Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 47 Wait and see

The weak spot on the mountain giant's body was hit by the high-energy ray on the super armor.

Each high-energy ray on the super armor will cause a violent explosion, and even the hardest rocks will be shattered by this huge power.

The fists swung by the armors were like fully powered trains, loaded with heavy cargo and impacting the mountain giant's rocky body at high speed.

Boom boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Explosions and violent vibrations continued to sound, rapid and strong.

In a very short period of time, the A-level wild beast mountain giant suffered heavy losses.

As the vast and loud roar resounded across the sky, the joints of the mountain giant's arms were seriously injured, and heavy and hard stones continued to peel off from its body, hitting the ground heavily, knocking down some would-be heroes who had no time to react. The gravity armor he was wearing was hit and crushed.

There was a roar, and the dust and mist started to rise.

Boulders bigger than houses were falling everywhere, and the weak would-be heroes and heroes had nowhere to escape.

These boulders fell with the force brought by gravity, exerting an impact that was heavier than the boulders themselves. This was not a force that a mortal body wearing ordinary armor could stop.

Many of those affected didn't even have time to scream. Those department members and low-level heroes who were regarded as cannon fodder by the upper-level figures were hit by falling boulders.

I saw a pool of blood flowing out from under the boulder, and the fragments of the armor shattered on the ground, blending into the background of the wasteland.

Huge holes appeared on the ground. These were the destructive scenes caused by the heavily injured and broken body of the mountain stone giant.

The battle with the mountain giant was far away from the core of the platform where the powerful people were. The deaths of these quasi-heroes or low-level heroes did not arouse the pity of the strong men who were fighting happily.

A little blood and sacrifice even aroused their inner emotions, making them even more excited, and they attacked even closer to the body of the mountain giant, constantly weakening this wild beast that could be rated as A-level.

Although only half a minute has passed, in the eyes of those affected, it seems like centuries.

Driven by the full power of the armor, the fleeing low-level heroes can even reach speeds of thirty to fifty meters per second, but it is still too slow to escape from the affected area.

The mountain giant can cross a distance of several kilometers by lifting its foot. As soon as it steps down, dozens or hundreds of low-level heroes and armors burst into overload, allowing the flesh and blood inside to merge with the earth.

Gao Yun, on the other hand, quietly watched the battle in the distance.

At this time, only those super armors were fighting continuously, and the two B-class heroes were just floating higher in the air watching everything.

‘Bipolar Magnetic’, a B-class hero, a member of the Mona family.

‘Ruikong Star’, a B-class hero, a member of the Asnar family.

Two B-class heroes who only have code names but no names use their superpowers to overcome gravity and walk freely in the sky and stand still.

Both B-class heroes are superheroes with super combat power, and they actually look down upon the super armor being played like a game.

The mountain giant, which is constantly being weakened like a toy and is even half its size, is still unable to exert any energy.

They looked down at the ground, watching people continue to die due to the mountain giant's counterattacks and struggles, and the smiles on their faces could no longer be concealed.

As retainers of the powerful people in Minghua City, they are actually members of the powerful families. They are used to seeing people being superior to others and looking down on human life, and their psychology is extremely distorted.

Look at these ant-like things. They really overestimate their capabilities. If they don't come here, won't they die?

The 'Bipolar Magnetism' laughed and said that for them, ordinary enjoyment can no longer touch their dulled senses. Only the death of similar people can bring some excitement and excitement to their hearts.

No, no, no, even if they choose not to come, they will still die. In order to reduce the casualties of senior heroes, the more these ants die, the better.

‘Ray Sky Star’ replied, although his reaction was not as exaggerated as ‘Bipolar Magnetic’, but judging from his slightly red eyes, he was also aroused by the bloody and cruel scenes.

Suddenly, the 'Bipolar Magnetic' suddenly felt a gaze looking directly at him. Following the induction, he looked towards the ground, and finally found the source of the gaze in a corner of the metal platform.

Gao Yun, a B-level hero, is a member of the Minghua City Heroes Association. (Privilege of the powerful: resident C-level strength, superpower: all-round focus on the physical body, B-level strength can explode under special circumstances, known strength limit 123347T, speed limit 50 times the speed of sound.)

Gao Yun from the Hero Association is staring at us.

'Bipolar Yuan Magnetic' narrowed his eyes and said, and the words reached the ears of 'Ruikong Star' through the terminal, leaving him stunned.

Then he looked towards the direction indicated by his friend, and suddenly saw Gao Yun looking at the two of them with unavoidable eyes.

Hmph, you don't know how to live or die, how dare you look at the two of us like this?

Being looked at with such an almost 'offensive' look, the grumpy 'Bipolar Magnetism' couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately wanted to control the magnetic field to teach the other party a lesson.

But he was still stopped by the ‘Ruikong Star’ on the side.

Just listen to him say: Now here in public, Jiang Yuanhua is still in charge. If we deal with him, I'm afraid we will have to face that old guy Jiang Yuanhua. When we enter the ruins, we will proceed according to the Secretary-General's plan, and we will deal with him then. This young boy with only C-level strength can do it easily.

Hmph, then let this kid have fun for a while.

When he thought of the Secretary-General's order, the 'Bipolar Yuan Magnetic' showed a cruel smile happily.

The day Gao Yun rejected the solicitations from various city departments and twenty-six powerful companies and resolutely chose Jiang Yuanhua, he was already sentenced to death by the top management.

This time the ruins exploration plan is to send away the old dog Jiang Yuanhua and let him be buried in the B-class ruins in an 'accident'. In this case, even if the federal adjudicator comes in person, he will not be able to find anything. .

As for Gao Yun, if he is sensible, he doesn't have to worry about his life, but he will need minor punishments and big warnings.

If you don't recognize it, you can only let it die in the ruins.

After all, the decree of the mayor and secretary-general is an imperial edict that Minghua City must never disobey.

Any existence that stands in its way will be crushed to pieces by the power of the entire city.

The same is true for the transcendent Unlimited Torrent among B-class heroes, and the same is true for Gao Yun, a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

After all, the Mel family is still placing a bounty on his head. Regardless of life or death, as long as he catches him, he can be rewarded, which is an extremely rich resource for a B-level hero.

Thinking of this, a red light flashed in the eyes of the 'Bipolar Yuan Magnetic'.

There is ill will against me.

Some malice directed at Gao Yun himself came from the two B-class superheroes in the sky intermittently, and he sensed it.

The two people stood in the sky and communicated through the terminal, without any sound leaking out.

And in this case, it was only filled with the furious roars of the mountain giants and the loud noises caused by the super mecha battles.

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