Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 202 Golden Harvest Duke

Finally, amid a burst of hearty laughter, the nobles took away the four newly transferred knights and four guards.

These people are different from the self-thinking aborigines. They are a community standing on the same interest front. Most importantly, as apostles they do not need to spend money or time to cultivate and grow.

You know, there are more than just apostles coming from outside this world. Their identities are equivalent to ordinary knights who have grown up for many years, and they can become stronger at a growth rate that exceeds that of ordinary natives.

Several people left the tavern, followed closely by the indigenous guards.

After a while, the lively scene in the tavern returned to its previous state.

But this time everyone was talking about the fate of the other apostles who followed the noble apostles.

That guy is quite smart. He wants to recruit a few people as human shields. I think after those people are dead, he will come here to recruit people. Some people were drinking and talking, and then looked around.

You've been hanging around in the void for so long, how many of them are real fools? Someone shook his head and continued: Among the people who followed him just now, I do know one of them. He was pretty good at the place where I had been hanging out before. He is famous for his cunning and deception. I don’t know for sure who deceived whom.”

Two or three hours later, Gao Yun shook his head. It seemed that he didn't hear any useful news, so he left a silver coin on the table and left.

Red Persimmon Town.

Rather than saying that the style here is similar to the Middle Ages, it is more similar to the world in fairy tales.

Ugly and luxurious aristocrats, hardworking commoners, gorgeous ladies, and wandering orioles who go around soliciting customers.

Each native of the dark world has his or her own free will, but they behave like puppets whose lives have been determined for a long time, as if they have no so-called self.

Gao Yun was a little confused at first, but then he thought about it.

Isn’t this true of most background characters in every fairy tale?

After wandering on the street for a while, Gao Yun was ready to get on the carriage and leave the small town for a larger city.

After all, in this small town, he could neither find those magical magic books nor learn more about those strange abilities. So now it is the best choice to head towards Golden Spike City, which is closest to Red Persimmon Town.

Along the way, the driver of the carriage chattered endlessly, talking to him about the glorious deeds of Golden Spike City.

I heard that Duke Golden Spike was a very powerful knight in the past. He once went to the Capital of Thorns, killed thorn vines, and was blessed by the Queen of Gold and Death.

Under the introduction of the coachman, the three-dimensional image of the southern kingdom was revealed.

The Sifang Continent is so big. According to the coachman's description, each kingdom has several principalities attached to it, and there are many cities in the principalities. The owners of these cities are all beings blessed by the Queen of the Four Directions.

Every city lord in the city has power that others cannot touch.

So what power does Duke Jinsui have? Gao Yun asked.

This. The coachman immediately became more energetic when he heard Gao Yun's question. It is said that Duke Jinsui had extremely strong martial arts when he was young. He killed Jinsui City with just a long sword. Hydra nearby.”

After he met the Queen of Gold and Death, the Queen gave Duke Golden Spike a sword that can turn people into gold. It is said that the blade on this sword can turn people and animals into pure gold.

When it came to gold, the coachman's eyes seemed to sparkle.

Wealth is always something that is needed at all levels of society. Especially for these coachmen who are just civilians, gold is their stepping stone to a higher class.

The apostles of the abyss tried their best to become stronger after coming to this world, and these aboriginal people also kept living for a better life.

In the endless worlds, as long as there are intelligent beings, this situation will never end.

The coachman's account of Duke Jinsui was very clear.

He not only told him about the martial arts practiced by the Golden Spike King, but also told him about the special abilities possessed by the Golden Spike King, so that Gao Yun would not fall into a dangerous situation when he faced the opponent for the first time.

Although his essence will not turn into gold and die, his body as a wanderer is very fragile.

Once he is exposed, he will soon attract Green's lackeys, forcing him to start the final battle before he is ready.

This was something he tried his best to avoid happening.

So does Duke Jinsui have any hobbies? Gao Yun asked again.

If you want to learn about the Kingdom of Thorns or the Queen of Gold and Death through the Golden Spike King, you must first find a way to talk to him. But if you want to talk to him, you need something like a stepping stone.

It seems... I didn't know that. The coachman shook his head, and the horse in front of him walked quickly on the road.

To say that this dark world is indeed based on the image of the Middle Ages. It is clear that the Queen of the Square involves powerful conceptual power, but these roads are full of potholes. Sitting in the carriage can make the average apostle's butt hurt.

Oh, right.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and rest for a while, the carriage driver suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said to the carriage: Recently, the Duke of Golden Spike seems to be offering a reward throughout the city, asking who can help him find a magical magic weapon. Ring, he will give the other party ten mountains of gold.

Ten golden mountains?

Yes, I don't know how many gold coins are equivalent to ten golden mountains. It is said that the person who finds the ring can also become a noble and own a fief near Golden Spike City.

How I wish I was the one who found the ring.

The driver was driving his horse, daydreaming unrealistically. But when you consider that this is a dark world based on the core of fairy tales, it won't be surprising that any bizarre things will happen.

So there is still a lot of possibility that the coachman picked up the ring.

After learning a lot of information about Duke Jinsui, Gao Yun lay down in the carriage and rested.

To be honest, he didn't like some of the rules set in the dark world. Many of them were very strange.

For example, a very powerful warrior or magician, even if they can break open the city gate with their physical body and summon meteors with their magic power, they will still be sleepy and need to sleep.

And Gao Yun also needs to let this body get a perfect rest. But his true existence still transcends this body, observing every move around him, ready to wake up and fight back at any time.

Fortunately, he didn't encounter the common bandits and robbers in the fairy tale world along the way, otherwise he would really have to spend a lot of effort to solve these little troubles.

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