Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 209 Black Cloud City

According to Gao Yun's calculation, if no one stops it and resists the devouring of the abyss, then when the end comes, it will end with the annihilation of all things. And in this ending, the destruction of mankind is inevitable.

For the sake of mankind, he would come to the dark world, obtain the power of time inside, and try to defeat or even kill Abyss in the end.

Only in this way can he become the eternal God of mankind and stand forever in the highest place.

But for now, he still needs to act in accordance with the rules in the dark world with this humble attitude.

Twenty kilometers away, Black Cloud City.

Long after the Golden Duke became the Golden Duke and infected his knights with flesh and blood, the nearby cities had already reacted.

Just like Black Cloud City, a large number of guards in the city are on duty on the tall city walls, monitoring every move happening around the city at any time.

As for the city gate, it remains closed at all times. Pedestrians coming and going were subject to extremely strict searches, and no one entering the city was allowed to bring large or controlled weapons.

If you are a magician, you must be cleared of magic power before you can enter.

But it is a place like this where a large number of Abyssal Apostles are now gathered.

They are the apostles of the abyss near the Golden Spike Territory ruled by the Duke of Golden Spike. In so many days, they have already figured out some of the rules. The apostles of the abyss who can be gathered now are all characters who have tried their best to become mercenaries and want to make a lot of money here.

After all, the flesh-deformed knights and warriors under the Golden Duke have been recognized as monsters by the rules of the dark world. After the apostles of the abyss reasonably kill those monsters, they can absorb a large amount of their essence and existence, making themselves stronger.

And a monster in the dark world is larger than several worlds in the void. This benefit-risk ratio simply makes them crazy. Therefore, so many apostles of the abyss came here and tried their best to kill these monsters.

Ten kilometers away from Black Cloud City, Gao Yun suddenly met a group of Abyss Apostles.

When the other party met him, he immediately discovered Gao Yun hiding in the shadows.


In an instant, the opponent took out his weapon and prepared for battle.

After coming to this world, these people also became familiar with their own body's fighting methods. However, they also discovered that no matter how powerful or violent their skills were, they could not be called skills in this world, let alone defeating the opponent's 'power' with skill. That would not make any difference other than making their death worse.

One of our own.

Gao Yun waved his hand slightly to indicate that he was also a challenger, and the opponent immediately put down his weapon.

They can coexist peacefully because of one of the rules of the dark world. Unless you are a dark apostle whose true existence has been exposed, anyone who violates the logic of identity and actively kills or designs to 'kill' your companions will be punished by the dark world.

And even if an ordinary high-ranking apostle accepts punishment, it will dissipate in an instant and turn into nothing.

Therefore, generally no one would harm a fellow apostle of the abyss. This would not only yield no benefits, but also result in punishment. As long as the abyss apostle didn't have any flaws in his mind, he wouldn't do such a thing.

After the two sides met, Gao Yun walked towards Black Cloud City. They set off towards the Golden Spike Leader, each with their own thoughts and plans.

But regardless of these existences that only have a one-sided relationship, Gao Yun's first goal now is to settle in Black Cloud City and collect some powerful abilities and spells. It would be even better if you could get a spell with amazing defensive power.

After a rigorous search by the guards, Gao Yun first came to the public notice board.

He wanted to see if there were any very strange tasks on the bulletin board in Black Cloud City. People could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with it and they had to leave quickly.

Collect the intact deerskin. Collect the lion's mane. The intact tail of the mouse.

Gao Yun silently recited the task at the top of the bulletin board. From it, he could see that there was a wizard in Black Cloud City, and that the wizard was still collecting alchemy materials. Although this kind of thing is not as dangerous as the Golden Spike Duke, it may also cause turmoil.

Get your business done quickly and leave quickly.

After seeing that there were no other strange tasks on the bulletin board, Gao Yun turned around and left.

His destination is still the tavern in Black Cloud City. Only in this place where people with various identities gather can he find some information he needs.

And if you want to know where you can get those high-level abilities or spells, you must spend some money and ask the bartender or bartender in the tavern who knows a lot about them.

Thinking like this, Gao Yun walked towards the tavern in the city.

Ten minutes later, he arrived at the door of a very large tavern.

‘Black Cloud Tavern’ is consistent with the name of the city.

Unless the owner of the tavern is related to the ruler of the city, according to custom, it is generally avoided that the name of the tavern is similar or the same as the name of the city.

Otherwise, this would not be a matter of confusion, but something the rulers of the city would cause trouble for.

Standing in front of the Heiyun Tavern, before Gao Yun entered, noisy and noisy sounds continued to come from it, as well as laughter and frolics.

Huh! The taverns in Black Cloud City are really exciting. The taste of the Orioles is better than anything else. Tsk tsk, in the dark world, no matter what we eat or do with our external identities and bodies, it seems that this is the identity. What is true is what is false.”

The two apostles of the abyss each held their shoulders and talked about their feelings as if they were drunk.

Another apostle of the abyss also nodded drunkenly and agreed: Who says it's not the case? If I could continue to strengthen my essence like this and experience such a happy and intense feeling, I would rather live in this dark world for the rest of my life. In the end, I would rather live in this dark world for the rest of my life. It’s better not to have a winner in the end.”

After hearing this, Gao Yun immediately shook his head in his heart.

These simple-minded apostles of the abyss are really wishful thinking. They want to continue to become stronger in the dark world and experience an exciting and intense life.

If this is true, the Dark World might as well be renamed the Charity World. After all, it is free to let their essence grow anyway, why not do it more practically.

As an integral part of the dark world, after Gao Yun received feedback on some of its rules, he was well aware of the urinary nature of this world.

Everywhere in this world, there are various vicious events that have happened or have not happened yet. Once the outbreak is swept away, let alone enjoying life, even the apostle kings will die completely one by one.

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