Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 129 Dream Realm

Strange fluctuations came from U Domain 4.

He immediately attracted Gao Yun's clone sitting nearby.

In order to find the source of this abnormality, he immediately separated a clone and flew towards the location where the fluctuation came from.

Half a minute later, Gao Yun stood hundreds of kilometers away from that strange figure, quietly watching his every move.

In his eyes, there was a strange power rising around the other party, a kind of fluctuation that came from the combination of the soul and the power of the wasteland.

I don't know what's going on, but with that figure as the center, everything within a radius of 500 meters is going through a strange flow.

The dead come back to life, but quickly turn to dust after the other person leaves. The ruins took on a new look and quickly collapsed again after a distance of more than 500 meters.

It seems that within that limited range, the other party is the master of the world, able to control life, death, and time and space at will.

Something's wrong.

Gao Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

The clairvoyant eyes are instantly activated to further peer into the other party's secrets.

Then, he saw an extremely shocking scene.

The other party's head has become the nest of a soft-bodied creature at some point. The soft-bodied creature is symbiotic with it. After devouring the other party's organs and limbs, it will use its own body to replace them to maintain the other party's operation.

And with the transfer of federal databases, Gao Yun also knew the other party's name.

Huang Weiqing.

A low-level hero who was sent to the lair of the Spider Mother.

Jianfeng Technology is really dead but it still wants to cause me some trouble.

After seeing that the other party was related to the super-large disaster, Gao Yun was not surprised by the uniqueness he showed.

It is not unreasonable to be able to give powerful power to something that is beyond common sense, such as a super-large disaster.

Maybe the other party has strength comparable to that of a speaker.

After some observation, Gao Yun casually moved his hand around, and large tracts of earth and stone floated up from the ground, poured into his hand, and formed a strong earth and stone spear.

The spear broke through the air and stabbed towards the opponent at a thousand times the speed of sound.

In just three or two seconds, the spear had reached Huang Weiqing's side. Like a super nuclear bomb about to go off, the terrifying power directly penetrated his body.

Terrifying power and kinetic energy poured out, violent explosions and shock waves swept across, and the spear made of stones exploded again.

Boom boom boom!

It wasn't until the spear penetrated the target location, leaving a crater with a diameter of several hundred meters, that Gao Yun slowly flew forward.

But he only flew halfway when his figure stopped immediately.

In that crater, Huang Weiqing's figure appeared again. The other person just rubbed the back of his head depressedly, as if the blow that had just pierced his body was just a fake.

Axuan, are we being attacked? I feel like I died just now.

Huang Weiqing touched his head and asked Ah Xuan inside. Ah Xuan stopped eating his brain and replied, I don't know.

I don't know, that shouldn't be the case.

As if what Ah Xuan said in his head was the truth, the man named Huang Weiqing continued to move forward, ignoring the craters around him.

After he was sent to the core of the Spider Mother, he met his god, and then also met his best friend 'Axuan'.

He underwent a series of trials in the domain of the Spider Mother before finally returning to the eternal dreamland.

All unexpected changes in the world are nothing to him, they are just scenes in a dream.

And dreamers will not die in dreams.

Gao Yun on the other side was naturally unaware of the changes that had occurred to him at the 'Spider Mother', and just looked cautiously at this individual related to the super-large disaster.

The heat vision glanced directly at Huang Weiqing's brain and body from a distance of a hundred kilometers, but was ignored in an instant as if it was passing through the air.

Looking at these strange phenomena in front of him, Gao Yun couldn't help but frown.

The strange phenomenon that occurred on the other party was like facing the power of rules in the wasteland. This kind of power was the kind of power he didn't like to face the least, and it was also the thing he hated to encounter the most.

However, the other party is wreaking havoc in the U-domain, which is something he will never allow.

The clone's power exploded with all its strength. In less than half a second, the clone flew in front of the man named Huang Weiqing, raised his fist and struck the man in the head.

Even though this clone has only one hundred thousandth of the strength of the original body, the fist falls faster than lightning.

With Huang Weiqing's physical fitness as an ordinary person, he didn't even have time to react to what happened.

A huge force fell directly on his head. The powerful force instantly smashed his Tianling Cap and skull. The fragile half of his brain and soft body were directly crushed and evaporated.

In an instant, blood gushes out like a fountain.

Gao Yun also frowned, looking at the other person's raised hand but still confused.

Obviously the other person's body is just that of an ordinary person, but he can still carry out activities without his brain.

Could it be that soft-bodied creature?

The thought suddenly occurred, and the surging heat vision quickly evaporated the remaining body, but the strange feeling brought to Gao Yun by the surrounding environment still did not disappear.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation coming from the position where the other party was evaporated just now.

Huang Weiqing's voice appeared again.

Axuan, look, someone is attacking us. Is this a test given to us by the Goddess? Or is it a nightmare within a nightmare?

I have no idea.

As the words of questions and answers fell, Huang Weiqing's completely destroyed body appeared again.

Only this time, the other party's expression was full of hostility and excitement.

Is this a nightmare? Let me see your weight!

The slightly skinny man roared fervently, and a long knife condensed with his thoughts.

In Gao Yun's perception, the long knife that suddenly appeared was filled with the aura of desolation. It contained the sharp characteristics of the Tiancong Yun Sword and could easily cut through materials and individuals that were not protected by the power of the wasteland.

The sword was swung out.

At this moment, Huang Weiqing's body shape and speed surged, and he suddenly rose from the level of an ordinary person to the level of a B-class speed hero, reaching a speed of more than 130 times the speed of sound.

Gao Yun slowly turned sideways and easily dodged the opponent's blade.

The heat in his eyes flashed across the opponent and the sword in his hand.

Being cut by the heat vision, Huang Weiqing and the long knife were like butter cut by a hot knife. Half of his body fell to the ground with a smooth fracture due to the action of gravity.

But at this moment, the symbiotic creature Ah Xuan in the other party's body came into play, spitting out some strange mucus to repair and heal Huang Weiqing's broken body.

At this time, Gao Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

The other party is definitely not immortal!

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