Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 110 Confrontation of Souls

High in the sky, Lin Meng was being held tightly by Gao Yun's fragile head.

Under the invasion of Gao Yun's mental power, the 'King of Hell' that many people in Peak Technology feared was now limp and powerless, hanging in the air like a dead dog.

In Lin Meng's body, the power of super factors was constantly trying to repair the injuries on his chest that could kill all carbon-based creatures.

An invisible force followed the connection between Lin Meng's super factor and his body, breaking into the 'origin' that was not in his body.

If it's just general brainwashing or hypnosis, Gao Yun only needs to extend his mental power into the other person's brain to tamper with the other person's consciousness.

But if you want to completely brainwash an A-level hero, you have to go deep into the opponent's 'origin'. The place where the super factor sublimates and transforms is the most fundamental existence that governs the hero.

And this ‘origin’ is also called the soul.

Only through brainwashing that goes deep into the soul can one completely control the other party.

As for how to carry out brainwashing accurately, Gao Yun didn't know how to do it. He only knew that he could simply imprint his consciousness on the other person's soul through his mental power.

Be my slave.

The first wave of mental imprint was easily defeated by Lin Meng.

In his own soul home court, this super factor.

No, it should be said that it is the area where the essence of the soul flows most actively, and those attacks that want to distort his soul have no way of succeeding.

Gao Yun! Do you think you are the seventh speaker?! You want to control an A-level hero! You are so naive!

Wave after wave of attacks were defeated by Lin Meng, and his soul shouted loudly.

This sound, which could not be heard in the material world, was heard by Gao Yun. The opponent's taunt seemed to look down upon his offensive.

But all this only allowed him to continue his offensive. Others don't know Gao Yun's power, doesn't he understand it himself?

If one wave of incoming mental power is defeated, then there will be another wave, ten waves, or a hundred waves!

If this is also defeated, then there will be another thousand waves, ten thousand waves, billions of waves! Until the opponent is defeated!

Under the light, his power is endless, and super factors and super powers are naturally included.

It's too early to be happy!

After a while, Lin Meng felt something bad in his heart.

Not only did the attack of the opponent's mental power penetrate into his soul not fail, but it became more violent and precise.

It stands to reason that everyone's super factor energy is limited, and the activity of the soul is also limited. When invading the other party's super factor, the consumption will be more intense than usual.

Especially the invasion and confrontation of heroes of the same level, this kind of consumption is even more huge.

If it were him, the interference with the souls of heroes of the same level could only last for ten minutes at most, but Gao Yun has lasted for twenty minutes now.

Moreover, the opponent's mental attack has also become fierce and skillful.

If Gao Yun's initial mental attack was compared to that of a young child, then the opponent's current attack is like that of a battle-hardened veteran!

Waves of offensives continue to come, with a tendency to become more and more violent.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lin Meng's body still hung in Gao Yun's hand, and the battle between their souls gradually became more intense.

One day. Two days

Even if this battle between souls took place on Lin Meng's home court, he would inevitably be defeated.

Gao Yun's invading mental power has no end in sight. As long as Lin Meng's super factor tries to repair his damaged body, the mental power can penetrate deep into the opponent's soul through this link.

If Lin Meng broke his wrist at the beginning and forcibly refused to repair the physical damage, Gao Yun would not be able to keep attacking.

But since the waves of offensives were formed, it was difficult for Lin Meng to defend his soul position, let alone break this subconscious link.

Another two days passed.

Gao Yun gently released his palm, and Lin Meng's limp body fell straight to the ground from an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters, creating a hole full of cracks on the ground.

After a long time, Lin Meng's body finally gained some strength, allowing his limp body to recover again.

His face was pale, and his brain could only carry out very simple thinking and associations.

Gao Yun's figure slowly descended from the sky. As soon as Lin Meng saw the other party's figure, he only had the thought of surrender in his heart, and his body couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

In the past few days, Gao Yun has finally realized how difficult it is to completely brainwash and control an A-level hero.

His soul invasion skills became more and more sophisticated in the process, but even so, it took a full nine hours to defeat the opponent's mind.

The opponent could not withstand the offensive of mental power as early as the first hour, but even if Lin Meng no longer resisted, it took Gao Yun nine hours to completely defeat Lin Meng's will.

It took Gao Yun five full days to completely leave a mark on the other party's soul.

This is because this foreigner with peak technology is not a spiritual or soul hero, and he has no relics to resist soul-level attacks.


Lin Meng opened his eyes wide and knelt on the ground. No matter how angry and cursed he called the other person, after opening his mouth, it all turned into the word master.

Well, come back with me now, and then you can disassociate yourself from Jianfeng Technology.

Gao Yun nodded with satisfaction. After speaking, he turned his back and used his mental power to lift up the A-class hero whose super factor was overloaded and whose soul was in a low state.

After returning to the city, Gao Yun casually threw Lin Meng aside, gave him permission and asked him to find a place to rest.

As for himself, he had to go to the association to handle the president transfer process that had not been completed before.

On the other side, the city of Fino.

Lin Meng was brainwashed and controlled by Gao Yun, and Dusula and Dusula, who had been let go for a few days without knowing it, already had gloomy faces.

Five days! He actually gave us five days! He actually did such an unforgivable thing to a noble lady!

Dusula's whole body was like a volcano about to erupt. Anger and impulse were brewing in her chest, as if they would burst out at the next moment.

Anatasha's expression on the side was not very good, and her only patience had been exhausted. If she saw Lin Meng negotiating and cooperating with them at this moment, she would only want to crush him to ashes!

No matter! Anatasha! Cinderella! Let's go!

Dusula shouted sharply, turned to look at Cinderella, reached out and grabbed the clothes on her chest, and lifted her up to fly.

Since they broke the contract first, we don't need to talk about anything else! Go there directly. My love for His Highness Green can no longer be suppressed!

After saying that, the famine individual quickly flew out with his sister.

Beside the three of them, an unconcealed wave of devastation was spreading.

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