Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 955: Daredevil

In a game scene similar to the eighteenth floor of hell, Lin Mo actually encountered Zhou Li, a perverted murderer who had been killed by him for a long time, which caused him to fall into huge confusion and confusion for a while.

Maybe it just looks alike?

There is this possibility.

But in fact, the person in the cage at the moment is not exactly the same as Zhou Li, because he has been tortured, his hair is messy, and his eyes are no longer sharp and cruel.

Mainly feeling.

The first time he saw this person, Lin Mo felt that the other person was Zhou Li.

At this time, he especially wanted to go over and ask if the other party was Zhou Li.

However, he was locked on the iron bed at the moment, and he couldn't move freely at all, and he couldn't ask if he wanted to.

At this time, Lin Mo was thinking about the problem.

Assume first.

If the other party is not Zhou Li, but looks a bit similar in appearance and temperament, then there is no problem; but if the other party is Zhou Li, there are more problems.

A person who was killed in the nightmare world should have vanished and disappeared, so why does it still appear in this place?

So, what exactly is this place.

Is it really the eighteen layers of **** in the underworld?

However, given Lin Mo's various bizarre experiences, it would not be surprising if such a place really existed.

Just thinking about it, the evil ghost who was in charge of executing Lin Mo before ran back.

It glanced at Lin Mo.

Then he said to an evil ghost next to him: "The judge wants to see him and try again."

The evil ghost was helpless, he could only get Lin Mo off the iron bed, and then he didn't know where to get a set of shackles for Lin Mo to put on.

The yoke was attached to an iron chain, and one end of the chain was caught in the hands of an evil spirit.

Then dragged forward.

Lin Mo guessed that he should have triggered a 'new plot'.

He had observed it carefully just now, and he didn't see the person Duoduo He Singyangzi said was very similar to him. Obviously, he didn't meet each other every time.

But Lin Mo felt that he would meet sooner or later.

In addition, there is one thing that can be figured out first, and that is whether the Zhou Li he thinks is really Zhou Li.

Although there is no way to go over and ask carefully, but you can use other methods.

For example, at this time, Lin Mo suddenly shouted in the direction of Zhou Li.

"Zhou Li!"

Experiments have shown that when a person's name is suddenly called, 100% of the person being called will respond.

Or subconsciously agree, or will look over, at least shake.

It's instinct.

Lin Mo planned to use this method to do a tentative verification.

As a result, that Zhou Li was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Mo.

There was doubt and confusion in his eyes.

Obviously, he is not the prisoner who was taken away by the evil ghost jailer, but how could the other party know his name?

At this time, Lin Mo had already made up his mind.

The other party's reaction just now can already prove that this person is Zhou Li.

"It's really him, so to speak, even death in the nightmare world will not really disappear, but will enter another place, the so-called underworld, whether it existed in the past, or was it later by some force. Creative?"

Lin Mo is seriously thinking about this issue.

Zhou Lize in the cage has been staring at him, as if waiting for Lin Mo to give other reactions and responses.

However, Lin Mo did not give it.

After all, at this time, Lin Mo hadn't found the answer he wanted.

The shackles are very heavy, and they are very uncomfortable to wear on the body.

As he walked away, a cloud of gray mist entered in front of him, and he didn't know how to walk, but after a dozen steps, he saw a silhouette appearing in front of him.

Then he walked out of the gray fog and saw a great hall appear in front of him.

Very grand.

There are soldiers in armor on either side of the entrance.

The whole body was filled with ghosts, with a chill and chill that made people tremble.

This is the Yin Soldier.

Even the evil ghost jailer who was pulling Lin Mo was honest here and didn't dare to act rashly.

Entering the main hall, it is very big inside.

That kind of bigness is not just wide, but towering.

The hall is much taller than what Lin Mo knew, and it feels like those who are active here are giants of two or three meters, or even taller.

Lin Mo laughed at himself, feeling that he thought too much.

Then the next second, he saw a huge figure.

It was a man who looked like an ancient civil servant.

Do not.

That's not people.

Humans are not so huge, and their appearance is terrifying. The dry skin is attached to the bones, like a mummified corpse. The skin is like the bark of a thousand-year-old tree, with many folds.

The other party was sitting behind a tall copywriting, and half of his body was hidden in the darkness, but even if he could only see half of his body, it was difficult to describe the oppression in words.

It's as if the other party can easily kill you.

And you have no ability to resist.

"Lord Judge, bring the ghost criminal!"

At this time, the evil ghost jailer stepped forward and bowed in salute.

Lin Mo looked at this huge humanoid monster with the appearance of a civilian, and was shocked.

This is the judge.

It's really powerful, and it's hard to forget at a glance.

"Well, the ghost criminal Liu Su, you said you have other guilt, but I saw your crime book, and the trial has been clear before. Come on, if you talk nonsense, the crime will be added one more level."

The voice shook, with supreme majesty.

Lin Mo said nothing.

The main reason is that he didn't know what to say. He said that he had other guilt before, which was all to delay time. Now that he has reached this place, he can't talk nonsense.

Have to think of another way.

What to say, what to do, you have to think about it.

Otherwise, it may be killed on the spot.

Just when Lin Mo was thinking about how to deal with it, suddenly, the huge judge behind the huge copy was startled, as if he had noticed something.

It leaned forward, and in the originally dark eye sockets, at this moment, two strange ghost fires appeared.

The originally dark hall was actually brighter at this moment.

The evil ghost jailer didn't know what was going on. Seeing the judge like this, he immediately knelt on the ground in fright, shaking all over.

Lin Mo felt more pressure.

But he has confidence.

This is just a game scene for him, and he is just a 'character' selected for him in a game scene at the moment.

It's not himself.

Then, no matter what happens, as long as you still have "life", you won't really hurt yourself.

At most, a life is lost.

This is nothing to the current Lin Mo.

So even if the pressure is great, Lin Mo can face it calmly.

He was curious what the judge found.

"You, you're not Liu Su, what kind of evildoer are you, you dare to seize the house and control the ghost and play with the official?"

A roar came from the judge's mouth.

The shocked person was dizzy and his head was tingling.

However, Lin Mo heard these words clearly.

Liu Su.

This should be the name of the character he is currently playing, but the judge said that he is not Liu Su.

Could it be that it can see who it is?

This is a bit of an exaggeration.

I was still thinking about it, but I saw the judge suddenly stretched out a huge palm and slapped it on the head.

Together with Lin Mo and the evil ghost jailer kneeling next to him, it became a meat sauce.

In an instant, Lin Mo got a notification of the character's death and lost a life.

He returned to his own private space.

At this time, Lin Mo took off his gaming helmet and began to ponder.

The final judge must have been murdered just now.

It said that it was not Liu Su, and in all likelihood it was another person. This was the first time it was discovered by the other party when it was playing a game.

From this point, we know that the judge is not simple.


Not only is the perception very sharp.

And the strength is also exaggerated. The slap just now was as easy as killing two ants.

so amazing.

If you enter the game scene again, if you can avoid touching the judge, don't touch the judge, otherwise you will be found by the opponent and you will be beaten to death on the spot.

This obviously won't Who has nothing to do and find death?

Of course, what Lin Mo wants is not to clear the level, he just wants to get more clues from this scene.

Moreover, he has not seen the person who looks very much like him.

It made him discover other strange things.

Zhou Li, who should have died out completely, actually appeared inside and became a prisoner.

When Lin Mo thought of this, he immediately had an idea. He put on the game helmet again and entered the game scene just now.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!


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