Two days later, the floating convoy had arrived at a predetermined location outside the ruins.

Members of the urban department jumped out of the air one after another wearing battle armor, falling from a height of 100 meters like heavenly soldiers, hitting the ground heavily and creating big craters.

Dust rises and smoke fills the air.

Blue energy lines lit up on countless alloy shells, and the armor stepped on the ground, breaking through the dust and mist, and sweeping away in all directions.

Precise instruments scanned hundreds of meters underground, and any wild beasts that lived and moved nearby were slaughtered.

Mountains were leveled, potholes filled, and anything that hindered exploration was wiped away.

Whether it is a group of low-level wild beasts running around, or a high-level wild beast that dares to resist, in the face of the torrent of heavy firepower and equipment, they are as ridiculous as a mantis using its arms as a chariot.

With Gao Yun's extraordinary vision and perception, he could see things several kilometers away as clearly as looking at palm prints.

In his sight, several wasteland refugees were also pulled out from hidden corners.

Gao Yun looked at a bunch of quasi-heroes wearing gravity armor carrying these refugees from the wasteland who were no different from ordinary people, but slightly messy and sloppy.

Puff puff puff...

In a sound like a watermelon exploding, the heads of these wasteland refugees were hit by guns and exploded.

The bloody scene only existed for a few moments before it was cleaned up by the cleaning robot at the rear.

The alloy ground was flattened by mechanical equipment, turning into a huge and majestic metal platform.

The structures that decorated and represented identities were placed flatly, and then the floating castle representing the twenty-six dignitaries of Minghua City slowly settled down.

After the twenty-six powerful families occupied the core of the platform, other departments, as well as the Heroes Association's floating vehicles, parked in relatively peripheral positions.

The ostentation is really grand.

Gao Yun squinted his eyes slightly, looking at this process full of red tape, and an inexplicable feeling arose in his heart.

In his eyes, these red tapes are a symptom of arrogance and asymmetry of power.

It is precisely because these powerful families lack strength that they show their power and wealth to others through superficial processes.

Show them their own possessions and powers.

Just like those so-called nobles in the previous life, they abide by the ancient rules they formulated to symbolize the upper class. Little do they know that in this wasteland world where power is paramount, only power is the principle that governs everything.

Only strength is the foundation of everything. Only when these superficial things are subjected to the storm of strength will their true colors be revealed.

The super armors and giant mechas belonging to the powerful people kept coming and going according to the patrol route.

The pilots and heroes inside are like loyal hounds, following their master's will and showing their minions to the outside world.

Ninety percent of the city's upper-class power is concentrated in the hands of this group of powerful people, but these powerful forces only maintain the majesty and safety of the powerful people and do not contribute to the progress of the city at all.

It is not the rich and powerful who make the city, but the city makes the rich and powerful.

The current situation in Minghua City is due to the bloat and waste caused by less than 0.1% of the powerful occupying 99.99% of the resources.

What would it be like if Minghua City was ruled by oneself and the entire city ran according to one's own will?

Not only Gao Yun, but also some of the new heroes in AY City have different ideas.

For these Minghua City dignitaries who represent bloatedness and stubbornness, some of them sneer, some criticize in their hearts, but there are also some who admire this kind of life.

AY City is not without mayors and dignitaries, but as a new city, they now have more opportunities and vitality than Minghua City, an old city that has lasted for two to three hundred years.

This process and life are full of luxury and luxury, as if these dignitaries did not come to explore the wasteland, but came to enjoy the scenic tourist attractions.

According to the plan provided by the city, these dignitaries will only send out a B-2 level super mecha from each family, and will only send out the B-level superheroes in extremely dangerous situations.

All other combat units are there to protect the safety of these dignitaries.

As for the main force exploring the ruins, they are the low-level heroes and superheroes in the Hero Association, the exploration team composed of members of the urban department, and Jiang Yuanhua and Gao Yun who must be dispatched when necessary.

Yes, as the top combat forces in the Heroes Association, Jiang Yuanhua and Gao Yun must enter the ruins to eliminate threats when the exploration encounters difficulties to ensure that the plan can proceed smoothly.

As for those powerful families?

The members of the Urban Department are their subordinates, and the merits brought about by the bloodshed and sacrifice of others will be attributed to them as their crown carved from splendor and glory.

After the float vehicle stopped, Gao Yun walked out of the vehicle.

Near the ruins, the weather is always bright and sunny, and a weather ball in the floating car is not enough to enhance his growing strength.

He stepped forward slowly and looked at the busy members of the urban department.

These members are now fully armed, wearing battle armor, holding high-frequency blades and constantly making preparations for exploration.

In fact, out of a team of more than one million people, only more than 300,000 core members have arrived here. More low-level heroes and department employees are coming here on land vehicles.

The exploration of the ruins will not officially begin until the teams that clean up the wild beasts and the members who serve as cannon fodder arrive here.

Before that, these powerful people, who accounted for most of the personnel, had to provide their masters with a comfortable environment and the carnival atmosphere required for the banquets in the past few days.

Are you thinking that if these people directly explore the ruins, will the current situation of the city be improved?

While Gao Yun was standing with his hands behind his back, looking at these busy scenes, Yan Qiuzhi held a note in his hand and made a sound.

Gao Yun looked back and saw that this cold beauty had put on a pair of simple and sharp black glasses at some point, which added a bit of beauty to her already outstanding appearance.

No, I have never thought about doing anything for the city, and this is not the purpose of becoming a hero.

Gao Yun turned around, looked at this beauty who seemed to have some purpose, and asked in a calm tone: As for now, it was Jiang Yuanhua who asked you to come here.

There is no doubt in Gao Yun's mind that this is the answer.

He is not an idiot. Yan Qiuzhi is very clear about his attitude. The other party will not flatter and get close to him just because he can burst out with the strength of a B-level superhero. Otherwise, the other party would have become one of so many B-level heroes. of forbidden love.

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