Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 127 Deification

Gao Yun gave a random instruction, and a large number of staff from Minghua City came to meet him.

Under his order, Feng Qiyue and her daughter were placed in the urban area of ​​Minghua City and registered local identities and records.

Because they were the people he ordered to be placed, the mother and daughter could enjoy high-end treatment in the city.

The two of them were flattered by this life, which was like going from hell to heaven, and they were a little uncomfortable for a while.


After a month, Gao Yun's true form finally stood up from the office chair on the top floor of the Heroes Association.

Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella who were with him saw Gao Yun standing up, their two pretty faces filled with joy. When they were about to say something, they saw Gao Yun's figure slowly flying out of the Heroes Association, heading higher fly away in the sky.

After receiving the gift of countless incarnations, Gao Yun felt that he was undergoing an incomprehensible transformation.

The gift of incarnation is not to make a copy of his consciousness, but to divide his consciousness into two, three, hundred, thousand or ten thousand copies for use.

This way of operating consciousness has many benefits. It allows him to handle many things in different places at the same time, and it also allows him to use his avatar to learn and grow.

But at the same time, what he needs to accept and understand is thousands or tens of thousands of times more than before.

In this process, if he is not strong-willed, he will easily lose himself among the many clones, and eventually lose his identity and identity, becoming a robot that only acts for its own purpose.

His will was strong enough not to let these things happen, and the number of clones could not distort his will.

But he could feel that he was missing something.

Standing above Minghua City, Gao Yun looked down at this brand-new city.

A nine-story tower expanded from the original main city of Minghua City was surrounded by a dozen small towers.

Now all humans in Area 7 of Y Domain are among them, starting a new life under his rule.

In the past, the lives of these urban residents could bring him many feelings and thoughts.

But after he slaughtered more than 20 billion people in the U Domain, he no longer felt that he was touched by all the changes in the world.

Except when killing people.

Deification disease.

Gao Yun slowly opened his mouth and talked about the psychological illnesses that existed in almost all high-level groups in the wasteland.

At some point, his apotheosis had quietly set in, and it expanded and grew as he overused his thousands of incarnations.

Until he found out, it was no longer something he could correct by slightly adjusting his thoughts.

Gao Yun stretched out his right hand and looked at the smooth palm, which was fair and slender and had no fingerprints at all.

He used his super vision to see that the atoms and molecules of his body were very close together. This was no longer a physique that humans could possess.

If he didn't use the biological force field to limit himself, then he would be like a super-massive white dwarf star, capable of destroying everything in Minghua City with its own gravitational pull.

Although he has this power, he doesn't do it.

Even though the apotheosis has subtly changed his senses and cognition, he still knows what he should do, who he should kill, and what he shouldn't do.

Gao Yun slowly closed his palms. If he wanted to reverse the deity disease, the best way was to live an ordinary life.

Not using power, not feeling power, and not seeking to pursue power.

Just like a complete mortal, go to eat and sleep.

Speaking of which, he hasn't eaten the things he likes normally for a long time, and now he doesn't have the slightest desire for the things he once liked.

“Can’t stop yet”

His thoughts slowly flowed. It had only been less than two months since he took over the Six Regions. Except for Minghua City, the situation in the other cities was not ideal.

If not guarded by their own identities, the remaining superpowers would form the powerful collective of the past in an instant and return to the original structure and situation.

Therefore, there is no room for delay when it comes to moral education, but more time is needed.

It's really not possible

Brainwash them.

An almost crazy idea arose in Gao Yun's heart.

And the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed to him.

Anyway, he has this kind of power, so it is better to brainwash those who need to be selected and let them change the remaining people first.

Suddenly, a breeze blew from the distance, disrupting his thoughts.

He shook his head and abandoned the idea that had just become almost obsessive.

It is not feasible to brainwash and cultivate humans, because human free will and human souls can never be directly changed by brainwashing.

Brainwashing a person is, at best, like training a dog.

For example, Lin Meng's brainwashing was not that successful, and his obedience to him was only driven by the imprint that was deeply embedded in his soul.

Once the mark is healed, the other party will return to his former appearance, and even become more angry and hate Gao Yun even more.

Since brainwashing is not feasible, he can only train agents to help him deal with small things, so that the clones can stay on standby for more time and opportunities for him to reverse the deified disease.

After Gao Yun returns to the top of the Heroes Association.

An order was issued and spread to every city in the six regions under his command.

The Lieutenant Commander-in-Chief wants to select a successor! There are three places in the core cities of each region!

Under the power ruled by Gao Yun, it is not that there are no groups that are superior to others.

However, these groups only enjoy more resources and are equal to everyone in terms of status.

Even ordinary people, no matter how weak they are, can hold their heads high and ignore them when they see a B-level hero.

No matter how powerful a hero is, he must not do anything offensive when meeting a qualified citizen.

No one can take away the life of another citizen under Gao Yun's power. His powerful mental power is like a big net that permeates every corner of the city. If someone wants to commit such a bad act, just He will stop and punish him on the spot.

It is also because of this that his almost never-ending power rule and almost excessive monitoring of urban affairs have made his apotheosis more serious.

Once his deified disease worsens and reaches an irreversible point, Gao Yun can't imagine the consequences.

Can he still keep his true feelings at that time, and can he still treat all human beings equally?

Gao Yun doesn't know the answer. Everyone's heart is not static. It will be changed by the world, experiences, and himself.

But he knew that becoming a god was not his dream.

He has always wanted to be a human being, a dictator who rules over all mankind.

Starting tomorrow, the author will update five chapters every day for a month.

I would like to ask all readers for your support. There were some lapses in writing these chapters, so I ask for your understanding.

I hope you can continue to subscribe every day to make the author more motivated.

Thank you thank you.

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