More than ten days later.

Boom, boom, boom.

The Hero Association's floating car was knocked, and a C-class hero wearing a super armor lifted his face armor, revealing his face.

Through the panoramic exterior wall, the three people in the floating car can clearly see each other's identities.

C-class hero, deputy commander-in-chief of large-scale exploration activities and ruins, super armor qualifier, and captain of the Minghua City Exploration Administration Bureau.

A series of titles float above the opponent's head like a crown, showing the opponent's strength and identity.

He is a city department executive who does not belong to any of the twenty-six powerful families.

What's up?

Gao Yun opened the car door and slowly walked out of it.

His stern face looked like it had been carved by a knife. As his talent grew, his appearance also grew closer to his soul, becoming colder and more handsome, but at the same time it also brought a kind of indifference to strangers. Incoming breath.

Looking at his face and eyes, the armor operator actually felt slightly timid.

At the same time, Gao Yun's body shape has reached an almost perfect level. Even though the super armor has a body length of nearly three meters, Gao Yun's body shape is extremely tall to the feeling of that C-level hero. , and even once had the illusion that he needed to look up.

‘Psychic power? ’

In an instant, the well-informed armor operator shook his head and had an idea in his mind, but was immediately rejected by the information informed by the terminal.

After knowing Gao Yun's ultimate power, he was also surprised. What level of relic could actually explode with such a powerful force, even much greater than the ultimate power of the super armor on his body.

The exploration team has encountered obstacles in the ruins, and they must be eradicated by B-class heroes. We have already killed many people in the ruins. It is your Hero Association's turn to take action.

Surprisingly, the C-level hero who delivered the order did not have an aggressive tone.

You must know that these dignitaries and high-level officials of the city department are all arrogant, and they are all the masters who want to step on the heads of the heroes of the association. Such orders are spoken in a calm tone, and even the other party himself does not think of it.

After the order was conveyed, the other party turned around and left the place directly, regardless of whether Gao Yun or Jiang Yuanhua agreed.

This is the responsibility and necessary obligation of the other party. Even if it is to maintain its own reputation, the Heroes Association must go out of its way to remove obstacles.

As for the group of new heroes who came from AY City, all of them are C-level, and only one leader has B-level strength. They will not fight on the front line of the ruins advancement, let alone explore for Minghua City. The ruins bleed.

Gao Yun, it's my turn to take action. In order to prevent any accidents, I have transferred the authority of the president of Minghua City to you. As soon as I die, you will be the president of the Minghua City Heroes Association.

As if he had just woken up, the little old man stepped out of the floating car and stretched himself.

After the deputy commander-in-chief of ruin exploration came here, he felt a faint uneasiness in his heart, as if his life and death were uncertain when he entered the ruins.

However, the little old man did not spread this uneasy feeling to others. Instead, he just made preparations in advance, completed all the handover work of authority preparation, and walked slowly towards the ruins.

Although the little old man knew that there was huge danger in going there, he had to go.

Once he leaves, all resources of the Minghua City Heroes Association will be stopped from being supplied by the city, and only some of the resources provided by the federation can be used.

In this way, all the subsistence allowances registered by the heroes will be lost, and the reputation of the Heroes Association will be reduced to the lowest level, pushing people directly to the urban departments.

This is something that Jiang Yuanhua, who is dedicated to the development of the Heroes Association, cannot bear. Whether it is taking the association to the city, being ignored, or other things that damage the status of the association, this little old man does not want to endure it.

So even if he senses it, there are many choices. He can go to AY City to retire, or he can return to the Federation.

He didn't choose any of these evasive options.


Gao Yun just watched the other party leave from behind, without any reaction, just thinking quietly.

Along the way, Jiang Yuanhua talked to him about many things.

From when he first became a hero to now when he became the president of the Minghua City Heroes Association, his life over the years has been very exciting, full of brilliance and regret.

In the wasteland, there are no real fools among high-level heroes.

A real fool would have died long ago when his strength was low.

So Jiang Yuanhua knew very well what he was going to face this time.

Or a powerful legendary phantom, or an ambush by a high-level urban hero.

If it's the former, he can still defeat or escape with the help of his strong strength. If it's the latter, he needs to escape first and get evidence before he can report it to the federation and apply for a ruling to clean it up.

However, Jiang Yuanhua had already had a premonition before setting off, when he knew that none of the B-class superheroes in the association had come.

The mayor of Minghua City couldn't bear it anymore.

Jiang Yuanhua once met the mayor of Minghua City. His huge body perched in the dark shadows had become twisted like a monster. His ferocious face and protruding fangs seemed to prove that the other person was different.

But the other party does indeed have superpowers, can wear wasteland relics, and is a pure human being.

Moreover, he had no clues about the other party and had no way to report it to the federation. He could only continue to fight with him over the years.

It is precisely because of the struggle between the Heroes Association and the city that Minghua City, a backwater-like city, has some vitality and allows some heroes to get the opportunity to grow.

But all this is about to change today.

Ruins, the location of the lowest underground palace.

The paintings in the palace extol the glorious deeds of Su Mingzun and the glory of defeating the demon king.

He received the unparalleled divine sword from the tail of a powerful demon with eight heads.

Jiang Yuanhua's figure is thin and small, making him look very small in the palace.

Suddenly, the palace door leading to the top of the ruins slammed shut.

The figures of four B-class heroes and twelve super armors suddenly appeared.

Were you invisible just now? Did you use wasteland relics?

Feeling the aura that didn't exist in the room just now, Jiang Yuanhua asked.

That's right, not only that, we also used a relic that blocks your personal signal, which is pretty good.

The B-class hero nicknamed Bipolar Magnetic smiled, and his body responded. A magnetic field instantly united with the twelve super armors and the surrounding walls, and a pulling force extended from all directions. Refers to Jiang Yuanhua's figure.

But Jiang Yuanhua had already activated the super-power factor in his body. With his physical fitness soaring, an unparalleled power also rose from his body.

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