Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 122 Powerful Rule

Z domain, zone 1.

As soon as Gao Yun's clone entered the realm of Z, he saw an extremely shocking scene.

The dark clouds in the sky are dancing like demons with teeth and claws, and it seems that the sky will never be clear here.

There is no view of the sun and moon here, no distinction between day and night, there is only an eternally gloomy scene.

In this area, most of the ground is a collapsed abyss, which seems to be bottomless and leads straight to hell.

Other places are either steep mountains or hidden swamps. Once ordinary people or even F-class heroes are trapped, it will be difficult to escape and they can only wait to die.

The environment alone is already so bad, not to mention the various wild beasts and disasters that depend on these environments.

If there were scavenging groups like those in Minghua City in the past, no matter how many they came, they would all be buried in the various dangerous environments here.

Because Zone Z, as a hell zone, has no natural environment for ordinary people to survive.

The cities in Region Z are all umbrella-shaped structures that look like mushrooms, rather than giant towers.

Just because here, wild beasts will invade human gathering places day and night. If we are not careful, there will be a large number of casualties.

This is something unforgivable for City Z.

Their non-combatants are all kept in captivity like pigs and dogs, using their lives as a shield to withstand huge dangers, not to be consumed by these lowest-level wild beasts.

Here, every powerful family is not as corrupt and corrupt as the powerful people in the other twenty-five regions.

Every son of a powerful person is given the mission of protecting humanity as a whole when he is born. It doesn't matter if they give everything they have, as long as humanity can continue to move forward and survive.

The survival of the fittest is most vividly expressed in Z Zone. It can be said that more A-level heroes were born in this area than in the dozen or so areas outside the paradise zone combined.

There are many adjudicator-level figures among them, but none of them hold the position of federal adjudicator, nor do they have the authority to actively connect to the networks of many cities in the inner domain.

Here, people with super powers must undergo brutal training from birth.

In these exercises, many characters who are not strong enough will be eliminated directly, and elimination means death.

Those who are timid and weak will be assigned as paupers, and from then on they can only be used as reproductive machines, sacrificing their lives in response to the coming of famine.

The appetite of the abyss is most vividly reflected in this domain. The old, weak, sick and disabled are executed every day as food for the wasteland.

A large number of low-level heroes are executed every month to delay the attack of the beast tide.

On the top floor of a city, Gao Yun gently crushed the head of an A-class hero who tried to attack him.

In Z domain, everyone here has lost human morality and values.

Whether they are powerful people or low-level residents, they have always been willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of mankind as a whole. In order to resist the beast tide, even if they all die, it is reasonable.

And what dominates their souls is the values ​​and system of the law of the jungle.

The strongest person in every city is the ruler of the city and the king of the city.

They are the most ruthless and cold-hearted existence in the city. Even if they are asked to kill all their family members and descendants in the next second, they will just kill them without blinking an eye.

Gao Yun didn't know whether to eradicate this group of people or let them continue to exist.

If they are allowed to remain, such extreme values ​​and moral values ​​will definitely affect the human groups in the inner city. It is not impossible that large-scale civil unrest will occur in the long run.

But if these people are killed.

I won't kill you.

Gao Yun's clone slowly climbed onto the Iron Throne in every city in the Z region, looked down at the entire city with cold eyes, and slowly said:

From now on, I will be the king of you all and the god of you all!

Your lives and everything belong to me. Now you will live according to the will and system I issued. Everyone must live for me and die for me!

Human beings in Zone Z, who have long been accustomed to the rule of power supremacy, have no doubts about this and have no resistance.

They just knelt down on one knee, lowered their heads, and shouted:

Your order is our fate.

If Gao Yun wanted to forcefully reverse this system and custom, he would be forced to kill a large number of humans.

And most of these people are not that kind of damn people.

Therefore, he decided to preserve part of the style of Z Domain, and the descendants of these people will be trained as warriors of future human civilization.

But before that, he still had to solve the resource problem of Z domain.

Most cities in the Z region are very lacking in necessary survival resources such as desolate beast crystal cores. When the last beast tide came, most of the local strong men were killed.

Since then, it has been necessary to constantly fight against the incoming wild beasts, and the city's defense system has been running almost non-stop.

Without a strong enough person to take charge, these cities will only enter rounds of vicious cycles.

Gao Yun's clones continue to separate and go to various places in the wasteland of Z to hunt powerful wild beasts and kings of wild beasts to replenish resources for these cities.

It took a total of about ten days here, and the entire six domains were swept by Gao Yun.

Except for all the people in the U domain who were killed, Gao Yun's powerful clones were stationed at every human gathering point in the other five domains.

Once a powerful disaster or wild beast attacks, he will create multiple clones or increase the share of the clone's power to kill them directly.

At this time, except for those who went to challenge Gao Yun's system regardless of life or death, no one died accidentally.

All of this was almost impossible in the last six realms of the past.

But this is what happened under Gao Yun's strong rule.

It seems that because Gao Yun killed a large number of powerful people and miserable groups during his purges, and the large number of human deaths satisfied the appetite of the wasteland, the intensity of the attacks by the wild beasts in several domains has been reduced a lot.

One month later, Z domain.

The two clones of Gao Yun's clone had just eliminated a small wave of beasts led by the King of Wild Beasts.

Under the admiration and fanatical gaze of the dignitaries and people in the city, this clone slowly returned to the Iron Throne.

Cold, domineering, and dictatorial.

In their eyes, this powerful and ruthless new king has surpassed all the city kings in the history of Z region.

In the face of attacks from various powerful wild beasts and disasters, Gao Yun was not even injured, which further deepened their admiration for the new king.

They wished they could die instantly under Gao Yun's order and complete this most supreme deed and ritual in the Z domain.

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