Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 192 Rescue and Greed

It was as if the gods really existed, as if the gods had temporarily closed their eyes in the past. At this moment, a miracle from the gods came.

The terrifying virus that came from nowhere but spread to every corner of the earth dissipated like a dark cloud blown away by strong wind, and then came the soft sunshine.

At this moment, two suns are rising, shining on the earth.

Countless walking corpses disappeared like melting snow under these two suns.

The withered plants have regained their vitality, the polluted sea water has returned to blue, and the once destroyed and affected environment is now peaceful and beautiful.

But in the next moment, one of the suns disappeared completely, because Gao Yun was kicked out of this world.

The worlds within the worlds are extremely resistant to foreign objects.

Regardless of whether it is good or bad, once a giant creature like Gao Yun, whose essence moves in the void, burrows into the world instead of a small fruit native to the world, they will be strongly repulsed by them.

This is the world's self-protection mechanism, which can prevent the apostles from devouring themselves on a large scale and preventing them from falling into the final outcome.

Another world.

A supermassive meteorite is hitting the earth.

According to calculations, even if this meteorite touches the earth, the destructive power it brings will destroy the entire surface of the earth and plunge it into the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Same situation.

But at this moment, the sun emitted an unprecedented wave of energy, which just shattered the meteorite and then passed by the earth.

It was as if some being had a kind heart and saved them.

At this moment, when Gao Yun was advancing, countless miracles happened, saving people from the crisis that once plunged the world into destruction.

God! Thank you so much!

Countless prayers emanated from the heart and turned into weak forces gathered together. These hopes and warm emotions emanating from the heart gathered more and more, and finally turned into dazzling halos next to Gao Yun's essential existence.

Even if he doesn't ask for anything in return, the cause of saving all sentient beings still brings him results.

These halos are the essence of hope and can replace any existence to resist the erosion of the void.

Unintentional kindness still brought unimaginable rewards in the end.

The main world, three years later. In another lottery, the purple talent flashed through. He kept it and turned it into nourishment for the next lottery.

Every purple talent is a powerful ability that can dominate the universe.

Anyone who possesses it will become the pinnacle existence in the current universe.

It's a pity that now comes at the wrong time.

When Gao Yun arrived at the first world where he settled, he realized how miserable this ball of fire, which was as big as a basketball in the land of nothingness, looked now.

Inside and outside this fire ball, there are dark spots brought by the apostles of the abyss everywhere. There are so many of them, there are tens of thousands of them.

This number is many times greater than the super-large famines that existed in the wasteland in the past.

And among these dark spots, there are several dark masses as big as candlelight. They are the high-ranking apostles who have invaded this world.

It seems I came at the wrong time.

Just when Gao Yun was thinking about whether to take a trip through the muddy waters for this world, the power of the world's prayers arose spontaneously and entered his mind.

Although he doesn't know the language of this world, he can still learn a little bit of information from it.


This time, the larger world on this side showed no resistance.

Alcacia continent.

This is a new world that has been born for millions of years. Since the beginning of recorded history, the sentient beings on this continent have been fighting against beings called demons for millions of years.

Wisps of Gao Yun's consciousness came here, observing this continent that was condensed into the world of Alcacia, which was countless times larger than the main world.

For beings at the level of apostles, the battle is not based on the level of power in the world, but their size and essence in the void. The greater the existence and essence in the void, the greater the power it can exert in the world.

While they are powerful, they can also suppress them at a level of abyssal power that the world does not have, leaving the aborigines in the world with no chance to resist.

But obviously this is not the case in the world of Alcacia. If the apostles of the abyss want to plunder more of the essence of the world, they must descend on more existences and cause more killing and destruction.

But after they arrive, they are no longer just media and rendering, but their essence will be shattered by the power within the world, causing their consciousness to sink, and their own abyssal power to fall into the world.

At this time, the world that has absorbed the power of the abyss will grow and become able to attack the essence of the invading apostles, directly repel them or crush the apostles of the abyss again.

At this time, aggression and war in the world will generally fall into two situations.

First, all the apostles sense that the risks are greater than the rewards, and they will immediately evacuate the media left to erode in this world, and then enter the next world to repeat the plunder.

The second is that the rewards that can be gained in the world outweigh the risks. All the apostles seemed to have gone crazy and participated in this flesh-and-blood millstone war.

And as the intensity of the war increases, more Apostles of the Abyss will be attracted.

Apparently that's the way the world is.

It reshaped its own cosmic shape and compressed it into a continent with a small area but extremely high essence.

Even the apostles who can shatter stars in the main universe are just as weak as C-level heroes here. Are they really weak? This is certainly not weak.

Because the world still doesn’t know how many apostles of the abyss are buried here, turning them into nutrients for the growth of the world.

However, after several superior apostles joined the battlefield, the world of Alcacia was unable to maintain its original state and was about to fall into a one-sided situation.

It's all because of greed.

Gao Yun shook his head and directly explained the reason why the world of Alcacia had fallen to such a state.

If a world is strong and has reason and emotions, it will often grow faster than other worlds in the world. But this growth also brings certain risks.

For example, if the world of Alcacia can make some choices now, send these demons into a small part of the world, and then smash most of the world into a broader universe, so that the benefits and rewards of the apostles of the abyss are not proportional, They will leave here naturally.

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