Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 58 Transformation and the Past

The bottom of the ruins.

The infinite light and heat seemed to burn large areas of the palace.

The passage to the outside of the ruins has been blocked by the power of the wasteland, and the violent energy that cannot be vented can only flow into Gao Yun's body crazily.

High-energy radiation and light and heat endlessly destroyed the structure of his body, and the radiation killed his cells that were regenerated one after another.

Any B-level hero with all-round physical abilities would die here.

But Gao Yun is different. The destructive power and light and heat released by the twelve high-energy nuclear bombs can only become part of his power. This power makes his power increase in all directions. At the same time, the second effect of Superman's talent is gradually revealed. His body shape was developed by him.

[Superman (gold): You were born to stand above hundreds of millions of people, overlooking the admiration of all living beings. Becoming a god or a devil is all within your reach.

Effect 1: Absorb the light and radiation from the star, and permanently strengthen all the qualities of the body in an all-round way. Under the light, you will have endless vitality, and your physical quality will increase by 1 to 100 times according to the intensity of the light. , and your soul aspect will also be protected by your body.

Effect 2: You have understood the essence of power. From now on, you will have the following power:

Flight, bio-force field, super strength, super speed, super vision, super hearing, super reflexes, super healing power of steel, heat vision, cryobreathing.

Effect Three: Effect Two will be activated after it is developed to a certain extent.

Effect four: Effect three.

In an instant, seemingly endless power emerged again, causing Gao Yun's strength and senses to undergo a qualitative change again.

This was an indescribable feeling. He looked around, opened his mouth, and sucked up most of the nuclear explosion that he had absorbed.

The light provided by the nuclear explosion disappeared, but it still did not take away all his power.

Even if there was no increase at this moment, he could still feel his strength and abundant physical strength, as if he could lift a mountain in the next moment.

Everything in the world seems to be at rest, and he is the only one who is the master of the world and can act on such a small time scale.

In the corner of the palace, Gao Yun saw the space fragments smashed by the little old man flying, as if falling leaves slowed down hundreds of thousands of times, which made people feel surprised.

He walked slowly to the side of the space debris and observed the material that could not be touched with brute force.

He reached out and wanted to grab it, but he could not touch this 'fragment' with only the strength of the material plane. Its continuity was integrated with the surrounding space. Gao Yun's palm passed by and touched the part. It was as if it was dented, but after the fragments passed by and left, the palm returned to its original shape.


In just an instant, Gao Yun understood the nature of this space fragment and marveled at the magic of superpowers.

At the same time, he also sensed a strange force appearing in his body, just like his other hands.

This is a nearly invisible magical force. Under his driving, this force can even blend the air or restrict a vacuum area.

It's spiritual power

Gao Yun stretched out his index finger and looked in front of his eyes. A deep red heat vision spurted out. It was immediately refracted when it hit his index finger, turning into a sharp blade and cutting open his skull.

Under an extremely miraculous super vision, he could actually see the cut part of himself from 'above'. Here, his incomplete brain that could not be restored due to the lack of super factors was healed.

After his brain healed, those vague memories of the past gradually became clear.

Everything that happened since he first crossed over to this world was remembered.

He was originally born in an ordinary family in Area E. His father was the team leader in the mining area, and his mother was always handling family affairs at home.

Before he was one year old, he was no different from ordinary children. The only difference was that he liked to be in a daze and was a little smarter than others.

As a time traveler, it is difficult for him to truly accept his parents in the second life. Fortunately, his 'parents' in this life are not that competent.

Basically, apart from the daily cheap nutrient solution, his 'mother' in this life has given him no other care. That is to say, he is very 'sensible', which is why he has been spared a lot of beatings and scoldings.

My mother likes to forget herself in the terminal, immersed in it for a whole day, while my father spends his free time at work looking for friends to drink and go shopping.

It can be said that his start was completely different from that of other time-travelers, and the turning point of things was that when he was more than two years old, the super factor of higher abilities changed drastically.

The 'parents' sold him to the Meier family, one of the twenty-six powerful people in Minghua City.

He lived and received education in the Mel family, and arranged for a young 'sister' to be introduced to him and stay with him day and night.

That girl was the second-year student he met at the superhero training center, Linda Meier.

At that time, the blond girl with blue eyes was extremely cute, almost like a doll. Gao Yun felt very affectionate and close to her, and he really treated her like a sister.

But even so, his treatment in life in the Mel family cannot be compared with Linda.

He lived a very simple and even ordinary life in the Mel family.

The only places he is allowed to enter and exit are a courtyard and a few houses. He is not allowed to approach any equipment or places with a network, and is not allowed to read any books with text. The only knowledge he accepts is trivial matters such as counting and basic common words. thing.

As for Linda, she only came to him when she was bored.

He was not a simple child. After a few years, the depressive and cramped life soon caused problems in his mind.

This problem led him to live in a slum and enjoy a miserable life for more than ten years.

He vaguely remembered that several figures tied him to the cold operating table and covered his face with a piece of white cloth so that he could not see clearly the talking figures.

His super factor activity has been decreasing. If it continues to decrease like this, I'm afraid he will no longer be suitable for transplantation.

I remember that his closeness to Linda has reached the lowest level. If that's the case, then transplant his superpower to Linda! This is the highest level of advanced power!

But he is still young and the super factor has not yet matured. If he is transplanted directly, the side effects will be very serious.

It doesn't matter. Cut off most of his super factors first, and then use those potions to save his life.

In this way, a cruel operation just for him began.

Because he needed to maintain the activity of the super factor, Gao Yun did not get any anesthetic to relieve the pain. Instead, he needed pain to activate the spontaneous activation of the super factor.

The entire operation lasted for more than thirty days. On the first day, tools were used to cut open his brain, and instruments were used to transplant the active part of the super factor from inside, and then a large amount of therapeutic drugs were used to maintain his life. , and then continued to use instruments to detect it, trying to find ways to activate the super factor, and so on.

During this process, the super factor was also desperately trying to keep his life alive.

The pain and hatred caused by them was also the reason why whenever he thought about the memories of the past, his heart would become manic and bloodthirsty.

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ps: Recently, several readers have reported that there is something wrong with the title and introduction of the book. They may be changed in due course, so please forgive me.

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