Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 105 The truth that only the Adjudicator can know

With the application of Etching, a senior judge, Gao Yun's process of becoming a judge was naturally passed quickly.

A virtual projection wearing a white robe and white hair arrived, and the application process reached the final stage.

As long as the speaker agrees, Gao Yun can obtain the status of the Y-domain adjudicator.


'Etching' was quite surprised when he saw the virtual projection transmitted by the Ninth Speaker.

It stands to reason that news in this area of ​​​​Y will generally not reach his teacher. Why would the old man conduct the review personally?

The virtual projection of the Ninth Speaker, which ordinary people could not see, appeared in the terminal field of view of the two people. He also had the title of Speaker on his head.

I saw the other party looking at Gao Yun carefully with his eyes. It was obviously a virtual projection, but it gave Gao Yun the illusion of being seen by real eyes.

Yes, you are a good young man, and your ruling style is much better than Xiaohua's.

He is indecisive and cannot accomplish much in the wasteland.

I approve your application to become an adjudicator.

The Ninth Speaker said, looking up at the sky: This super large disaster above you is actually related to you. In this case, you don't need to leave this area.

I will add a mark for you, but if there is any change in the super large disaster above your head, you must report it in time.

After saying that, the old man turned around and looked at 'Etching' again, and ordered: It's up to you to answer Gao Yun's problem then. When this is over, I will go and face you. Something you choose.”

Finally, this old man with extraordinary temperament disappeared.

This zero-delay virtual projection technology made Gao Yun a little dumbfounded.

Then he turned his head to 'Etching' and saw that the other person's eyes were a little confused, and he didn't know where his thoughts were wandering.

Soon, a series of terminal reminders popped up, indicating that Gao Yun already had the highest level of authority in the federation.

'You have become a federal adjudicator, and jurisdiction is being divided for you.'

‘You have become the Adjudicator of Domain Y, and we are preparing to join the Adjudication Team under the Chief Adjudicator of ‘War’.’

‘You have joined the ‘War’ Judgment Team, and your authority as president will be removed in one day’

'Your privileges are being upgraded'

‘You already have the highest level of reading authority in the federation, and you have the authority to view and transfer all non-patented knowledge at will’

‘Your monthly contribution points are adjusted from 10,000 points to 50,000 points. ’

'Your end system is being upgraded.'

A series of prompts flashed continuously until a clear and sweet female voice appeared.

‘Your terminal system will be provided with further services by the Federation Network Sensitive AI. ’

I am Wei Ji. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I will answer them and tell you everything I know. By the way, the ruling requires a comprehensive inspection every three years. Considering your special status, the time for the comprehensive inspection Can be postponed”

This emotional AI who calls herself Wei Ji is like a chatterbox, constantly chattering in Gao Yun's ears.

After a while, she stopped explaining various trivial matters.

Please ask the new ruling to allow you to customize a code name for yourself.

Call it Burning Sun.

A huge golden title label instantly hung on Gao Yun's head, replacing the small words of the label floating on Gao Yun's body from the terminal's perspective.

This is not only a representative of status, but also a symbol of strength.

It means that he has reached the top of the federation and has become the judge of only a few hundred people among the hundreds of billions of people in the human federation.

Now you can tell me the truth about this world.

Gao Yun asked without hesitation, and the intelligent female voice in the terminal sounded: Of course, I will tell you all the information and history about all this in the federation. During this process, you must control Take care of yourself.

Soon, a series of illusory files were listed in front of Gao Yun, allowing Gao Yun to browse through them at will.

These secrets that most of the presidents of the Hero Association could not know were revealed to him at an extremely fast speed.

And the more he looked at it, the more chilled Gao Yun became.

This is the historical truth compiled by the Federation. From the moment records began, humans have been struggling until they have reached the current results.

Before the cataclysm, humans continued to live and multiply on the planet called Earth.

Until the arrival of the catastrophe, the indescribable terror attack caused the past civilization to capsize like a paper boat affected by a tsunami.

And that indescribable terrifying existence was named by the Human Federation——


This is the source of all disasters, but it is not the only one that threatens mankind.

The malice of the wasteland and the 'rules' that run rampant on it are nothing more than insignificant bits of outflow from the abyss.

The abyss is a huge non-conceptual non-entity. The reason why it has great malice towards human beings is because the abyss will devour it endlessly, and humans are a very delicious delicacy.

But the formation of the current appearance of the wasteland is also due to the aliens who created this bottle world.

In the records, these aliens claimed to be Alpha stars from outside the Milky Way. They used extremely incredible power and means to transform the entire solar system into the current world, separating this world from the universe.

This is why the sky is only a million kilometers high.

Hundreds of years before the start of the new era, human beings were bred as 'animals' by the Alpha planets. Under their enslavement of technology that can be called magic and miracles, they did not have even a little bit of freedom.

This tragic experience was not changed until the first speaker who founded the Hero Association appeared.

It is recorded in the data that the First Speaker is the most powerful extraordinary person in human history, the founder of today's hero system, and the first super powerful person recorded in history.

Although the powerful speaker-level heroes are classified as A-level heroes in the data, their strength can no longer be measured by A-level heroes.

Characters who have reached this level are called super heroes because their super powers are beyond imagination.

The existence of every super hero is extremely powerful, and can even fight for a period of time against super-large disasters in the weak stage on their own.

It was the emergence of the First Speaker that allowed mankind to completely overthrow the aliens that were pressing on them and create the huge federation of the Human Federation.

The price of resistance is high. It is recorded in the data that there were tens of billions of humans when they were farmed, but when the new era came, the population was only one million.

In what can be called the darkest hour before dawn, mankind not only had to face the evil from the abyss, but also constantly fought back against the Alpha aliens who wanted to continue to 'breed' humans.

So, out of that situation, the Heroes and Heroes Association was born.

Although the hero system is crude and there is not much scientific standard basis for power rating, this system has been retained with constant battles.

There are no standards for judging heroes now. If you are strong enough, you can register as a hero. This is all because of the historical issues left over from the beginning of the old era.

At that time, the human race had a population of only a few million, and every extraordinary person had to shed his last drop of blood for the human race. If there was still strength left, he would continue to move forward even after death.

It is in this situation that a hero is called a hero.

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