Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 160 Beat the Black Tide

Area 3 of Y Domain, ‘Kuroshio’.

Different from the last time he was powerless when facing the 'Black Tide', this time only a clone came, and Gao Yun was full of confidence.

Over the past few months, his strength has increased countless times, and the number of times it can increase has reached an astronomical figure.

Today, his body mass is even greater than that of a star.

If it were normal matter, it would have collapsed into a neutron star or even a black hole.

But he has superhuman strength, and his biological force field is enough to trample all physical laws under his feet. The interaction of forces didn't work in front of him either.

After arriving at the area where the 'Black Tide' was located, he did not stay on the periphery for a moment, but went straight to the core.


In an instant, Gao Yun punched out.

The originally seemingly endless Black Sea was evaporated in large swaths. Nearly one million cubic kilometers of pitch-black water with a mass greater than dozens of Earths combined disappeared in an instant.

The rest of the seawater gathered together, but Gao Yun struck again, more than ten times harder than last time.

This punch had already penetrated into the projection essence of the 'Black Tide', causing the sleeping giant crocodile to howl miserably. The sound floated from the deep space and turned into a very malicious threat.

Ant! How dare you face me again!

Gao Yun's familiar giant eye opened again, as if the essence of the apostle of the abyss wanted to squeeze into the world along this passage.

The space was bent by the pressure of the giant crocodile, and time became extremely slow and lazy.

But the next moment, a fist visible to the naked eye exerted its greatest strength and struck the giant crocodile's eyeball.

This punch was so powerful that even the surrounding space was stretched and deformed, just like a black hole, bending and swallowing the space.

All matter that the fist comes into contact with is being destroyed into extremely small material structures along the direction of the force. Even the atoms were shattered and turned into almost nothingness.

If it were in the past, even if this punch could shatter the neutron star, no matter how powerful it was, it would still not be enough to touch the Black Tide Crocodile.

But Gao Yun has climbed the ladder of God, just like the characters in the game jumping out of the screen. He can punch these 'players' in the face and engage in real competition with them.

So which one is strong and which one is weak?

Gao Yun didn't know how strong the Black Tide Crocodile was.

Perhaps the Kuroshio Crocodile's body is hundreds of billions of times more massive than the largest black hole in the universe, Phoenix A, and one bite is enough to eat half of the universe.

Or maybe the opponent is stronger than this and can hit the super galaxy cluster like marbles.

That doesn't make any sense either.

Because his punch had already hit the opponent's body, the impact caused directly evaporated the surrounding Black Sea.

It was as if Gao Yun punched him until his face was bruised and bruised, and then closed the door.

Without a medium, the other party has no way to directly intervene in the wasteland, and can only rage outside the world.

This punch fell, and the opponent's huge crocodile eye was directly penetrated, and a strange liquid and blood that could not be described by the current color rushed out crazily. Then, a wail and scream reached Gao Yun's ears from outside the world.

Then, there is no more.

The super-large disaster ‘Black Tide’ has been repulsed, and it will no longer be possible to interfere with the wasteland until the next time it infiltrates its media into the world.

Only now did Gao Yun feel completely elated.

How long have these super-large disasters been weighing on your head?

Especially the ‘Black Wave’, who gave him a small shock when he appeared on the stage before. Naturally, Gao Yun cannot let the other party go, and must teach the other party a profound lesson.

After dealing with the 'Black Tide', his clones rushed towards the places where super-large disasters came, and eliminated the agents of those disasters one by one, so that their power could no longer interfere with the wasteland.

Over Minghua City, the Thorn King City.

The magnificent royal city still has the same posture, but this time Gao Yun will not be as embarrassed as the previous times.

In the center of the royal city, Gao Yun's true form arrived. He looked at this huge city that he had been to several times before, and tapped his right foot slightly.

The powerful force that could shatter the stars fell, causing half of the giant city beneath him to collapse and shatter.

Countless thorns grew crazily, trying to save it all, but they were crushed to pieces by that powerful force.

Then, he walked into the city leading to the princess sleeping, and hugged Princess Aurora's petite body.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

It was different from the kiss that woke up the princess in the story. Several big slaps were slapped hard on the princess's delicate buttocks, and a sudden pain woke up the sleeping princess.


Princess Aurora's sweet and soft voice sounded. She, who had been sleeping for who knows how many years, was stimulated by the pain and immediately opened her eyes to look at a world she had never seen before.


As soon as she saw Gao Yun, Princess Ailuo wanted to get off him and salute.

But then he was stopped by Gao Yun's strength, I am not Green. Now that you are here, you have tortured me for a long time. From now on, just stay with me and pay off your debt.

After saying that, Gao Yun shattered the remaining half of Thorn King City and returned to Minghua City.

After leaving Princess Aurora to Little Red Riding Hood for training, Gao Yun began to understand the role of Superman's talent effect four.

Although the talent effect suggested that he was ascending the ladder of God, he never understood what the so-called ladder of God was.

He just suddenly felt that he could see things that he could not see in the past, and could touch things that he could not touch in the past. Other than that, nothing is known about this ability.

Now that he has eradicated the super-large famines in the six domains one by one, it is time to feel the power of this qualitative change.

Gao Yun sinks his consciousness deep into the essence of his power.

Suddenly, his body sank, and an indescribable feeling of weightlessness came from around him, causing him to suddenly open his 'eyes'.

This sight shocked him.

At some point, the world had been cut into two poles of light and darkness according to his position, and now he was in the middle of a floating staircase.

Looking upward, the heaven and earth gradually become brighter, together with the endless light.

Going downwards, the world changes into darkness, as if in an infinite abyss.

This is his choice of power, and it is also the abstract realization of the ladder of God. Every time he takes a step up or down, he will take a step further into the realm of gods or demons.

At this time, he seemed to be able to see the huge existence called the abyss.

Its shape is indescribable, its shape is neither real nor virtual.

Its existence is to satisfy its own appetite, constantly eating and swallowing towards the existences that are connected to the worlds.

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