Wu Xue was a little better, at least drank some milk.

But Sun Ming can't, a lot of exercise causes every cell in the body to shout hunger.

The two thought that rescue would arrive soon, but what people didn't expect was that.

It was not the rescue team that was waiting, but an unexpected guest....


On the street three kilometers south of the shelter, Mu Yun was operating a drone to find the devil fruit.

But gradually, Mu Yun found that there were more pedestrians around.

Their purpose is the same as their own, they are all here for the devil fruit.

Mu Yun even saw someone quarreling and fighting over a white fruit.

At this moment, the telephone pole twenty meters in front of Mu Yun was crawling with vines the thickness of vines and arms.

At the tip of the vine grows a crystal clear white fruit.

It happened that two groups of people below found this fruit at the same time.

One side is an elderly aunt, and the other is two young guys.

"Auntie, this is what we found first, you go find it elsewhere."

"Young man, Aunt saw it all the way away, but it's just that the legs and feet are inconvenient to come late, and this fruit should be given to me."

Auntie resolutely refused.

"Aren't you playing tricks, we've been here for half an hour."

The young man was anxious.

"What's the trick, I'll recognize this fruit anyway." Auntie said arrogantly.

"Young people must know how to respect the old and love the young, and what to do with an old woman."

The aunt next to the aunt persuaded.

"I'm not happy if you say that, now who doesn't know that a white fruit can sell for a thousand yuan, why should I give it to you." The young man huffed.

"Oh, I said why are young people like this? Didn't your parents teach you the principles of being a human being?

Auntie was also furious.

"Hehe, a city shrew, I see that you lack education."

"You..." I

saw the aunt pointing at the two young men with both hands one after the other, and stepped forward with her left foot hard.

"Retreat! Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw! "

The young man was intimidated by the grandmother's momentum, and he was too lazy to see this person, and it would be bad if he was infected with sheep madness."

The wind is tight.


Mu Yun looked at the scene in front of him and frowned slightly.

Such a powerful skill, it can actually make people fearful, it seems to be the legendary Lion Roar Gong and Yiyang Finger.

However, the line changed from the original "you come over" to "retreat".

It seems that this person has walked out of his own avenue, and this aunt has the posture of a great emperor.

Let's get back to business.

Mu Yun heard the news of the purchase of fruits by a thousand RMB from the other party's mouth, and it seemed that the Dongxing gang had already begun to act.

Taking out the walkie-talkie, Mu Yun called, "Cave demon cave demon, please answer when you hear it."

A moment later, Chu Antian's sweet voice came out of the walkie-talkie.

"Cave around the hole, this is the cave demon, what is the matter with you."

"The plan is changed, and from now on only fruits other than white will be collected."

"It's over!"

"The cave demon has been received, it's over!"

The two put away the intercom opportunity and smiled heartily, this tacit understanding is the envy of anyone.


After determining the plan, Mu Yun next mainly went to the fruit of awakening power.

Their value is more than one or more than a dozen chips higher than that of white fruits.

Without awakening to become a superpower, even if he got the spiritual energy crystal nucleus in the white fruit, he could only dry his eyes.

Mu Yun's search range began to increase, and the drone quickly shuttled high in the city, and a large number of white fruits directly skipped by.

Even the purple fruit that awakened the power of the flesh was ignored by Mu Yun.

Flesh Powers are the most common category in the last days.

But it is not that the superpowers of this line are weak, but the purple fruit has the largest number, and the material is rare, and Mu Yun is definitely more willing to look for elemental and special fruits.

As Mu Yun went all the way south, he collected at least thirty fruits of different colors on the way, but none of the colored ones were encountered.

This is also a normal phenomenon, and there is no special fruit in ten thousand that is so easy to encounter.

His physique that was three times higher than ordinary people made Mu Yunxun extremely sensitive, and his movement speed was terrifying.

In this world covered with vines, there were almost no obstacles that could stop Mu Yun's steps, and it could be said that he was walking on the ground.

Soon, he came to a villa area in the southern suburbs.

Because it is a villa area, there are many soil and green plants, which makes the influence of green tide here more exaggerated.

Almost all villas are covered with vines and are airtight.

Not only that, Mu Yun could hear the cries for help from the villa from a distance.

"Help, come and save me!"

"Has anyone come to save us!"

"Whoever wants to save me, I will give him a million!"

"I'm so hungry..."

the more these people shouted, the more physical energy was consumed, and the faster they starved.

Mu Yun walked expressionlessly between the villas, taking away all the fruits that grew on the outer wall of the villas.

It is impossible to save people, Mu Yun's time is precious, let them wait for the rescue team.

Just now, on the way over, he had already seen a rescue team in yellow uniforms, driving a shovel truck while clearing the road, rushing towards this side.

Presumably, it must have come to rescue these trapped survivors.

However, just as Mu Yun was searching for the Devil Fruit, he heard a familiar voice.

Sounds like that... It seems to be Wu Xue's cry for help.

"Wouldn't it be so coincidental, hit me directly on the muzzle?"

Mu Yun stopped and listened carefully.

Sure enough, it was Wu Xue.

Although her cries for help were intermittent, Mu Yun was still able to judge her location.

Before coming to the villa, both the windows and the doors of the villa at this moment are blocked by plants, and only some small gaps can see the situation inside.

These vines are arm-thick, ordinary tools cannot destroy them, and people who are trapped have tried to get out of the trap themselves, but there are too many vines here.

Before the vine was cut, he was hungry and had no strength.

Wu Xue and Sun Ming in the villa also tried, but eventually lost to hunger.

At this moment, Mu Yun looked in through the gap and saw that the two were lying weakly on the dining table, nibbling on lettuce and cucumbers.

From time to time, they would shout in the hope that someone would come to their rescue.

Intense hunger forces them to eat these foods, which is a human instinct, a terrifying instinct.

Mu Yun had seen himself eating himself in the last days, just to fill the hunger of his body.

Looking at the disheveled appearance of the two, Mu Yun outlined a weird smile at the corner of his mouth.

Since Providence was so, he had no choice but to obey Providence and kill these two with his own hands, so as not to leave a calamity.

Thinking so, Mu Yun took out the Tang knife and slashed at the vine at the window.

The sharp Tang Dao easily cut off the vine under Mu Yun's strength that surpassed three times that of ordinary people.

The two people in the villa were overjoyed when they heard the movement, thinking that the rescue team was coming, so they ran towards the window with joy.

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