Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 979: Luckily I'm smart

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To Lin Yuan, the weird woman who was chasing after him with eyes wide open and laughing was definitely a shadow-level memory of his childhood.

"Xiao Mo, think about it, I was the same age as you at that time. A six-year-old little boy was chased and run all the way by such a terrifying woman. How much shadow did I feel at that time?"

Lin Yuan sighed at this time.

Lin Mo hurriedly patted the old man on the shoulder and said that he understood, especially understood, not to mention that you are six years old, I am in my twenties. It was the first time I was chased by a perverted murderer. I beg for mercy.

"Brother, you continue to talk, what is the woman going to do?"

"What? Of course it's killing me."

Lin Yuan ran like crazy.

He didn't know where to run.

It does not matter.

The important thing is not to let the woman hold her.

All he knew was that the woman obviously wanted to kill him with bad intentions, and his survival instinct made him run with all his strength.

But no matter how fast a child is, it can't be faster than a female pervert.

Hearing the movement behind him getting closer, Lin Yuan really wanted to turn his head and kneel down to beg for mercy, saying, auntie, please let me go, I'm just a child.

Can that be said?

Nine times out of ten, it won't work, so you can only continue to run.

He knew he would be caught soon, but he could only run.

Fortunately, there was a black fog in front of him, so Lin Yuan couldn't care less and rushed in.

It felt like rushing into an invisible mist of water, and there was actually some resistance in the air.

Nothing can be seen in the eyes.

Absolutely pitch black.

But Lin Yuan didn't dare to stop, he was running while crying, and the snot bubbles came out.

He thought he would be caught soon, but the next moment, he actually ran out of the black fog, and then suddenly stepped on the air and fell directly.

Ordinarily, he fell into the water.

Stimulated by the icy river water, Lin Yuan instinctively moved upstream.

But he quickly remembered that he didn't seem to be able to swim.

This is bad food!

It can only be thrashing around in the water, while thrashing and drinking water, like thumping.

That doesn't count.

The most frightening thing was that Lin Yuan saw a long-haired female ghost floating up from the bottom of the water, and reached out and grabbed his ankle with a cold face.

Even if it was Lin Yuan's situation, there was no water ghost to catch him, and he would have to sink in a few seconds.

This is caught by the water ghost, and the end is basically a death.


But no one expected that at the moment Lin Yuan was dragged down, someone on the water grabbed his hand.

Instinct to survive, Lin Yuan hurriedly grabbed the opponent's hand.

The next moment, his upper body was pulled out of the water.

Lin Yuan looked up.

It's that terrifying pervert.

Good guy, chasing after this.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was telling Tiantian not to call the earth dead.

The wrist was grabbed by a perverted female with a smirk and a strange smile on his face, and he pulled it up hard; the ankle was grabbed by a cold female water ghost and pulled down hard.

It doesn't matter if he is lifted up or pulled down, the end is the same.

At that moment, Lin Yuan's mind was dazed and empty, all he could do was to rot, whoever he loves, whoever wins, I belong to whoever, lie down.

There is no other way to lie down.

Female perverts and female water ghosts obviously do not let anyone, and no one obeys.

In the beginning, let the one in the water loosen, or else it will kill you; the one in the water will scold the one above, saying I will kill you.

Then there is no brainstorming.

Then hit it straight.

Instead, Lin Yuan was thrown aside.

Again, Lin Yuan is a clever child, and he doesn't want to die.

He also wants to go back and continue living with his brother, chatting and watching cartoons together.

The instinct for survival sent him rolling and crawling from the water to the shore.

Only then did he see clearly that this was a wild reservoir.

What is it called 'Liu Erku'.

It seems that I have heard people say that very few people come here, and some people have drowned here, but the body can not be found, in short, it is a very evil place.

Lin Yuan is a child, and his sources of information, in addition to other children, are the aunts chatting on the street.

What came out of their mouths were all exaggerated filters.

Anyway, places like 'Liu Erku' are just as eerie and terrifying as the underworld.

After knowing where this place was, Lin Yuan was naturally frightened and numb. The two monsters were fighting. He took the opportunity to run wildly, and didn't dare to look back at all.

