Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 30 Prosperous Core

After leaving the detention room, Gao Yun got on a tram.

He looked out of the tram window at the bustling city in the distance. For some reason, he didn't feel that excited.

It was clear that his goal in the past was to become an official resident of the city, but when he was about to go to the Heroes Association and become the hero he had always dreamed of becoming, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Not only that, he also had no idea about Jingka's 3.03 million credit points.

This money is enough for hundreds of slum residents to live a comfortable life for a lifetime, and can be exchanged for the identities of five or six urban residents. In the short period of time he has the power, he has gathered the slum residents for a lifetime or even ten lifetimes. Wealth that cannot be earned.

Let's go back to the slums first.

Gao Yun sighed and stared at the distant scenery for a long time.

After killing the wolf with his own hands, he originally thought he would never go back, but now he still wants to go back to see and say goodbye.

The appearance and architecture of the city are so unchanged, like a stop-motion animation, and even the blowing of the wind is strictly controlled by intelligence.

After the tram arrived at the station, Gao Yun saw the familiar orbital elevator not far away.


In just a few days, his life in this world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After receiving superhuman talent, Li Nuolin transformed into a famine and obtained wasteland relics.

All this happened in such a hurry. When I was young, I was only thinking about how to leave the slums, but when I could actually leave the slums, I was not so excited or happy.

The elevator went down and landed at the location of the slums two minutes later.

In fact, this orbital elevator can still go down, but further down is the location of the mining area. The residents of the slums and the poor people at the bottom of the city continue to provide the city with various needed resources, but that is not what he wants. Places to go.

With a ding, Gao Yun walked out of the elevator and walked towards a familiar place.

A few days passed, and the residents who fled had returned.

In the cruel survival laws of the slums, every poor person has no way to leave his 'home' to survive alone.

Once the weather lights arrive at night, they will absorb the heat in the slums. If the weak poor people do not rest in their own homes, they will most likely become popsicles and freeze to death in the subzero environment.

Therefore, regardless of whether the human wolves are eliminated or not, these poor people will come back, and they can only hope that the famine will not kill them when they are full.

Now, these residents have come back to live for several days.

The stumps and pieces of meat on the ground disappeared, but Gao Yun could still vaguely smell the rotten and stench that lingered for a long time.

Some unemployed residents were wandering among the ruins, constantly looking for anything useful.

They will not let go of broken wood, rags, rotten food, anything of any use, even human bones and rotten flesh.

Gao Yun walked towards the location in his memory,

The three-story wooden house had long been shattered into rubbish in his battle with the disaster. Even the ground nearby had huge potholes. If someone accidentally fell, they would definitely roll down twice. .

Looking at the familiar wreckage in front of him, Gao Yun found a place on the ground and sat down.

He has lived here for more than ten years. Although he hates the slum environment extremely, it still contains many of his memories and contains many of his warm moments in this world.

After standing in front of the wreckage of the wooden house for a while, Gao Yun turned around and went to where the man-wolf was before.

Where the human-wolf corpse originally lay, there is now only a deep pit with the outline of the disaster, even if Gao Yun no longer wants to think about it or admit it.

Li Nuolin did indeed become a disaster, a human wolf that killed thousands of people.

In the slums, people always die, either from starvation or freezing, or from being bullied to death by gangsters.

Even if they are lucky enough to survive, there are still countless sufferings waiting for them.

In the wasteland, there will not be a savior to save all mankind.

Even if countless slum dwellers and the lower-class residents of the city look forward to it, there will never be such a hero.

The elevator goes up again.

But this time the location is no longer Area E and Area C, but Area B, which he has never been to before.

Area B.

It is called the bustling core of the city by urban residents.

It is the most prosperous and the most beautiful area among the six areas.

The center of the Hero Association is located in the center of Area B. In other corners, there are places full of different entertainment colors, and various departments in the city are also located in other locations on this floor.

Walking on the road on this level, what you can see are not the ordinary lower-level residents.

But they are the urban privileged people wearing gorgeous clothes.

The hundreds-of-storey black building is one of the most common sights in this area. Most places in Area B are filled with various wonderful projection advertisements and news.

This civilized scene made him feel as if he had left the wasteland and entered another world.

Heroes and dignitaries were strolling around, walking gracefully with their partners among the beautiful gardens on this floor.

There are beautiful flowers cultivated intelligently, green lawns, healthy and strong trees, and even strange and beautiful plants in the wasteland.

Floating vehicles that are rare in the lower city are popping up here one after another, and there are powerful creations containing high-precision technology everywhere.

Huge war mechas patrol specific routes, and leaders of urban departments wearing high-level armors are not uncommon here.

The color of prosperity is a hundred times better than that of the lower level.

After looking left and right for a while, Gao Yun finally drew his attention away from the bustling scene.

I have to go to the Heroes Association quickly.

As a poor person, if you stay here for nothing, you will either have to pay a huge fine or risk your life to pay it.

The cruelty of the city is evident.

Starting from Area B, not only the residents of the slums, but also the lower-class residents of the city are not allowed to wander in Area B. The former need to pay a large fine and have other penalties for staying and watching, while the latter are charged in units of thousands.

Only through the world of virtual terminals can they get a glimpse of the prosperity of the upper class.

The prosperous core is for the privileged class in the city to enjoy, not for the people at the bottom of the city to lament.

The people among them are either rich, have status, or are powerful people in the city.

Only in this way can we enjoy these beautiful things in this precarious wasteland.

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