Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 229 Fierce Love

The city of blood and carnage in the past is now the city of idols.

Countless people from the Eastern Continent gathered here. Whether they are the indigenous people, the apostles of the abyss who came, or the travelers who came to the Eastern Continent, they all became fans of the Red Idol, and they swarmed here and turned into a wave of shouts.

Gao Yun was sitting alone in the first row in the auditorium with only one seat, quietly waiting for the appearance of the Red Queen, Pulkite.


Behind him, those fanatical people gathered together, abandoning class and the distinction between the strong and the weak.

The only purpose of these people now is to listen to the opening of this thousand-year event sung by the red idol himself.

For them, the song of the Red Idol is better than all truths and all temptations in the world. Even if the Red Idol asks them to sacrifice their lives, they will obey directly.

As for brainwashing, Gao Yun did not see these clues.

The existence of the fans behind him was not disturbed in any way, and there was no force controlling them. They only have heartfelt shouts and enthusiasm from the heart.

After a long time, Gao Yun became impatient with waiting.

Just when he decided to stand up and end it all, the red idol, a girl named Priket, jumped out from behind the stage.

When the two parties met for the first time, Pliket gave him a flirtatious look, and the audience immediately cheered loudly.

This girl with stunning appearance and unique eyes is much prettier than the one on the poster, and even Gao Yun feels a little moved.

However, after the other party winked, he did not come to Gao Yun immediately, but opened his singing voice for this upcoming thousand-year event.

A faint accompaniment sounded, and the wave of cheers and shouts just moments ago suddenly disappeared, causing Gao Yun's nerves to falter.

Then, the red idol, Priket, lightly opened her red lips and slightly hummed the music she composed for her lover.

Under Prickett's singing, all the unhappiness in the world seemed to disappear at this moment.

Her voice is like a spring from the silver moon, and like the mystery of the endless space, which makes people intoxicated, obsessed, and gives up thinking about it.

Even Gao Yun had to admit that even a being of his level would feel that the beauty of this piece of music seemed to make him let go of everything and his noble nature. Sitting here and listening quietly seemed to last forever. Thousands of years of singing.

The first half of this song seems to have the astringent meaning of having to wait hard for the one you love. But gradually, in the second half of the song, the tune gradually gets higher, as if the loved one is finally looking back.

Then, there are waves of warmer love, and a happier heart every moment.

Countless people in the Eastern Continent were intoxicated and shed tears for it, and Gao Yun was also lingering in his heart, as if at this moment, he was the existence that Pulkite could only ask for.

After a long time, the song gradually faded and Pliket disappeared.

Gao Yun stood up slowly, recalling the time that had lasted less than two hours, and felt a little nostalgic in his heart for a moment.

The other party's voice is so beautiful. This voice surpasses the chords of the starry sky and the rhythm of the world, especially that piece of music, which makes people forget to leave.

But it's a pity that Gao Yun's goal is the three keys in the opponent's hand.

That's what he must get!

Behind the scenes, the red idol's dressing room.

Gao Yun slowly opened the door, and what caught his eye was the idol of red, Priket, who was wearing alluring clothes.

I saw this idol of all the residents of the Eastern Continent, wearing a red backless dress at the moment, which highlighted her devilishly alluring figure. The lower body is a fluffy black skirt, a pair of pitch black high socks extending directly to the roots of her thighs, and at the bottom, a pair of exquisite black high heels are being stepped on her soles.

After waiting for thousands of years, I finally waited for your arrival.

Your Highness Gao Yun.

Pliket's character is passionate and unrestrained, just like an infatuated girl meeting her own prince, and the passion for love in her heart surges out at this moment.

Facing Pulkite's enthusiasm, Gao Yun remained indifferent.

Millennium after millennium, according to his current flow of time, he is not even fifty years old, let alone a thousand years.

He knew there was something in the other person's words, and he also knew that it must be related to his own essence that transcended time, but today he didn't come here for any love.

Give me the key.

Gao Yun slowly stretched out his hand and looked at the other party with an indifferent expression.

This behavior made Pliket's lunging movement halt, and the sincere smile on his face turned into a sad smile.

It seems that this is fate, His Highness Gao Yun.

Prickett put her hands behind her back like a playful girl.

But now, there was no light smile on her face, only a hint of loneliness and sadness.

To be honest, in Gao Yun's eyes, this red idol, a young girl, did not directly defeat Little Red Riding Hood, but directly dominated the power of the White Knight.

In his perception, this girl's life is as delicate as a blooming flower. He only needs to use a little effort to break it away, and the girl's life will wither.


At some point, Gao Yun's hands had tightly grasped the other person's fair neck, feeling the other person's gradually weaker breathing.

Hand over the keys, this is your last chance.

Even if the other party has just sung a song that is equivalent to a hidden confession, even if the other party has poured out his love for himself.

Even if the other party is really what she said, waiting for thousands of years and thousands of years, and spent countless years, he doesn't care at all.

The other party must hand over what you want now, otherwise there will be only death.

No one is qualified to negotiate terms with himself. He will only listen to other people's suggestions and opinions only if he is gifted and rewarded by himself.

It was like that before, it is like that now, and it will be like that in the future.

Chloe, cluck... cluck.

Under the gradually increasing strength, Pluket's beautiful face gradually became flushed. The sound of bones was constantly coming from her neck and throat.

Then, there was a click.

The space broke and the two stood face to face again.

Have you had enough fun? No need to show some sadomasochistic fantasy, I don't like it.

Gao Yun's expression was indifferent, and he did not have any psychological fluctuations at all from the previous illusion that was as if he had experienced it personally. He continued to stretch his hand straight out, signaling the other party to hand over the key.

The purpose of his coming here was just for the three keys. As for other things... he didn't care.

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