As for where to run, he didn't know.

He was completely dizzy by now.

But no matter where you go, you have to run.

To stay put is to die.

Rushing into the black fog again, Lin Yuan ran wild while crying, his mouth was salty, and he didn't know if it was tears or snot.

He misses his brother.

But he found that he was lost and had no idea how to get home.

"I know I must be going the wrong way, but I don't dare to stop, for fear that the female monster will chase after me again."

When Lin Yuan said this, Lin Mo was already crying.

"Brother, why didn't you call me up at that time?"

Lin Yuan patted Lin Mo and didn't answer, but Lin Mo obviously knew why.

"If you cry again, I won't talk about it anymore." Lin Yuan couldn't help saying when he saw Lin Mo's snot and tears streaming down his mouth. When Lin Mo heard this, he hurriedly wiped it up and said that he would stop crying and continue talking.

"and after?"

"Later, I still didn't get rid of that female monster. This thing seems to have a grudge against my father and my mother. This time I came here specifically for revenge. I was still caught by her."

"But I didn't deserve to die, I met someone."

"Mr. Chunfeng?"


At that time, Lin Yuan thought he was dead.

The weird female pervert appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his neck all of a sudden.

At that time, the timid was immediately scared to death.

But even if she wasn't scared to death, she had to be tortured to death by this perverted woman.

Mr. Chunfeng is here.

Possibly passing by.

Anyway, this Mr. Chunfeng was very powerful, so powerful that Lin Yuan couldn't see what was going on at all, and the pervert disappeared.

disappeared out of thin air.

But it's probably not her will.

Because at the moment when the other party disappeared just now, Lin Yuan seemed to hear a terrified scream from this female pervert.

Then, there is no then.

Lin Yuan escaped from death, and then saw the elegant and tall Mr. Chunfeng.

With a kind expression on his face, the other party asked where Lin Yuan's house was and wanted to take him home.

Lin Yuan lied at that time.

Said he had no home.

Because children go through life and death, they don't trust anyone anymore.

Who knows if the person in front of him is also a pervert, or a ghost.

Mr. Chunfeng obviously didn't believe it, he stretched out his hand to probe Lin Yuan, and then his expression changed.

"How is this going?"

He muttered to himself.

It is estimated that it is to see the speciality of Lin Yuan, a person who should not exist, a person without a body, but a living person.

Even the well-informed Mr. Chunfeng has never seen such a "strange person".

"what's your name."

"Lin Yuan."

"Since you have nowhere to go, why don't you follow me."


"Why, you don't want to?"

"No, I'm just a little scared."

"Don't be It's good for you to follow me. I'll teach you your skills, and you won't be afraid when you encounter evil spirits in the future."

Lin Yuan agreed.

Do not agree or not.

Later, he learned that this person was called Mr. Chunfeng, and he was regarded as the other party's closed disciple.

It may sound a little ridiculous and dramatic, but to Lin Yuan, this is the truth, and it is what he has experienced.

In the next few years, he studied with Mr. Chunfeng, and he went to many places and experienced many unbelievable events. Lin Yuan said that those days were actually pretty good.

It's just that he couldn't find the younger brother Lin Mo.

Hearing this, Lin Mo also remembered, indeed, since the age of six, my brother has indeed been missing for several years.

At that time, he was still making a fuss for a long time, saying that his brother was lost, and he was crying, and his father looked for various famous doctors and doctors and didn't care.

At that time, everyone around felt that Lin Mo was sick.

But only Lin Mo knew that he was not sick, he just couldn't find his brother.

"During that time, I was in the ghost town under the abandoned mine. At that time, I thought I had found a good teacher, and I also thought about going back to find you some time later, but who would have thought that Mr. Chunfeng, when he first looked for me, actually had no purpose. pure."

"Why is it impure?" Lin Mo knew that the key point was reached, and his curiosity had reached its peak.

"He actually wants my body."


"What are you thinking about? It was a house grab, but he didn't succeed and was killed by me."

"Brother, the way you brag is quite my style."

Lin Yuan smiled bitterly.

"It would be great if it was bragging, but unfortunately it is not. I will never forget what happened that night in my life."

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