Mu Yun took a car and came to the door of a laboratory equipment technology company.

There are still more than ten billion that must be spent, but thinking about it, Mu Yun did not expect that there was anything else to prepare.

Apocalyptic natural disasters emerge one after another, and all kinds of disasters overwhelm mankind, but some can still be avoided.

For example, bacteria, viruses, abnormalities, etc., Mu Yun decided to plan ahead and buy all the equipment in the laboratory first, although he could not use it, but the researchers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences would definitely use it.

And it must be a high-priced acquisition.

These devices were destroyed in the pre-apocalyptic disaster, and even if they survived, they could not be used without supporting facilities.

At that time, Mu Yun can completely sit with the government and make a profit.

After figuring it out, Mu Yun came to this technology company specializing in experimental equipment.

Mu Yun didn't talk nonsense, found their person in charge, and spent 8 billion to acquire five sets of experimental instruments.

Microelectrode thrusters, biological skill experimental systems, flow cytometers, high performance liquid chromatographs, PCR automatic series analyzers...

There are many of these devices, and one set contains thousands of compact equipment, which is quite valuable.

However, five complete sets of equipment were enough for Mu Yun.

In order to be able to get the goods as soon as possible, Mu Yun sent the money to the other company's account in advance, and after the person in charge excitedly said that it would be delivered within three days, Mu Yun left here satisfied.


In the following days, Mu Yun stayed in the manor to accompany Coco to watch cartoons called "Miracle Girl", and occasionally went to the warehouse to collect supplies.

The company's employees have basically gone, except for some mixed days, only Chu Antian is still sticking to his post.

Mu Yun saw these in his eyes, but the time had not yet come, and he couldn't take her away yet.

"Recently, the Fenglin Company in Jiangzhou has encountered a huge crisis..." A

piece of news was broadcast on the TV, and the host's tone was full of regret.

"Large enterprises with a market value of 50 billion yuan have shrunk by 90% in just three months."

"According to insiders, this is all caused by the wrong operation of Mu Yun, the company's executor."

"Fenglin Group, which originally spanned finance, the Internet, the service industry and many other fields, actually transferred all the industries when the company was thriving."

"And put all the funds into the construction of large supermarkets, but due to improper operation, there was no other action except hoarding a large number of materials, resulting in the rupture of the capital chain..."

Looking at the picture played on the TV, Mu Yun's brows frowned slightly.

In the picture, a large number of reporters rushed into the Fenglin Building and surrounded Chu Antian, and from the camera, you can clearly see the panicked look on Chu Antian's face.

"Somebody is doing something." Mu Yun muttered.

"Uncle, I want to see 'Miracle Girl', don't look at this.

Coco held Kawaii's Pikachu doll and muttered reluctantly.

Seeing Coco's appearance, Mu Yun couldn't help but laugh and rubbed her head.

"Your company has been destroyed by your uncle, and you still think about cartoons."

Coco blinked her eyes and suddenly reached out and put her arm around Mu Yun's neck.

"What is a company? Is it tasty? Seeing

Coco's cute appearance, Mu Yun suddenly cried and laughed.

"Okay, you watch slowly, uncle go out."

Mu Yun stood up.

Just walked to the door, but Mu Yun heard Coco's milky voice, "Uncle, don't forget to come back and bring me a lollipop~~" Mu

Yun's footsteps stopped slightly, and then returned to normal and closed the door.


Mu Yun walked out of the manor, stopped a taxi, and went straight to the target.

Along the way, Mu Yun was restless.

He had a hunch that there might be another secret behind this matter.

But who exactly wants to target themselves?

It is estimated that it is Wu Xue's little lady skin again.

Mu Yun's eyes gradually became gloomy, and the corners of his mouth outlined a cold smile.

There are always some old birthday stars who are afraid of a long life and like to drink arsenic.

When she came to the company building, Chu Antian was still surrounded by major reporters for interviews, but her expression was more haggard, and she even had a trace of anger.

"Some people say that President Mu used the company to launder money, do you know about this as a secretary?"

"The other employees have left, why didn't you leave, is it because you have a personal relationship with Mu?"

"I heard that Fenglin Group has been reduced to the level of renting a car to use, is Fenglin Company really going bankrupt?"

In the face of everyone's aggressiveness, Chu Antian was like a flat boat in the sea, following the current, without any resistance.

"I heard you were looking for me?"

Mu Yun suddenly appeared behind everyone.

This sudden voice startled everyone, but soon they recognized Mu Yun.

The CEO of Mu Group, the top young talent in China, a legend in the shopping mall, and the behind-the-scenes controller of Fenglin Group.

Unfortunately, it has become history.

But it won't be long before he becomes a legend again.

"Boom!" With a sound, this group of hyenas who smelled blood instantly rushed towards Mu Yun.

One by one, the microphones reached Mu Yun's mouth.

A bunch of questions came madly, Mu Yun's face was indifferent, and his arms were wrapped around his chest.

In the face of these reporters' crazy questions, Mu Yun's answer was only two words.

"Shut up your!"


vulgar scolding voice shocked the audience, and the monstrous killing intent condensed in Mu Yun's last thirty years was revealed at this moment.

All the journalists were silent.

Slowly walked to Chu Antian's side, grabbed her arm, and stared coldly at these reporters in front of her.

Journalists backed away to make way.

Mu Yun's momentum was too strong, and he was full of oppression.

With a cold snort, Mu Yun went straight away with Chu An Tianyang.

The reporters looked blankly in the direction in which the two disappeared.

"Just now... It's scary!

"My mom, it looks like she's going to choke!"

"God, what is the spirit!" Someone muttered indignantly.


Leaving the mansion, along the way, Chu Antian lowered his head and silently followed behind Mu Yun.

The picture of Mu Yun's domineering appearance kept appearing in his mind, Chu Antian's heart beat faster, and his cheeks were hot.

(How would he know I was having a hard time?) (

Could it be that this is the heart with a soul?)

(Actually, we are a couple made in heaven?)

(Shame on me, how could I have such strange thoughts.)

(If he confesses to me, do I say yes, or yes, or yes?)

(Although the company is about to go out of business, I believe he will make a comeback.)

(When the time comes, we will work together, then get married and have two babies.)

(The child's name is ...


Without paying attention to bumping into something, Chu Antian hurriedly raised his head.

What comes into view is a handsome face.

"What's the daze?"

The man's low, magnetic voice rose.

"No, nothing."

Chu Antian shook his head and moved half a step to the side with a weak heart.

Mu Yun could never have imagined that just ten minutes ago, the woman with a slightly red face in front of him had already thought of the names of the two children.

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