Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 156 Competition Method

While walking around the Avison Family Manor, Gao Yun didn't find anything new.

Compared with the established manors of powerful people in Minghua City, the Ivison family's manor appears to be much simpler.

Not only is there a difference in the level of decoration and scenery, but more importantly, there is a difference in family ethos.

Although the members of the Avison family are also luxuriously dressed, compared to the arrogance and viciousness of the powerful in Minghua City and other cities, most of the upper-class people in Xinguan City are full of confidence and grandeur.

There is a huge difference between the two, which is the fundamental difference between people who have fallen and people who are in the progressive stage.

These groups from the center of the Federation are full of confidence and hope to create a glorious future in this new city and change their lack of attention in the Paradise Zone.

In today's competition among many families, these powerful families have the courage to bear the sacrifices faced by the city, improve the treatment of urban residents, and take the lead in resisting the invasion of wild beasts.

What's even more amazing is that the new powerful families will even send their members to the mining areas for training together with ordinary residents.

One day later, a grand welcome ceremony was held for Gao Yun and Yin Menglei.

The Avison family spent a lot of resources to allow residents of the entire city to enjoy this celebration.

A large amount of credits were distributed to everyone in the city, which once made many people think that the Avison family had gone crazy.

For lower-class residents, this is no big deal. Because Xinguan City already has seven or eight B-level heroes, the existence of two B-level heroes is like the icing on the cake.

But for the powerful people in Xinguan City, this news is even more disgusting than killing them.

The original eight B-level heroes were just one per family, but now the Avison family, which already had one B-level hero, has two more heroes.

This immediately caused families that competed with the Avison family in industry and other fields to panic.

On the surface, the welcome ceremony of the other party was a celebration, but in fact it was more of a deterrent to other families.

The competition between powerful families is never an open conflict, but a display of control over the overall situation and strength.

With three B-level heroes, the Avison family is basically one of the unshakable dignitaries in Xinguan City in the future. After this welcome ceremony begins, the Avison family will have a strong influence on its field and industry. Fight against other competing families.

Other families either become vassals of the Avison family, or they can only invest in other fields and industries.

But where is it so easy to invest in other fields and industries?

Generally speaking, there are only a few fields and industries on the wasteland city level.

The first is the exploration team that represents resource income. Basically all the powerful families in this industry will get involved. Because resources represent the wealth of a family and are also the foundation for maintaining people's hearts and family progress.

The second is scientific research. This field represents the display of the power of urban heritage. In the Human Federation, as long as it is a high-level technology, if you want to use it for free, you have to develop it yourself. Otherwise, you need to pay a sum to the forces that upload the technology. A heart-wrenching contribution. In terms of scientific research, it naturally includes technology and pharmaceuticals, which is one of the main areas that the Avison family is involved in.

The third level is education, which determines the future of urban progress. Just like Minghua City's ordinary schools and superhuman disciplines colleges, they provide the city with fresh blood to keep it running.

In addition, there are various small areas, but these levels are not the main goals of powerful families.

Only by firmly grasping the power of these three fields and levels can we have a chance to become one of the powerful people who will carve up the city in the future.

To be honest, if Gao Yun was in a new city like Xinguan City, he would never be troubled by the deification disease.

In this period of the new city, these big families who have not yet become powerful people cannot cover the sky with one hand, and events such as the stripping of super factors are basically impossible to happen.

Once such a scandal breaks out in the city at this stage, the offending family will immediately be kicked out by other competing families, and there will never be a chance to turn around.


At night, Catalina had already stripped naked and lay on Gao Yun's bed.

Gao Yun just raised the corner of his mouth and understood the other person's thoughts instantly.

Is this after a day of thinking and deciding to choose yourself?

The children of such a big family naturally have a great desire for power and power, but at most they can only use a lot of resources and medicines to increase their power to the C-level threshold.

Let’s not talk about whether the families in the new city are willing to spend resources that are very important at this stage. Even if they are willing, these people have used their resources to become C-level heroes, but they still have no say in the family.

Therefore, if she wants to become one of the best in the family, she must find a way to get B-level heroes like Gao Yun to stand behind her.

It doesn't matter whether it's based on promises or some substantial benefits.

The other party looked at Gao Yun with charming eyes, and kept teasing her delicate body with two fingers, as if she wanted to arouse Gao Yun's desire.

Mr. Ming Zixu, I want to become the leader of the Avison family. As long as you are willing to support me behind my back, I will immediately dedicate my body and the family I will control to you in the future.

Catalina's delicate voice sounded, wanting to negotiate terms with him in this way.

But Gao Yun just smiled, took off his clothes and stepped forward.

The other party is just a daughter of a noble who has not seen much of the world, and she actually wants to tie up a powerful man with greater strength and absolute power by trying to trick a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

This kind of thing is really stupid.

But this is good entertainment for Gao Yun.

Just when the other party wanted to continue to say something, Gao Yun's strong movements gave the other party no room to speak.

After a night of playing music, the pure girl has entered the adult world.

The next day, when Catalina was in the deepest sleep, Gao Yun had already put on his clothes and went out.

After yesterday's welcome ceremony, everyone in the Ivison family bowed respectfully when they saw Gao Yun. This kind of respect from the inside out made Gao Yun feel something different.

In the past, he used his overwhelming strength to make others surrender.

And most of the people he faced were those strong men who were arrogant and refused to convince others. It is really rare that people take the initiative to worship you simply because of their status and power.

That's almost it. If I can stand seeing Xin Guan City, I'll take the whole city away with me.

Gao Yun was blowing the refreshing breeze and thought in his heart.

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