Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 172 War between gods

Humanity's first strategic goal is the Okun civilization, the giant in today's galactic civilization network.

As a major participant in the Alpha Planet plan, the Okun civilization has made a lot of money from this plan.

They were able to resist various natural disasters in the universe in the past, but after the emergence of the abyss, the only way to preserve their civilization was to let humans die.

Faced with this problem, it is the same whether it is an existence that claims to be a god-level civilization or a low-level civilization.

They need humans, a large number of humans to protect themselves, and at the same time, they will use humans as currency to conduct transactions between civilizations.

In one of the fleets of the Okun civilization, there are a large number of humans serving as battleship officers and main forces.

The high priest said that as long as we eliminate our so-called compatriots from the past, they will grant us the status of formal citizens and the qualification to worship the gods.

In this war fleet led by humans, all humans consider themselves to be members of the Okun civilization, not a part of the human empire.

Today, they are gathering together feverishly, thinking that they can achieve unexpected feats in the next war by virtue of their status as members of the same race.

If we can hit the earth, we can capture Gao Yun.

When they were talking about this, a sound of applause ignored the limitations of vacuum and spread to an area several light years away.

The sound was loud and deep, causing all creatures who heard it to look towards the source of the sound uncontrollably.

A seemingly ordinary figure just appeared in the deep space of the universe. But in everyone's eyes, the brilliance of that figure even surpassed the stars, and was even more magnificent and dazzling than the so-called gods!

All the beings who saw this figure immediately associated it with the most powerful existence in their imaginations. There were even Okan people kneeling on the ground and kowtowing to him.

Not bad.

I was still worried about how to deal with you, but I didn't expect you to be more determined than me. Very good.

Gao Yun had a smile on his face. This insignificant projection appeared because they called his name, and it also carried a trace of his power.

The next time he clasped his hands together, all the space within a vast area of ​​several light years, which could almost accommodate the entire solar system, was tightly compressed by him, turning into a palm-sized crystal ball.

Then, under his gentle touch, the crystal ball shattered instantly, and the energy contained in it turned into a fan-shaped shock wave and swept towards the main fleet of the Okun civilization.

The main ship of the Okun fleet.

The disappearance of the 79th Fleet's signal was detected. A very large-scale gamma ray burst was detected! An extremely high energy level impact was detected.

In less than an hour and three, in the galaxy where the Okun fleet rested, a powerful shock wave shattered the planet and even caused the stars to end their lives prematurely, turning into a brilliant supernova explosion.

The universe is really beautiful, but it's a pity that there are so many more insects.

Looking at this terrifying wave of destruction that exceeded the speed of light due to his own power, Gao Yun nodded with satisfaction. Then he looked at his own gradually becoming transparent projection.

Is it just because the projection that appears in one sentence is too weak and can only achieve such a small amount of power?

After saying that, Gao Yun's projection disappeared here.

Only the remains of battleships scattered throughout the deep space of the universe and the fragments of cold and broken planets were left.

Oken Galaxy, Temple of Sacrifice.

High Priest, our main fleet was wiped out in half a second. There were more than 1,300 legions and 70 billion battleships turned into cosmic debris.

An ordinary priest knelt at the feet of the tall high priest and reported the battle losses in a unique combination of voice and spiritual power of the Okan people.

It's the opponent's god who has met his fate.

Yes, this is a war between gods, and it is an area that extraordinary beings can get involved in.

So just listen to fate and shed the last drop of our blood for our God.

The high priests remained unshakable under the idols, secretly making strange remarks in the silence.

Suddenly, a strange light appeared in the statue behind them.

In the starry sky where the Okun main fleet was originally located, everything was enveloped in a dense light, and time was reversed by a strange force. All the Okans and ships affected by the terrifying impact returned to their original state.

The only exception is the 79th Fleet where the humans raised by the Okun civilization are located.

No matter how this dense power shines, the only things that can be recovered are those ships that were crushed to pieces, and not a single human in them survived.

Earth, the Himalayas, the highest temple of mankind.

Gao Yun caressed Yan Qiuzhi who was sleeping beside him with one hand, and flicked the purple soul coin in his hand with the other hand, feeling a little bit of the power that pulled the essence of these souls.

Then he chuckled softly, and a finger seemed to penetrate the space in front of him, directly breaking through the countless gravity traps and space obstacles set by the Okun galaxy.

A finger that looked like a giant pierced directly into the center of the Okan people's temple planet, exploding half of the planet.

Suddenly, the entire sacrificial temple seemed to have collapsed, and the exquisite, gorgeous murals and sculptures full of inspiration and belief were also shattered and collapsed in this disaster.

The few servants and priests who were lucky to survive didn't even bother to rescue the wounded, and they all knelt on the ground. I thought it was a punishment from the gods, and I was praying for the gods' forgiveness.

Let you go for now, as a trial and stepping stone for mankind.

In front of the trembling bodies of the three Oken high priests, the finger slowly rose with a voice, and then disappeared into the Oken galaxy.

At the same time, they felt that something had fallen upon the essence of all Okans, binding them completely.

If we use some metaphysical terms, the future of the Okan people has been led to an ending destined to destruction.

Unless there is a stronger power to change all this, no matter how the Okan people try to change and struggle, it will be of no avail.

Before this restraint fell, they originally had a chance to escape. But after the restraint fell, it was already too late for them to escape.

How is this possible?! Our connection with the gods has completely disappeared.

For the first time, a look of fear appeared on the face of a high priest. Immediately afterwards, the second and third high priests also showed panicked expressions.

The other party's god is far more powerful than our god.

Run away

There is no point in escaping. Humanity already knows that we are responsible for what happened in the wasteland! We must find a way to bring the other seventy-one civilizations into the war. We must not go to the end alone!

That's right! The number of times a god can take action is also limited, unless the other's god comes directly to the world! As long as human civilization is annihilated, it will be difficult for the other's god to interfere in the world!

Order the fleet to destroy the human fleet and set off for the earth!

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