the descriptions given by the sick and black people.

Knowing that the sickly black man saw the palace model on the bottom I guess it is no accident that it is the Yama Temple that Zuo Bai said.

"The human king is in the middle, the ghosts are down, and the immortal energy is floating in the air. This is the legendary formation of the three realms. Who is it? It can even come up with this kind of formation. I want to see this master, I want to worship He's a teacher." Zuo Bai was a bit like a little fanboy who met an idol at the moment.

A little lost.

Lin Mo couldn't hold back, and laughed again.

"What gods and ghosts are all feudal and superstitious. I thought there were many neurotics abroad, but I didn't expect that there were many in China, and the disease was even worse..."

Lin Mo also blurted out these words.

He didn't quite believe it.

Besides, many things are believed or not. It is because there is a nightmare world and there is fear of creation, so these things that did not exist in the first place are born.

But he suddenly realized something.

The second brother said that it was Mr. Chunfeng who built the Qianlong Palace Fengshui Array.

Could it be that Mr. Chunfeng did this?

While Lin Mo was thinking about it, Zuo Bai spoke again.

"No, if you want to form a great formation for the differentiation of the three realms, it is not enough to have the Emperor, Yama and Xiangong. There must be several cities, at least one or two ghost cities must provide hundreds of years of evil grievances."

Zuo Bai's words made Lin Mo's heart skip a beat.

He remembered the ghost town under the abandoned mine in the eastern suburbs.

Reminds me of the ghost town in the dream on the second floor.

This seems to have been created by Mr. Chunfeng, combined with what Zuo Bai just said, a possibility popped up in Lin Mo's mind.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!


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