Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 73 Eating and waiting to die

How could Sel Mel not know what his father was like?

The moment he heard this, he unleashed his super speed and the extraordinary prosthetic body installed on his body.

In an instant, his initial speed exceeded two hundred meters per second, and he ran towards a direction in the manor.

He didn't want to escape, but to save his daughter!

‘Linda! ’

Seer Mel shouted his daughter's name in his heart. His daughter was still locked in the bedroom, not knowing that Menas Mel had planned to treat her as an abandoned child.

He was targeted and it seemed that he could no longer survive, but his daughter

His cowardly father must be strong for once. Linda has the advanced ability of telekinesis. As long as she wants to escape, no one in the Mel family can stop her now.

This news must be

The next second, Menas Meir's hands appeared on Seer Meir's neck, and there was only a crunching sound of bones.

The next head of the Mel family, a hero with only E-level strength, had his neck broken, and his whole body instantly collapsed to the ground, twitching continuously.

The vital points and structure of his body, which has not reached the level of a superhero, are not much different from those of ordinary people. Even if he is not dead now, he will not survive for a few minutes.

After deposing his son with his own hands, Menas Meir kept whispering, as if to excuse himself, an invisible link extended to Seer Meir's body, transferring his super power absorbed.

Ser, I am the whole hope of the Mel family. I must not die. Only I can lead the Mel family to glory.

He has lived for more than 130 years. After taking various high-level federal medicines and undergoing so many surgeries, he has only reached middle age. There are still more than 100 years before he reaches old age. years.

He can't die! He must not die!

At this moment, he hated his son so much.

Hate his incompetence, hate his weakness.

Seer, I can't blame your father for this. I can only blame you. This is all caused by you leaving Gao Yun behind. For me and the entire Mel family, you can only make this kind of sacrifice. .”

He absolved himself of all responsibility and put it on his son who was about to die.

Thinking of this, Menas Meyer felt a little better, and then he looked at Linda's bedroom and started talking to himself again.

Linda, don't blame me. Anyway, you will be sacrificed to calm your anger soon. Instead of letting your superpower go to waste, why not give it to my grandfather?

With that said, Menas Meyer walked towards where Linda was.

Menas Meyer.

The seventh head of the Mel family.

He is also an extremely rare superpower possessor.

He can absorb the superpowers of his descendants and make them his own, but this will greatly reduce the potential of the absorbed powers.

As one of the advanced abilities recognized by the federation, mental power clearly has the potential of an A-class hero, but now he can no longer care about it. Only if he survives can he continue to dominate the family.

And relying on his own superpower, he will definitely be able to reach the top of the entire wasteland.

In the bedroom.

Linda suddenly felt that her body was getting weaker and weaker, and she fell to the ground.

At the same time, her mental power was constantly weakening and disappearing.

This kind of thing happens everywhere in the Mel family.

Outside the wall of District B of the city, the door is open at this moment. Countless guards look at me and I look at you. Facing Gao Yun, the new president, they don't know what to do for a while.

After returning to the city, Gao Yun threw Li Mingtian to the ground.

Go back and take care of your own affairs, and then come to the Heroes Association to meet me.

After that, he flew straight towards the location of the Heroes Association in Area B.

The entrance to the Heroes Association.

The Secretary General of Minghua City and 25 of the 26 powerful families have sent representatives to greet him.

The people who greeted them were all the next heads of families scheduled by these powerful families. They brought a series of high-end resources and medicines at the door of the association, and looked at Gao Yun with extremely flattering expressions on their faces.

As for Yan Qiuzhi, he was tightly blocked inside the association hall by this group of people.

Looking at the high clouds floating in the sky, she felt really uneasy.

Although she had been getting along with Gao Yun for more than a month and knew a lot about his personality, she still felt a little uneasy when she saw that his strength and identity were completely different from hers.

As for Gao Yun who was outside, he just glanced at the potions and resources sent by these people and chuckled in his heart.

The things sent by each powerful family are similar. Some high-end potions, objects that can help ordinary people or quasi-heroes grow up, or other things, plus the essence of B-level wild beasts, are worth about one yuan in Minghua City. billion credits, but if placed in the federation, the value of these things will be greatly reduced.

For a moment, he didn't even care about the mood of this group of people, and just slapped them.

The fierce wind was more violent than a typhoon, and these powerful heirs who could easily use hundreds of tons of power were blown away like confetti in the wind.

What they gave was not as valuable as the crystal core that Gao Yun got by hunting down an A-level wild beast.

Do you want to test your attitude like this? I really don’t know what to say.

Now Gao Yun is using his mind power to carry the forty-seven special nuclear bombs stripped from the super armor, preparing to go to the training room to further improve his strength. Other matters and settlements will have to wait until he has improved his strength. .

As soon as he entered the association hall, Yan Qiuzhi walked towards him, with a rather complicated expression on his face.


If there's anything else, let me talk about it after I finish handling my own affairs.

Before the other party could say anything, Gao Yun interrupted what Yan Qiuzhi was about to say.

But another voice drew his attention at an inappropriate time.

President Gao! Will you continue to abide by President Jiang's past rules? Will the benefits for our low-level heroes be distributed next month?

A low-level hero with an F-level hero displayed in the terminal asked unceremoniously.

Five thousand credit points, this number is already a large amount for those of them who are not doing their jobs and eat and drink tea for free in the association every day. The replacement of the president and the handover of power do not bring this benefit to them. It's important to come.

So in the process of speaking, they also occupied the moral high ground, hoping to continue their life of rice bugs.

But they never imagined that Gao Yun was not a person like Jiang Yuanhua at all.

The opponent's limbs were suddenly twisted into twists by an invisible force, ignoring the opponent's painful wails and screams, as well as the fear of many low-level heroes.

Gao Yun ignored everyone, and his indifferent and loud voice sounded, his heart full of contempt for this group of people.

Jiang Yuanhua protected you very well in the past, allowing you, a group of rice bugs, to enjoy a carefree life in this wasteland full of blood and death, even those urban departments who only eat Naka. The members are much better than you.”

From now on, not only will you not have that kind of benefits and treatment, but every hero must devote himself to the construction of the city.

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